
I am the strongst system

Currently up every week Up, currently every week My name is Alan Rainheart, an ordinary young man, nothing special. Suddenly, found myself being a system serving host. Of course, becoming a system is not easy. I continue to travel across the world to find a host that matches my link. From genius to trash, trash to genius, outcast, time traveler, explorer of the future and the past. Alas, they all don't match. But one day, I found an 8 year old little girl, named Olivia, who matched the system link perfectly. Seeing that this girl was so weak and naive, I decided to give her the power of controlling time, because I didn't want to find the host so quickly Note: This novel tells the point of view of a system

Amatour_Scrib · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Special Ability

I showed the ability description for Olivia to see for herself. And Olivia seemed to read it with a serious face.

I don't understand, does Olivia understand or not? because according to the data I got, Olivia can read simple writing.


Special abilities:

- Secret eye of tempo

Allows users to see "life points", the concept of "Long life of an Existence", as a visual signal in the form of a Life Hour, a number of digits that indicate how long a person can live in the format Year:day:hours:minutes.

Even able to control time at the stages of changing, stopping, shifting, giving and taking.

Use a contract, to take or give time.

(Contracts are absolute)

Passive abilities:

- [Extreme endurance] (Level : 1)

Active abilities:


"This is... time ability?" While asking, Olivia glanced at me for an explanation.

Actually, Olivia has already received information about this ability. But, because Olivia's brain is immature, it is difficult for her to understand complex words.

At least that's what I think about Olivia, meaning Olivia's understanding. I have to be very patient and not be lazy in explaining.

It's a hassle, but Olivia is my host after all. Yes, let's do it in full totality.

I explained again about the ability to control time. A very powerful ability and even this ability can be a blessing and a curse.

"Why did you give me this ability? I don't understand the concept of time you are talking about at all, Alan." Olivia tilted her head because she didn't understand.

Instead of continuing to explain but your child doesn't understand anything, it's better to just practice straight away. I asked Olivia to do what I asked.

Olivia, I asked reaching out her hand to the snow covered grass beneath her feet, then I asked her to say 'reset.'

I asked Olivia to say something while using the ability, because it was easier than just imagining.

Instantly, the snow beneath his feet dried up like summer. In addition, the grass also dries up because it withers, until it finally dies.

"Eh? Is this why the grass is turning withered and the snow is drying up? Is it fire magic?" Olivia was so stunned, she even mistook the ability I gave her for magic.

It can also be said to be magic, yes and no, because the Secret eye of temporal is purely moving time to a certain extent, I got this concept from the 500th world that I explored.

The name of that world is Earth 10. In that world, there are supernatural ghost creatures as opponents of humanity. And the concept of power is supernatural energy, or what is called Spirit energy.

The Secret Eye of Tempo ability was created by the owner of the Nirvana Eye Vision ability, this creature is able to make any imagination come true.

Basically the creature rewrites reality.

Let's forget for a moment, I'm too lazy to remember the past, especially when I fought with him.

It was hard for me to win, so we preferred a truce and I left that world.

Next, I then asked Olivia to take a nearby tree branch and throw it up into the sky while saying 'stop time.'

The tree branch suddenly stopped before falling to the ground. As before, he was very surprised to see it, thinking it was magic.

Even more shocked, the whole world turned gray. Some of the snow that was about to fall from the tree branches suddenly stopped. Everything in this world stopped conforming except him.

[This isn't magic, Olivia. This is pure time power!]

Even though I explained purely the ability of time, this little girl is still stupid. He didn't understand that, and stuck to the idea of magic.

"This is magic, Alan!" The girl stubbornly.

Let's forget it for a moment, let Olivia win this debate. After practicing stopping time, I had Olivia raise her hands up to the sky and say 'time shift.'

However, before that. I asked Olivia to focus on herself in the past, such as remembering what she was doing in the past.

In an instant, Olivia's field of view, perception and position shifted to the day before Olivia and I met.

Due to Olivia's focus about 1 day ago at the same hour and minute, Olivia was in a narrow alley in the nearest city.

Olivia was so shocked, she immediately ran as hard as she could somewhere. I know where it's headed.

While Olivia was running, I whispered to ask her to focus on changing the timing of her movement.

It's true, Olivia found it difficult to understand what I said. But, Olivia tried to do her best while running. And suddenly, Olivia's footsteps as she ran became lighter and faster.

Ignoring her running speed, Olivia tried to get faster. As a result, Olivia moved with 100x accelerated time.

Everyone he passed seemed to move in slow motion. Currently, Olivia is running at a speed of 1 marc or around 2,222 kilometers per hour.


Until finally, Olivia arrived at a small shop on the side of the road. Olivia and I saw that the shop was very messy, lots of furniture, windows, doors and walls were badly damaged.

Olivia arrived at that place without sweating or running out of breath, this is the ability to accelerate time. By speeding herself up, Olivia can even move as fast as light if her body is strong.

Time acceleration is very dangerous, if you are physically weak then your body will burn. This can happen because the body rubs against the air and material around it, creating a large frictional force that can burn something.

Simply put, this is called time acceleration or can be called a time jump from still to fast.

People passing by on the street didn't seem to care about the condition of the small shop.

I, who had previously seen Olivia's memory, knew why she was in such a hurry.

As if I didn't want to waste much time, I hovered around seeing Olivia enter the small shop with a panicked face.

Inside the small shop, which was already a mess, was full of broken, broken and broken goods that were scattered around like the wreckage of a fallen ship.

Olivia and I saw an old man sitting weakly on the floor with a knife in his stomach, trying to breathe.

The old man has white hair and wrinkled skin. It seems that this old man is 60 years old. Apart from that, he remembered the white shirt and black trousers.

The old man looked at Olivia with sparkling eyes and smiled, "Livia, I'm closed. Sorry I can't serve you."

Tears came out of his eyes, down his cheeks and finally dripped onto the floor. I saw Olivia, whose face seemed to be shattered by a bitter reality, immediately ran over to him.

I saw Olivia moving 5x accelerated time towards the old man, crying and hugging the old man.

It seems that Olivia already understands the power to control her time.

While crying, Olivia said, "Grandpa! Please don't die, I beg you! Sob... Sob."

The old man gently, I saw, stroked Olivia's head. Even his eyes were very deep, as if he was sad to see Olivia cry.

According to the data I got from Olivia's memory, this old man was named Peter. A very kind person to Olivia, but Peter died the day before Olivia and I met.

There's a reason Olivia wants to die, but I'll tell you about that later. First is Olivia's reason for wanting a warm home and good food. Because Olivia wants the family warmth that the old man provides.

The data I got shows that Olivia is an orphan girl and is often tortured by other homeless people. However, Olivia was often saved by the old man.

Therefore, the old man was very special to him, like a grandfather or parent figure.

Apart from often saving Olivia from the torment of other midfielders, the old man also shared his food with Olivia.

The reason Olivia really wanted to die wasn't actually because she wanted to catch up with the old man.

The reason was that she was tired of life, always torment and humiliation, Olivia even thought she had no meaning in life.

Sorry late up date

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