
I Am The Supreme Hunter

please do checkout my new novel if your interested in anotherworld and interactive system novels. Titled: In Another World With My Wooden Throne System ......................................................................................................................................................... Planet Terra was a normal world, everyone lived a steady life where every country had been at peace for decades and was progressing steadily in Technology and Research advancement, not until a deep shockwave that traveled from space and time itself brought disaster to Planet Terra, where the existence of beast, monster, and demons from other plains started to invade the planet. From the disaster, the humans started to awaken their abilities and become a hunter they started to push the invaders to take back cities and the countries themselves, and with the unity of each country, they started to travel the gates of the other plains. Huh, you’re a demon so what…. Ho, a demigod interesting.. You asked who I am?... I am the Supreme Hunter… Watch Raven, an F-rank hunter who will carve his name from the blood and bodies of his enemies, as he walked the path that even gods envied.

Night_of_Dreams · Fantasy
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21 Chs


'Tcchhh... Zurawa's movement becomes faster and the aura he is emitting is the same as mine is this?'

As Raven focuses on the fight with Zurawa, he becomes more and more vigilant in the fight, as the guardian just interfered, which means the fight is not just simple as one vs one, even though the guardian said he would only fight Zurawa. That does not exclude the guardians helping his puppet on certain factors like strengthening and transferring aura to Zurawa.

'As I thought, the guardian gives bestowal of aura and with aura gathering of the puppet, the aura is precisely being used to an extent that you will doubt if such things could exist. These two kinds of abilities are frightening at the same time. It comes to the same guardian of the forest. Looks like I need to do my best. If I do the same movement and relied only on my second form of speed, the fight would end with me being the loser of the fight. Let's test my new ability form then'

"Second form of authority activates"

[-10 mana]

[Authority.... second form activated ]

[ control + 50% , command 50%, +20 to all stats for 15mins ..]

'Boost my power, defense, senses, speed, and strength up now '

[Boosting skill .... defense up - 2, power up-2, strength up -2, speed up-2, senses up-2]

[-10 mana ]

[Ding... All skills are boosts and will last for 5 minutes]


[ Synchronizing both second form abilities]

[Ding... Synchronization complete]


[Control 100%.... senses 70%]

'Nice, who said I will lose even if you have two abilities? I have an ability that will not lose to you' Raven activated his second form of commandment and boosting skills, making all his stats shoot through the roof, and, with the proper control of 100% and sharp senses, he gave an explosive of mana with the more condensed lightning in his body.

Raven evaded the attack of Zurawa and his speed is now equal to an S rank or even faster, as his white hair and lightning in his body flatter in the air, moving in different directions and using the trees as his foothold he sometimes does a zigzag and some times straight line the only thing that could be seen is the light of the lightning and dark spot that it leaves behind. he now overwhelmed Zurawa in speed and control of the fight enabling Zurawa to do anything. As Zurawa was unable to keep up with Raven's speed and every time he read the movement and blocked the way, he would meet the wrath of lightning striking him, only leaving a block spot and a hole in the ground.

"Interesting ability human looks like you have what it takes, but the game will only end if you can stand Zurawa's final move". As the guardian said those words, he controlled his puppet to make the final move.

'4:40 minutes/seconds, 20 seconds more, looks like I can only use this speed and commandment, for now, my body could not withstand the explosive power that it released, I need to find something that could strengthen my body or increase my stats, wait? Nima is that bastard making its final move seriously even in the end you won't let me win that easily huh, stingy guardian'

" then let us see who will have the last laugh.... bastard takes this" Raven moves both hands he gathered tremendous lighting in front of him and condense them.


"Raven your father is going for an expedition you should be a good kid alright if your uncle complains I will seriously not gonna cook your favorite food, understand"

"Yes father I will listen to uncle make those monster regret coming to our home haha," 9 yrs old Raven answered to his father with solute and smiled sweetly to his father.

"Ahhh my son I can't be serious to you at all, listen here if your uncle beat you tell me alright I'll beat him for you and tell it to sister in law about it so that she would beat Benjamin in my place alright"his father whisper to raven some stupid things and smile with thumbs up raven can't stop smiling for his stupid fathers thinking.

"Brother you know I can hear you right? Raven's a kid you should not be saying those words, you are spoiling him too much" Benjamin facepalms for his shameless brother.

"Hahahaha, alright we're going, take care little brother, and always keep an eye on my cute son Raven. bro haha"

"Father show me your signature move before leaving haha"

"That's my son hahaha, remember elements could be used in a different way Raven never forget everything could turn into a weapon for real or for range, and it's up to your knowledge, will, and imagination to make it shaped hahaha"


When Raven and Zurawa collide, it created a sharp deafening sound and massive light that blinds surroundings, the fight can only be heard.



As the smoke and light faded, Zurawa could be seen with only his left hand remaining holding a sword and a dozen cuts on his body with the black spot of lightning also lingering. As he was regenerating his body back, he was looking at the Unconscious Raven on the self-made crater of their fight with a massive earth split on the ground made by a sword with his white eyes.

"Bring the human over here."

The guardian watches the final collision with a smirk on his face before ordering Zurawa to bring Raven to his cave and the other puppets to return to their position.

"Tsk, BASTARD EYEEEEEEEEEEESSS..... How dare you steal my prey, my food. You shitty thing... just wait I will eat you, and become a supplement for my evolution... you wait as long as this massive chain breaks. No one can stop me hahahahahahahahaha."

While the evil entity was laughing, the aura enveloping him was corroding the massive chain that imprisoned him.

"What do you think about him, Zurawa? I know the seal in your soul is already broken because of the fight and you should know by breaking the seal you only have a week to survive. You remember that, don't you?" The guardian qsk question to Zurawa.

As Zurawa was standing while watching Raven in his sleep, he finally talked.

"His strong, I never fought anyone like him, not even the ten strongest bloodline holders could have such strength... But he is still unable to grasp that strength his body is too weak to hold it, but as long as he fights and grows, I would estimate in 5years he will be the strongest. Not even the bloodline holders could even match him"

"Hoo your guess is correct, but you should know from what he released in your fight is not an aura but something else. I don't even know where such powers come from. For thousands of years, no human in Arzenia had the same strength and powers as him. He may be one of those people Zurawa"

"One?.. it may be possible if he is one we may be able to kill that bastard" he spoke about the evil entity he grasped his hands with hatred and the killing intent of aura.

"Zurawa I also think so, but he is still too weak to fight that..." before he could finish, Zurawa spoke up.

"He is weak but he is not fighting alone. You also want to kill that, right? We agreed in nature's pact back then, we would be your puppets but if some of our souls wake up, you will help us fight it or someone with talent to kill that thing, you will lend a hand and right now both terms had been met this is also the best time. With him and his ability and yours, we can succeed in killing it. I have a hunch this boy has the strength to help us", before continuing, he looked at the guardian and said

"You also don't want the whole Arzenia to be destroyed by that bastard and as long as you seal this forest your strength is weakening, I can feel it if that thing scapes again. I know, even us your puppets will be destroyed and you devoured you don't have the strength to seal it anymore".

" Looks like you have woken up. Your sharp observations really amaze me. That is true. As long as it exists and keeps devouring the life of the forest I would also weaken. And I am already at my limit, to seal the corruption he let out if a disaster hit the forest again just like 90 years ago that would be all our end and whole Arzenia."

The guardian and Zurawa have their conversation for 2 hours, raven finally woken up with some pain in his body.

'Shh... the pain @#$%...hays..look likes I can't fully use both abilities for now. Synchronization really beats my body and to think in the final moment I couldn't bear the power I hold huh I need to practice more I can't let that happen again or else'

"Looks like your finally awake, human"


As he finds the owner of the voice he saw the entity or to be exact the guardian and king of the forest who he angered from the start. The guardian has a big human body with a height of 7'4 and his masculine body has almost a thousand eyes that are close surrounding his shoulder and the biggest eyes were in his stomach. His wood armor only surrounded half of his body with some tentacles with greenery and leaves around its back having also eyes that are attached to them...


"Hahaha I've seen that a lot, we have a lot to talk about human so don't pause around like an idiot you already are and come here" he laugh and said with a domineering tone to Raven.

"You don't have to worry kid just come here and talk with us will also answer your questions," Zurawa comforted Raven to ease up yhe situation while smiling, even though his eyes are all Right without any irises.

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