
I Am The Supreme Hunter

please do checkout my new novel if your interested in anotherworld and interactive system novels. Titled: In Another World With My Wooden Throne System ......................................................................................................................................................... Planet Terra was a normal world, everyone lived a steady life where every country had been at peace for decades and was progressing steadily in Technology and Research advancement, not until a deep shockwave that traveled from space and time itself brought disaster to Planet Terra, where the existence of beast, monster, and demons from other plains started to invade the planet. From the disaster, the humans started to awaken their abilities and become a hunter they started to push the invaders to take back cities and the countries themselves, and with the unity of each country, they started to travel the gates of the other plains. Huh, you’re a demon so what…. Ho, a demigod interesting.. You asked who I am?... I am the Supreme Hunter… Watch Raven, an F-rank hunter who will carve his name from the blood and bodies of his enemies, as he walked the path that even gods envied.

Night_of_Dreams · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Death of Bezzle Garua

When Raven returned, his entire body was shining and changing, he remembered what Suna said and embraced the pact of the world.

His body started to strengthen, his bones as strong as diamonds is being cleansed, all the dirt and smell in his body started to evaporate, his skin become even smoother, his scent was like a fresh rose in the garden and his deep blue eyes become even more beautiful than anyone who stared at it will be attracted the total change in entirety was massive now he looks, like a prince charming of a novel. His mind and emotions become clearer and his heart follows a certain rhythm.

Unliked before, when he chose the increase in his mana from the guardian spirit, he felt an overbearing pain that he could die, but now what he felt from the pact with the world consciousness is way too refreshing, like being massaged that keeps him calm and wants to stay in this flow.

He could feel his entire body ease up, his muscles had explosive power and his mana was like a calm sea so vast. If before, his physical strength was like a B rank, now it is equivalent to S rank and the mana of S rank, now been in SS+ rank, he was now the strongest in Country P without a doubt.

'Hmmm, so calm my strength and mana really changed by the pact'


[You succeeded in forming a pact with the World Consciousness of Planet Arzenia]


[Connection to the world of Arzenia has been established]

[Ding ....]

[You gain the ability of World Powers

Rank: Godlevel

Mana cost: none

The world consciousness approves your pact with the world itself.

When you're in the world of Arzenia, activating this ability will give the user the power of middle-level gods and total control of the world: Duration 1hr

Cooldown: 1 day

When activating this ability in different worlds, power will only increase 10% , control of element 10%, willpower 10%, agility 10%, and all stats of 500 : Duration 1hr Cooldown:1 day]

"Hoh, so this is what I gained from the pact with the world consciousness". He clasped his hands and thanked the world consciousness for granting him this ability. Now he had another card on his sleeve.

He walked out of the cave seeing the guardian, Suna, Zurawa, and even Tera and Ranga talking. He understood that both of their souls were also woken up. He then looked at the other soldiers, but it looked like they could never wake up and really turned into mindless puppets, unlike the three who still have some remnant of soul.

When the guardian felt the aura of Raven he was startled because what his feeling right now was a tract of world power that was different from a pact. He could feel that if Raven really pumped the pact's ability he could control not only the entirety of the forest but the whole world. Even though he was still stronger than Raven, that is only if Raven didn't use the pact.

If they fight now, he has a bit of fear of Raven and he already knows that even the evil entity couldn't withstand one of Raven's attacks.

"Looks like everyone is ready," Raven said as he stepped in front of Suna and stared at her with a smile. Even though he changed, he still had the feeling that Suna was his soulmate.

Suna felt something in her heart when she looked at Raven's eyes and those smiles. She blushed and tried to control her emotions that she had never felt before. She slowly bowed her head and smiled secretly. This was the first time she was deeply attracted to a man, a man that his first time seeing.

"Right you don't have to fight, I will fight him alone. I want to see how strong I become "

Raven words greatly startled them.

"Don't.." before Ranga could talk, the guardian stopped him.

"Ranga stop, the power that he received from the pact is different from me or your pact. I can only say I can't beat him anymore, even if I was at the pinnacle of my strength in the past"

"What?" Everyone

"That strong???, is that what it means to be an anomaly?"

Tera was holding the hands of Zurawa when she heard yhe words of Raven and the Guardian.

Zurawa only nodded, while Ranga followed Zurawa's order and didn't talk anymore. While Suna stared at Raven, deeply shocked, the only thing he could think of was what he had to exchange to gain such powers with the world.

Raven closed his eyes and felt the forest with his strength now, sensing the entire forest was already easy for him to do. But unknown to Raven, not even a champion SS rank could do such a feat of sensing the entirety of the forest.

"Found" Raven used his third form to teleport together with everyone to go directly to the forbidden land.

"What" they look at Raven to see such abilities such teleportation was the first time in their life, even for the guardian.

"As you said, I will open the formation to the forbidden land and will stay here for now to watch you. I also commanded my one thousand puppets to different areas of forbidden land to watch out for variables and kill anyone who trespassed. I can't allow such a thing to happen again. And if we see that you are in trouble, we will interfere in your fight"

"Understood," he come near Suna and caressed her face, and smiled "I will avenge your brother. You don't have to worry. Just watched, alright", he entered the formation without looking back.

Suna was already blushing and her heart was beating fast from the actions of Raven ' please be careful.

Raven teleported again into a dark cave and could not see a thing, as he walked, he could feel the smell of blood and the stench of dreadfulness in the aura around him. He then saw two red eyes staring at him in the darkness. He became serious as he walked toward him, and that's when he heard the maniacal laugh of the evil entity...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you really come, my fat sheep I see your aura begun to calm. phew, sheep free me this instant and I will allow you to have a quick death and I promised to savor your taste come free me hehehehe"

the evil entity eyes started to shine in red like he was trying to hypnotize Raven.

"Hmmn, why should I? I can kill you now while you still in chains"

Raven smiled and glared at the evil entity 'appraise'

(Bezzle Garua

State: Always Hungry, sealed

Age: 16,430 yrs

Sex: male

Level: 300 (demigod)

Title: Devourer of flesh/ Devil/ Devour of Hope/ malice/ immortal

Bloodline: Devil Beelzebub

Bloodline ability: Devour & Evolve / Regenerate / Summon minions / Skill taker / Domain of devil

Skill: Hypnosis / Fear bringer / Blood control (locked) ...

Short info: Bezzle Garua, a human warrior that drank the sealed blood of Beelzebub in a dungeon. He was hungry to devour anything human, monsters and the life of the forest couldn't escape his eyes. He brought fear to everyone, as the person felt fear the stronger he could become.

'Beezlebub? So those dungeons could even bring those things here. I see it looks like those dungeons are the key for other gods, devils, etc to enter this world. This would mean bezzle was Beelzebub avatar or champion in this world. Tsk... now everything is going to be complicated hmmn' as Raven was thinking Bezzle shouted again.

"Human, you dare ignore me" the evil entity use his aura to take shape of a sword and tried to stab Raven in his heart. When it was about to reach Raven's heart, it was forced to stop by the mana that shielded Raven's entire body.

"That was fast, as expected of a king and an avatar ability, but sorry to say your time ran out."

"FU..HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... YOu want to kill me how Human even though you stop my move your still miles away to reach my strength HAHAHAHAHAHA.. Even if I sit here and do nothing, even if I am sealed by these chains, what can you do, HUMAN, wake up from your delusions you can-never- kill- me HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Raven smiled at bezzle while still maintaining his calm like no one could disrupt the calmness and peace of his mind.

"If I had not formed a pact, maybe I could not have the courage to stand here in front of you, but now what do you think?" as Raven said those words, he released the world power in front of him. Bezzle could not even sit properly and was pushed to bow down to Raven. This was the first time he felt terror from the others by just the aura they were emitting.

"You!! How ... how can the world allow you to have such power? Not even kings like us could hold it" Bezzle was in terror as he saw Raven. He now knows if Raven hit him, even his immortality would not save him, because even though he was a strong king even he would need to follow the rules of the world, he was not a god, he was just a king.

"I will allow you to fight me fair and square, but you have to swear in your bloodline that if you lose, the world rule will cease your very existence in this world",

Bezzle was again scared shitless...

"I..Impossible you want my very existence to disappear, your delusional human. Why would I swear such a thing", Bezzle with anger and frantic for the first time in his life.

"Then I can only kill you painfully, and you without any power to fight back, if you are really eager for it."

"Kkkss, Fine I swear to my bloodline and the world as my witness" 'fucking human. If I get out of this chain, do you think I won't run hehehe'

"Alright let's fight"

the chain imprisoning Bezzle was destroyed before Raven could look at Bezzle again. Bezzle had already run in order to escape using all his might. "This... bastard is really fast at running."


[World Power activated..]


[Your power is now at the level of Middle god]

Raven's form started to change. His long hair turned white, his eyes started to light deemed blue, and he was enveloped in the white-colored aura of the world. In this form, Raven only needs to rely on the power of the world without using his own mana... He is now in complete control of the world.

"You think you can escape that easily," Raven was already in front of Bezzle and was about to reach him with his left hand.

"Bastard, you force me," Bezzle body started to expand and he used his aura to explode with murder and dreadfulness.

He punched hard at Raven, having thousands of punches, but no matter what he did, he could not even lay a single hit on Raven. This greatly increased his fear. He was already the strongest in the world of Arzenia, but now he was like an insect fighting to survive.

"This. This is not happening. I am a terror I should be the person who all people feared I devoured a lot of strong humans, elves, dwarves and monsters, even kings. How can I still not beat a sheep, this is not happening fucking world. You dare to give power to humans but not to me". He was deeply infuriated with the world, he was the strongest king not even Leferia could fight him, but now an unknown human was playing with him.

"BASTARD YOU DARE.. DOMAIN....HAHAHAHA IN THIS DOMAIN I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU, ARISE, MY DEVILS, DEVOUR THAT HUMAN SHOW HIM TERROR HAHAHA" as Bezzle activated his domain, a lot of devils from the domain woke up thousand of them and rushed to Raven's location.

"Do you know you're the second who pushed me this hard? The first was that fucking Akito with his legendary blade. If not for those assassins who intervened in our fight, I would be really dead by now haha"

"Don't worry, even assassins can't help you anymore" Raven said while he destroyed the demons using the world power "Let there be light", a burst of light out of nowhere.

"All I can say is the prince was defeated because of those assassins interfering not to you. He protected his soldiers and shouldered the burden to not only stop you but to stop those assassins from killing his soldiers. He was a hero, until death he let all his soldiers survive because he knew the fight was lost when the assassin interfered. Until the end, he didn't want those soldiers to die foolishly because he failed in killing you."

As he said those words, the guardian, Suna, Zurawa, Tera, and Ranga could see and hear the fight. They could see Raven was enveloped by white light and the tremendous aura that he was releasing.

"Is this what he received in his pact? What did he exchange to have such power" Ranga was dumbstruck by what he was seeing?

"Looking from the power, he must have exchanged something that will burden him," Tera secondly followed.

" Whatever it is, he lends a big help to us we already know who will win from this," the guardian's eyes were focused not only on the fight but on his surroundings.

"Raven" Suna clasped her hand, looking into the fight while his tearing up.

"BASTARD ALL OF YOU, I WILL NOT DIE WITHOUT TAKING THE ENTIRETY OF THE FOREST WITH ME" Bezzle was so angry that he could not fight back. There was nothing he could do at all, so he used all his aura to focus on his heart, to kill not only himself but everyone. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE WILL ALL DIE TOGETHER, NOT EVEN THE WORLD COULD SAVE YOU WITH THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHS"

Bezzle laughed hard like a maniac, but before he could do more, all his aura dissipated and his body changed back to his normal he could not muster any power at all.

"What did you just say?" asked Raven while smiling at Bezzle.

"YOU, How..... " before he could say more, a lot of scripture appeared on his body. "THIS NO I won't ACCEPT THIS I'M NOT DEFEATED YET, I AM BEZZLE NOOOOOooo...." Bezzle disintegrated without power to fight back.

(Interesting fight, did you like the pact? If you stay in my world, you can have this power while protecting me) the world consciousness tease in his mind.

"I'll think about it," Raven answered, turning off his ability while slowly walking toward the guardian and suna "I become too calm and it looks like something really changed as I become stronger."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Night_of_Dreamscreators' thoughts