
Five chakra Nature transformation

These kunai were custom made by Naruto.

Next, he would mark the Flying Thunder God technique on these kunai for future use.

The Flying Thunder God technique is essentially a Chakra mark that can be marked on any object.

Kunai, rocks, trees, and even human bodies will do.

Once marked, it can never be erased.

Naruto mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique perfectly, and it was easy to mark the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The Flying Thunder God technique designed by Naruto is very simple, it is a small Tai Chi diagram.

If you look closely, you will find that Naruto's house is filled with Tai Chi diagram symbols.

These are Flying Thunder God spells, and with these spells, Naruto can move around the room.

In fact, not only at home, but also in and outside Konoha Village, there are Flying Thunder God techniques left by Naruto.

The cunning rabbit has three caves!

"Multiple Shadow Clone!"

Naruto thought, and with the banging sound of explosions, there were hundreds of Shadow Clones around him.

"100 Exercises Transformation Technique!"

"100 Exercises Body Replacement Technique!"

"20 Marks Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Naruto ordered.

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is a huge BUG, and Naruto must take advantage of it.

Leave some trivial matters to the Shadow Clones.

For example, practice ninjutsu and mark the Flying Thunder God technique.

Among the 6 ninjutsu that Naruto currently masters, only the Three Body Technique is still in the introductory stage.

Naruto felt that it was necessary to increase his proficiency in Transformation Technique and Body Replacement Technique among the Three Body Techniques.

Transformation Technique is ever-changing and has great practical value.

Body Replacement Technique, a life-saving skill, can save lives at critical moments.

As for Clone Technique, forget it, there are multiple Shadow Clone, and Clone Technique is useless.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Naruto was woken up by his alarm clock.

After turning off the alarm clock, Naruto stayed in bed for more than ten minutes before reluctantly getting up.

The Shadow Clone created last night has disappeared.

After half a night of hard work, my proficiency in Transformation Technique and Body Replacement Technique has been improved to perfection.

This means it can be released easily without any seals.

The 20 custom-made kunai are also marked with the Flying Thunder God spell and are ready for use at any time.

Naruto put the kunai into the storage space, opened the personal attributes panel, and started today's lottery.

The first thing you do when you get up every day is to cheer yourself up. No, the first thing you do when you get up is draw a lottery.


"Ding! Won the lottery...The lottery is completed, congratulations on getting [five Chakra Nature Transformation abilities]!"


Naruto was startled, and then he felt a warm current rush into his brain, and there were many more things in his mind.

At a glance, it is all about the usage, techniques, experiences and insights of the five Chakra Nature Transformations.

"Five Chakra Nature Transformations…"

Naruto was surprised.

There are only five basic Chakra Nature Transformations in Hokage: thunder, wind, water, fire, and earth.

Most ninjas are naturally good at one type of thing.

For example, the Uchiha clan is naturally good at Chakra Nature Transformation, so they are good at Fire Style.

Some powerful advanced ninjas can master various Chakra Nature Transformations through practice.

The most typical representative is Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage has honed the five Chakra Nature Transformations to become very proficient and can use thousands of ninjutsu.

Therefore, he is known as the "Ninja Professor"!

Naruto was only good at wind-type Nature Transformation before, but now, he has completely mastered the five Chakra Nature Transformations.

And it is the kind that is perfectly mastered, completely mastered, reached the peak, and has no flaws!

"Open the properties panel!"


[Name: Uzumaki Naruto]

[Occupation: Ninja]

[Level: Genin]

[Chakra attributes: wind, thunder, water, fire, earth]

[Ninjutsu: Transformation Technique (perfection), Body Replacement Technique (perfection), Multiple Shadow Clone Technique (perfection), Flying Thunder God Technique (perfection), Rasengan (perfection)]

[Blood Succession Limit: Sharingan (Three Tomoe)]

[Storage space: 10 cubic meters]

"The chakra attributes have indeed become five types!"

Naruto beamed.

The Grandmaster's five Chakra Nature Transformations mean that he can use the five attribute ninjutsu at will like the Third Hokage, and is no longer limited to wind attribute ninjutsu.

This is great!

The problem now is that Naruto doesn't know other attributes of ninjutsu, so he has five Nature Transformations but can't use them.


This thing is like the martial arts secrets in martial arts novels, which are tightly covered by various families and are not spread at all.

Even in the Ninja School, you can only learn the most basic Three Body Technique, and nothing more.

If you want to learn, you can only rely on teachers and elders to teach you!

But the teacher may not teach you the real skills.

Therefore, Naruto does not expect to obtain other ninjutsu from the outside world, but can only hope to draw a lottery.

Putting away the attribute panel, Naruto simply washed up, ate some breakfast, and went out.

Today is the day of the ninja school's class placement, and Naruto plans to go and have a look and experience.

He had just arrived in the Hokage world, and everything here was new to him.

When we arrived at school, the class was noisy.

Naruto glanced around and saw Hinata sitting quietly in her seat, her face was pink and tender, cute and well-behaved.

She seemed to be looking for something, looking towards the door from time to time.

Hinata's face lit up after seeing Naruto.

Naruto happened to look over and smiled at her. Hinata blushed and lowered her head.

"This girl is so cute!"

Naruto was happy: "I have a chance to tease him!"