
I am the strongst system

Currently up every week Up, currently every week My name is Alan Rainheart, an ordinary young man, nothing special. Suddenly, found myself being a system serving host. Of course, becoming a system is not easy. I continue to travel across the world to find a host that matches my link. From genius to trash, trash to genius, outcast, time traveler, explorer of the future and the past. Alas, they all don't match. But one day, I found an 8 year old little girl, named Olivia, who matched the system link perfectly. Seeing that this girl was so weak and naive, I decided to give her the power of controlling time, because I didn't want to find the host so quickly Note: This novel tells the point of view of a system

Amatour_Scrib · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Forget remembering the reason why Olivia wanted to die before, because right now I'm focusing on the most climactic thing, Olivia's development.

Right now I'm watching Olivia's whole body tremble with fear, seeing that Peter's life will soon be over.

In accordance with Olivia's ability to see the length of time of existence with visual numbers. Peter didn't have much time left, in about a minute, Peter would definitely die.

"Livia, stay alive!" That's what Peter said to Olivia while stroking her head.

Not long after, Peter finally breathed his last breath beside Olivia, which was different from the memory data I had previously.

Because Peter was sad before dying alone, this time, Peter was very happy to have someone accompany him at the end of his last breath.

Moreover, that person was Olivia, who meant something to him. Peter seemed very happy even though he was experiencing the end of his life.

I got this information from thinking Peter's facial expression was one of pure joy when Olivia arrived. This makes me curious, who is Peter? The point is, what was his past like? Just think, how could someone be happy on the edge of death when they see someone they love.

Maybe Peter is a Lolicon? Well, that's impossible. Peter's gaze looking at Olivia was very gentle, like looking at his granddaughter or an image of his child.

I have to investigate it.

However, it seems like it will take a while to access the akashic records in the world of Neverland. I'm honestly still new to this world, okay! Let's use multi tasking. I split myself in two, and one of them opened a black portal, then he entered it and then the other one remained with Olivia.

After that, I glanced at Olivia below me because I was currently hovering above Olivia's head, seeing that she was crying.

Olivia looked devastated, her tears continued to flow. Ugh... I'm a little annoyed to see a little girl crying, but she is my host! Aw, looks like I need to get more used to seeing Olivia cry.

With eyes full of tears, Olivia looked at me and asked, "Alan, please do something! Please bring grandpa back to life like you brought me back to life!"

For a moment I was silent, looking at Olivia's sad face with my robotic eyes.

Olivia must have been referring to when I revived her. However, it only happened once to my host, but that doesn't mean I don't have a way.

Because in the shop there are things like medicine to bring the dead back to life. More precisely, it was sold at auction. The price is a bit expensive, for Olivia's current points, it won't be enough.

[I can't do that]

[Human life is very short]

[So I'm sorry]

"Eh? No one can? But, you brought me back to life, didn't you? Please do it like that!" After that Olivia cried uncontrollably.

Aw, I let out an imaginary sigh because I saw my host, Olivia, crying uncontrollably. But, this is for Olivia's development, so I won't tell, I'll be a little cruel.

I need this so Olivia can realize the potential of her abilities. Olivia has the power of time, she can change the time of death of an existence by reversing fate.

Just one human life wouldn't be too difficult for him, even though he had only learned it some time ago.

[I can't, but you can!]

Very surprised by my words, Olivia asked curiously. "But how?"

I saw Olivia's eyes shining, she seemed to see the hope in my words. Haha, I'm laughing dryly imaginary because this is a bit overwhelming for me, stop! don't be burdened! Come on, Olivia, make your choice.

I will try to make Olivia smarter in using Secret eye of tempo, this might be an opportunity.

From what I heard from anime, usually a person's potential will emerge in a state of despair.

Perhaps by taking advantage of this, dear Host Olivia, can use the power I give without needing guidance.

Even though some of Olivia still has difficulty digesting the information in her brain, the enemy will not wait for the opponent to develop.

Let me think, what would be a good encouragement to fuel Olivia's growth? Should I make Olivia accidentally kill her lover? No this is too cruel, I am a good system.

But it's worth a try! Well, in the future, if I have time, I will do it. Hey, those of you reading this, please remind me. Tell the author of this novel via comments.

After a moment something crossed my mind.

Maybe her best friend? I made Olivia kill her best friend accidentally. Just like Kurumi killed Sawa accidentally. But, I don't want to become a target for revenge, like Mio.

It's best to think of something else.

[Olivia, try to remember your abilities, think harder. Because the answer is there]

Immediately after saying that, I was very focused on paying attention to every expression and action Olivia did. I used scenes, seeing every change in Olivia, including the waves of emotion and time around her

The girl tried to remember the information in her brain, digesting the previous information about the Secret eye of tempo. This looks so very interesting! Seeing Host desperately thinking hard to save the people closest to him.

While Olivia was thinking, suddenly we had an uninvited guest. There were three of them, they were adult men wearing red wizard robes, each of them carrying a silver sword at their waist.

Seeing this I was pensive, I remembered the information of this world and the information I got from Olivia's memory. According to this world's information, they were called magician knights from the secret tower of the holy city.

The duty of the magician knight is to bring order and also protect citizens from the threat of monsters and demons, considering the information of this world, the humans of this world are fighting against the demon king's army.

According to information from Olivia's memory, they were the murderers who killed Peter and Olivia. More simply, the bodies of Olivia and Peter's grandfather were dumped near the forest border.

The reason why Olivia died was before in the present timeline Olivia met one of the magician knights carrying Peter's body.

Let me tell you a little information about Olivia's and my short memories.

At that time, according to memory information, Olivia was walking towards Peter's shop, accidentally saw a messy shop and also saw one of the magician knights putting Peter's corpse into a sack.

From there, Olivia follows the magician knight and also intends to save Peter. This girl doesn't know yet that Peter is gone.

However, bad luck! Olivia was discovered and the wizard knight also told Olivia that Peter had died, and then Olivia was also killed.

That's all I'm telling you, you should know what happened next, right? That is if you actually read it.

Because I was lazy to see the arrogant and haughty looks of the three magician knights. So I decided to just see my host crying, this was better. Hey, it's not because I have a weird fetish, okay? Just lazy to see an NPC who will soon die.

But what I saw was that Olivia had stopped crying. I felt a little disappointed and annoyed, but not because Olivia stopped crying but something else.

Olivia's irises stiffened, seeing that one of the three magician knights was the one who killed her. Even though there is no need to be afraid even though the magician knights are very strong, in front of you now they are like insects that can be stepped on.

"Alan, they killed me and grandfather. What should I do? I'm scared!" Olivia said that fearfully while glancing at me.

"Hey, slum girl! Leave her alone!" One of them in the middle mocked my host.

Then the others continued what the man said. "That's right, otherwise you will die!"

Hearing the word death, my host trembled even more with fear. This girl must remember the moment of death, that's what I thought.

I'd better help a little, it's okay! This could also be one of the triggers for Olivia's development to become stronger. So it's no problem, right?

Hey, NPC! Clean your neck, because Olivia might cut it. I don't want her sweet hands to be splashed with blood mixed with dirt. It's unhygienic! Disgusting!

Even if I say that, they won't be able to hear unless I reveal my form and Olivia herself.

[Is the human in the middle the one who killed you?]

Olivia nodded shakily, "Yes! The human who stabbed me in the stomach is the one in the middle."