
Bell Test

Amids the commotion, Iruka arrived and announced the class placement results.

Not surprisingly, Naruto, Sasuke, and little Sakura were assigned to team seven.

Naruto had known this result, so he didn't find it strange.

Little Sakura was very dissatisfied and kept complaining. She didn't want to be in the same team as Naruto, the crane at all.

It wasn't until sasuke said coldly, "You're very annoying," that little Sakura shut up obediently.

In the following time, teachers from each team arrived one after another and left with their students.

The one left is the team seven.

Kakashi, the late king, didn't come for a long time, little Sakura started to complain again, and Sasuke was also a little impatient.

Naruto was actually quite annoyed, time was precious, and this pointless waiting was a waste of time.

Naruto simply didn't bother to wait, sat down on the table, and began to refine the Chakra.

Chakra is like inner strength, which must be refined every day.

Even though Naruto has a special physique and a huge natural chakra, he still has to refine it.

Sasuke was a little surprised to find Naruto starting to practice.

"Is this idiot actually so diligent?"

In Sasuke's eyes, Naruto has always been naughty, loves to play pranks, and is a childish boy.

Unexpectedly, Naruto was uncharacteristically different today, as if he was a different person, which made Sasuke very uncomfortable.

However, Naruto started to practice, and Sasuke didn't want to be compared, so he also found a place to practice.

"What are you doing?"

Little Sakura looked at the two of them depressedly.

Kakashi had actually arrived a long time ago. The reason why he didn't show up was just observing in secret.

Observe the personalities, temperaments, and relationships of the three people.

Kakashi was a little surprised to see Naruto and Sasuke enter the training state one after another.

"Is he the teacher's child? It feels different from the legend. Isn't he just pretending?"

Kakashi secretly observed for a long time that Naruto and Sasuke had been refining Chakra and never woke up.

This determination alone made Kakashi look sideways.

Children at this age are very active. If you say something unpleasant, it will make people dislike dogs.

It is very rare that these two children can calm down and refine Chakra without moving for so long.

Look at little Sakura, who can't do it. She's looking like a child with ADHD. The difference is clear at a glance.

Kakashi knew there was no need to continue observing, so he appeared and took Naruto and the three to the training ground.

First, introduce yourself.

Then comes the bell grabbing test.

After hearing that all previous students had failed Kakashi's test, little Sakura was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Sasuke was also a little nervous. He had already graduated. If he were to go back to ninja school, he might as well kill him.

"You don't have any objections? Let's get started!"

As Kakashi said, he took out a copy of "Intimate Paradise" and read it with great interest.

"Sasuke, what should I do?"

Little Sakura looked at Sasuke as if asking for help.


Sasuke replied coldly, took out two shurikens from his bag and threw them out.

He is very good at throwing shurikens, and the two shurikens spin at high speed and shoot towards Kakashi.

At the same time, Sasuke took out a kunai in his right hand and flew towards Kakashi like lightning.

Sasuke's taijutsu is outstanding for his age, but unfortunately he is no match against Kakashi.

He was blown away by Kakashi in two or three blows.

Sasuke tried a few more times, all to no avail.

"Damn it!"

Sasuke cursed secretly and quickly formed an ice dragon seal with both hands.

Naruto was waiting for now, when no one was looking, he activated the Sharingan and copied Sasuke's ninjutsu.

Having just mastered the five Chakra Nature Transformations, Naruto now lacks Ninjutsu and will not miss such a good opportunity to copy.

Although the Great Fireball Technique is only a C-level ninjutsu, it is so fancy and exciting!


Kakashi looked at Sasuke's hand seal, his eyes narrowed slightly: "You can master that ninjutsu at such a young age?"

With Kakashi's eyesight, he could tell through the seals what ninjutsu Sasuke was about to release.

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

As the seal was completed, Sasuke's chest swelled high and a huge fireball suddenly shot out.

The giant fireball radiated blazing heat, scraped against the air, and rumbled into Kakashi.

"So...so awesome!"

Little Sakura was shocked.

Everyone has just graduated from the Ninja School and has only mastered the Three Body Technique, Kunai Throwing, and simple Taijutsu.

The Great Fireball Technique is a C-level ninjutsu. In theory, this is a ninjutsu that only Chūnin can master.

A Genin using C-level ninjutsu is equivalent to a primary school student mastering absolute values, square roots, and rational numbers.

Can little Sakura not be shocked?

"As expected of the Uchiha clan!"

Kakashi gave a rare gasp of praise before being engulfed in a huge fireball, causing little Sakura to scream.

"The teacher won't be burned to death, right?"

Little Sakura turned pale with fright.

"If dignified Jōnin could be burned to death so easily, his grave would be taller than the Hokage Building!"

Naruto was very calm.


Little Sakura was dubious.

The fireball dispersed, revealing a section of burnt wood.

"Body Replacement Technique!"

Sasuke's pupils condensed, his eyes sharp, and he turned around to look for Kakashi.

"Watch your step!"

Naruto suddenly shouted.

Sasuke quickly lowered his head.

The ground suddenly broke open, and a white hand emerged from the ground and grabbed his left leg.

Earth Style·Heart Beheading Technique!

Sasuke's reaction was very fast, but in the end he was half a beat too late and was dragged directly into the ground, with only his head exposed.


Little Sakura shouted anxiously.

"Damn it!"

Sasuke was furious and struggled desperately, but to no avail. The ground around him made him unable to move.

Kakashi emerged from the other side.

The exposed dead fish eye looked at Naruto: "Can you see my movements?"

Naruto reminded Sasuke, obviously visible!

Kakashi was surprised, Naruto is just a Genin, but he can actually see his own movements?