

NO NTR AND YURI JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/CgrSrUCEV3 "From Weakness to Empire: The Rise of the Emperor" recounts the tale of a baby stolen by impostors, only to discover he is the weakest Emerger of all time. Despite this, he embarks on a transformative journey to claim the throne as the Emperor of Darkness. Through battles and challenges, he builds a world where even the weak are honored, leaving an enduring legacy."#kingdombuilding #weaktostrong #harem #fantasy #r18 #romance

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


ZIEK: Your rule as queen has reached its end, Pheona. You've proven unfit to lead our kingdom in these challenging times.

PHEONA: But... why? What have I done to warrant this?

ZIEK: How dare you ask that! You lost your phoenix in battle. You didn't even consult me before starting the war, costing the lives of our soldiers and the symbol of the Beast Kingdom. Pheona, your weakness is apparent.

Pheona fell to her knees upon hearing Ziek's words.

ZIEK: You believed victory was assured simply because of the phoenix's presence, but that misguided belief led to the loss of two wars. Your folly and ineptitude are the reasons for the Beast Kingdom's downfall.

ZIEK: Hydra, inform the court about that document.

HYDRA: But, Majesty—

ZIEK: Are you defying my order?

HYDRA: No, my lord.

HYDRA: Crime rates have surged! Crimes against women and children have increased significantly after the war! Food reserves are neglected, and education is at an all-time low.

ZIEK: This is the state of affairs under Queen Pheona's rule. The Beast Kingdom is at its lowest point.

PHEONA: No, that can't be... that list—


HYDRA: Queen, here is the list. You should review it.

PHEONA: Not now, I'm busy.

HYDRA: King, she ignored the list.



PHEONA: I ignored the problems, and now they're haunting me.

KING: Do you comprehend now? Your realm is in misery. Without me, the battlefield would have been the end of the Beast Kingdom. Your soldiers were at risk of assault, your commanders injured, and yet you were distraught over a stolen canary. Do you not value your people's lives? I thought you were resilient, but I underestimated your foolishness. Your intelligence team is incompetent because you neglected it. After learning this, do you still believe you can lead as queen?

PHEONA: [She contemplated, acknowledging her neglect of duty and feeling immense sorrow at the king's words]...

KING: Respond, Queen, and to all in court. If anyone believes Queen Pheona can still lead, stand up. I seek only honesty.

[Out of 20 court members, only 5 stood.]

KING: Not even 10... You've lost the trust of your people, Queen.

QUEEN: [She rose slowly, her eyes heavy with the weight of realization and remorse.] My people... I have failed you.

ZIEK: Indeed, Pheona. The time for reckoning has come. It is clear that a new leadership is needed to guide our kingdom out of this darkness.

As Queen Pheona's tears flowed freely and her apologies filled the air, all eyes in the court were fixed upon her. But in a surprising turn of events, King Ziek rose from his throne and approached her. With a tender embrace, he whispered words that pierced through her sorrow, offering solace and understanding.

"Even though you faltered, I am grateful for your survival. I am angered not because you failed, but because you did not call upon me, not as your emperor, but as your future husband."

With those words, a wave of relief washed over Queen Pheona, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She uttered a heartfelt "thank you, my love," her voice filled with gratitude and newfound strength.

Ziek gently wiped away her tears, his touch a comforting reassurance. With a composed demeanor, Queen Pheona addressed the court, expressing remorse for her mistakes and the tarnishing of the Beast Kingdom's pride. She acknowledged King Ziek's pivotal role in her rescue, acknowledging that without him, she may have met her end.

"I, Pheona, relinquish my throne. From this day forward, the Beast Kingdom shall be governed by King Ziek himself. I will stand by his side as his commander, continuing to serve him and our kingdom."

With her declaration, Queen Pheona's fate was sealed, yet a sense of purpose and determination burned within her. Though her reign had ended, a new chapter awaited, guided by the strength of her love for King Ziek and the resilience of her spirit.

ZIEK: Together, we shall rebuild what has been lost and restore honor to the Beast Kingdom. With your wisdom and my strength, we shall overcome any obstacle that stands in our way

ZIEK: Those who stand with me in this decision, who believe in the path we forge for the Beast Kingdom, will rise from their seats and stand tall.

Without hesitation, every member of the court, all twenty in number, rose from their chairs in unison. Their unanimous support resonated through the hall, a resounding affirmation of their trust in King Ziek's leadership.

With a sense of solemnity and determination, they stood as one, their collective strength a testament to the unity of their purpose. In that moment, the fate of the Beast Kingdom was sealed, bound by the unwavering resolve of its people and their unwavering loyalty to their king.

ZIEK: "For now, the court is dismissed. Everyone is asked to reconvene in one hour for the commencement of discussions with the war prisoners. Dismiss."

With a decisive tone, King Ziek concluded the proceedings, signaling the end of the court session. As the courtiers began to disperse, Ziek gently scooped up Queen Pheona into his arms, eliciting a startled protest from her.

QUEEN: "Hey, what are you doing? Everyone is watching."

ZIEK: "I've fulfilled my duty as king. Now, let me fulfill my role as your husband."

With a determined yet tender expression, Ziek held Queen Pheona close as he carried her away from the court, their private exchange shielded from the prying eyes of the onlookers. Though Queen Pheona remained silent, her embrace spoke volumes, conveying her gratitude and acceptance.

In a soft, barely audible voice, she whispered her thanks to Ziek, her heart heavy with emotion yet buoyed by the warmth of his embrace. And as they retreated to the privacy of their chambers, they found solace in each other's presence, united in their shared journey forward.

Ziek gently set Queen Pheona down, his eyes softening with a rare tenderness as he regarded her.

ZIEK: "You don't have to thank me, my love. It's my duty to stand by your side, now and always."

His words were a promise, a vow of unwavering support and devotion. Queen Pheona's heart swelled with gratitude, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

QUEEN: "I am truly blessed to have you, Ziek."

well i decided to increase the word count of chapter's from now on and also i will explain the situation in more descibing manner so i hope you will like it.. thankyouu

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