

NO NTR AND YURI JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/CgrSrUCEV3 "From Weakness to Empire: The Rise of the Emperor" recounts the tale of a baby stolen by impostors, only to discover he is the weakest Emerger of all time. Despite this, he embarks on a transformative journey to claim the throne as the Emperor of Darkness. Through battles and challenges, he builds a world where even the weak are honored, leaving an enduring legacy."#kingdombuilding #weaktostrong #harem #fantasy #r18 #romance

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


As the court session resumed, King Ziek sat upon his throne with an air of authority, undeterred by the weight of the decisions that lay before him. Meanwhile, Queen Pheona, now in her new position as commander, exuded a sense of determination and readiness for the tasks ahead.

ZIEK: "Bring forth the war criminals."

Beastmen soldiers entered the court, escorting Momongoa and his commander, their hands bound by cuffs and collars around their necks.

KING: "Hydra, proceed."

HYDRA: "Momongoa, the dwarf king, stands accused of instigating the war with the Beast Kingdom, along with charges of war crimes, attempted assault on female soldiers, conspiracy against the Beast Kingdom, and aiding in the theft of the phoenix."

KING: "Momongoa, do you acknowledge these charges?"

Momongoa kept his head bowed, a picture of shame and resignation.


KING: "Now, tell me, which kingdoms aided you in this war?"

MOMONGOA: "I received assistance from the elves kingdom and the demon kingdom."

KING: "While I understand the alliance between dwarves and elves, the involvement of the demon kingdom is perplexing. Why did they choose to assist you?"

MOMONGOA: "I did not personally meet the demon king, but his general approached me, offering aid in exchange for the Beast Queen. It seems the demon king was enamored by her beauty."

KING: "I see. That sheds some light on the matter. Now, as for your punishment..."

MOMONGOA: "Do as you will. I accept full responsibility for my actions."

KING: "Very well. Firstly, you are now under the jurisdiction of Zarkiel. Your kingdom's autonomy is forfeit, and all decisions will be made by my council. You are also required to pay a compensation of 1 million gold coins."

MOMONGOA: "1 million?!" *He gasped in shock.*

KING: "Indeed. Additionally, a portion of your military force will aid in the construction efforts of Zarkiel and the Beast Kingdom. Skilled craftsmen and architects will be required, and they will be drafted accordingly. Furthermore, trade taxes for goblins and Beast Kingdom merchants in the dwarf kingdom will be reduced, and they shall face no hindrances. The remaining dwarf soldiers will be integrated into the combined forces of Beastmen and goblins."

The courtroom murmured with the weight of the pronouncements, as the fate of Momongoa and the future relations between kingdoms hung in the balance.

King Ziek's commands carried the weight of authority, his words shaping the course of events with unwavering resolve. The courtroom, once bustling with activity, now fell silent as all eyes turned to Momongoa, awaiting his response to the king's judgment.

As King Ziek's voice resonated through the courtroom, his words carried a weight that left no room for dissent. The proclamation of the dissolution of Zarkiel, Beast Kingdom, and Dwarf Kingdom sent shockwaves through the assembled courtiers, heralding the dawn of a new era.

KING: "Henceforth, the kingdoms of Zarkiel, Beast, and Dwarf shall cease to exist. Today, a new kingdom shall be born – Yutopia, a land of dreams. The former kingdoms shall be redefined as states, each to be governed by my appointed subordinates. The higher authorities shall convene in the capital of Yutopia, under my direct command. Furthermore, I decree the establishment of a new capital city for Yutopia. Let it be known to all corners of the world that the realms of dwarf, beast, and goblin are no more; they have united as one. If any oppose this decree, let them stand and be heard."

As the king asserted his authority, not a single soul dared to challenge his command. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a testament to his unyielding rule.

KING: "Very well, the court session is concluded. Hydra, oversee the details of the agreements made with the former dwarf king. He now serves under me. Release him from his imprisonment and accord him the respect due."

HYDRA: "As you command, my lord."

With a sense of finality, the court session drew to a close, leaving in its wake a landscape forever altered by the king's decree. As Hydra set about his tasks, the wheels of change were set in motion, paving the way for the birth of Yutopia and the dawn of a new chapter in the history of the realm.

Inside the cramped confines of the small dorm, tension hung thick in the air as King Ziek, Queen Pheona, and Momongoa sat in solemn contemplation.

KING: "What do you know about that mysterious group and their leader, Blade? I couldn't broach the subject in front of the entire court, so I fabricated a story about the phoenix being captured by the demon king. If word got out about this group, it could incite chaos."

MOMONGOA: "I'm afraid I don't have much information. But there was one incident..."

As Momongoa recounted the flashback, the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly fraught with apprehension.

MOMONGOA: "One day, a soldier came running to the court with urgent news."

SOLDIER: "Your Majesty! A mysterious group of people has arrived at the kingdom's gates, accompanied by a horde of B-class monsters."

MOMONGOA: "What?! B-class monsters? Who are these people?"

The news sparked panic among the courtiers, their voices rising in a cacophony of concern and confusion.

KING: "What do they want from us?"

SOLDIER: "They claim to have urgent business with you, Majesty."

MOMONGOA: "Very well. Let's proceed to the gates. Commander, prepare the army in case of any hostilities. We must be prepared for the possibility of war."

COMMANDER: "Understood, my lord."

With a sense of urgency, Momongoa and the others rushed towards the gates, their hearts heavy with apprehension at the unknown threat looming on the horizon.

As Momongoa and the others hurried towards the gates, the urgency of their steps echoed the gravity of the situation.As they approached the gates, the scene before them was a tableau of chaos and uncertainty. The towering figures of B-class monsters loomed ominously, their presence casting a shadow over the gathered crowd.

MOMONGOA: "Stay alert, everyone. We know not what we may be facing."

one of the people from the group say: "Greetings, King Momongoa. We come bearing a message of great importance."

The Emerger's presence exuded an aura of mystery, 

KING: "Who are you? First, tell me your true identity."

EMERGER: "Fear not, Dwarf King. We are but humble servants of our Majesty, the Blade. We have come to forge an alliance with you. We know of your intentions to attack the Beast Kingdom, but do you possess the knowledge to overcome the Queen's phoenix?"

The King's shock was palpable as the Emerger revealed their knowledge of classified information, their insight into the might of Queen Pheona's phoenix unsettling.

KING: "I am well aware of the phoenix's power."

EMERGER: "Then let us handle the challenge of defeating it. We offer our strength and expertise in battle."

KING: "Truly? And why would you aid us?"

EMERGER: "Do you doubt our abilities?"

KING: "Hmm... Well, it wouldn't hurt to accept assistance. We've been pondering how best to overcome that formidable bird."

EMERGER: "Fear not, King. We shall stand by your side in the upcoming war."

With a tentative agreement reached, King Momongoa and the Emerger clasped hands, sealing their alliance in a solemn gesture of unity. As they shook hands, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose washed over them, their alliance forged in the crucible of impending conflict.