
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

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The android's face was completely obliterated by Saber's fist as his body lifelessly dropped to the ground. Saber's face showed surprise at the fact that this android had wires inside his body it wasn't at the level of the previous android in terms of technology.

With this, Saber began to continue walking deeper into the tunnel. Though he changed back into his human form simply in case he runs into a living organism unexpectedly.

He had a bright smile on his face even without realizing that the blood of the two females he had previously eaten was still on his face. Saber whistled while walking down the tunnel as he enjoyed the previous battle even though he wasn't able to use his full power.

"Hmm, if there are androids such as these in all of the tunnels...then those two who went in the middle tunnel will die." Saber said. Besides the eldest disciple, and Hale who went with the eldest, the other two would undoubtedly die from the power contained by those androids.

While walking, Saber gazed toward his abdomen area. When he was on the receiving end of the android's punch, Saber felt his bones crack. But, it seemed that in a few seconds it had already healed.

His smile grew wider once he concluded that his healing factor had increased. With this in mind, Saber then thought.

'Little system, if Kill Points can do anything, does it mean I can also increase the pace at which my bloodline awakens?' Saber thought. He was incredibly intrigued by such a thing. Maybe if he kills enough, he'll be able to awaken 100% of his bloodline in an instant.

Not one to waste time, a screen with words written on it then appeared in Saber's view.

[Yes. The master is correct. But, the master does not currently even have the number of Kill Points needed to increase your bloodline awakening by one percent]

Seeing such words, Saber couldn't help but gain a cold expression. Such crap! But, he quickly rid himself of his anger and continued walking deeper into the cave while ordering his system to notify him whenever he gains enough Kill Points to increase his bloodline awakening.




(Two Hours Later)




Saber exchanged multiple attacks with the blue-skinned humanoid in front of him. Shockingly, even with his body in its true form, Saber was clearly in an injured state. He had multiple cuts and bruises all over his body.

But, his opponent wasn't doing any better since he also had multiple holes around his body that showcased the wires inside his body.

Saber's grin grew wider and wider the more the fight continued. He was truly enjoying the fight since he was unable to undergo such a difficult fight where his opponent is of the same strength as him.

'Such strength, such power, even a peak level Spirit Transformation will be in trouble!' Saber said in his mind.

Shockingly, he currently had a power that was comparable to a Spirit Transformation cultivator, and this wasn't even bringing into consideration his sword abilities or his unsuppressed powers.

The fight continued for another ten minutes as the duo continued to exchange attacks. But, eventually, Saber's evolution ability came out on top as he easily knocked his opponent quite the distance into the depths of the tunnel.

Saber then disappeared as he flashed toward the depths of the tunnel. His target was currently trying to weakly get up but was sent flying back from Saber's kick which contacted his ribs.



The impact caused a mini-explosion as he was uncontrollably sent toward the roof of the tunnel. his body slammed into the roof of the tunnel causing another explosion. His body then fell to the ground as he showed no signs of getting up.

With his opponent defeated, Saber slammed his feet down on the head of the android, destroying it in the process.

Saber's smile never left him as his skin began reuniting with each other. From being injured slashed and bruised, Saber was now in a perfectly healthy state as his strength had surpassed his previous peak state!

He then reverted to his human form with slight reluctance and began walking deeper into the tunnel. While walking deeper, Saber's eyes were able to pick up on the massive wall-like structure that appeared in his view located where the tunnel seemed to have come to an end.

Saber's pace picked up as he began briskly flashing across dozens of meters. With every step Saber took, he traveled at least seven meters. Soon, he was only a couple of dozen meters away from the end of the tunnel where the wall-like structure came into his view.

Now, up close, Saber realized that it wasn't a wall but seemingly a door. At the edges of the doors, there were silver markings that seemed to be ancient, while the door itself was completely black in color.

But just as he was about to walk a few steps closer, a bright flash of light caused Saber to instinctively shield his eyes. Soon after, Saber's sight returned as what came into view were five blue-skinned humanoid androids.

Even though they did not radiate any sort of energy, Saber knew each one of them was stronger than the android he previously fought. This realization caused a devilish and crazy smile filled with excitement to appear on Saber's face as he felt his blood boiling in expectation.

The androids gazed at him with clear killing intent. Saber felt it and immediately took his true form and also his black metallic sword out. Immediately thereafter, a sharp aura radiated from him. The tunnel walls and the roof over the head of Saber were mysteriously now filled with sword marks.

Saber floated a few inches above the ground as his eyes glowed goldenly. The humanoid blue-skinned androids didn't bother waiting for Saber to regain full focus on them as they disappeared from Saber's vision and surrounded him while sending punches and kicks to Saber.

With his 1-meter domain, Saber was able to see all of the attacks even though he couldn't sense their energies, so he side-stepped while surprisingly embedding his sword into the ground and dodged two attacks.

He then showcased some semblance of flexibility and bent down to a crab back stance in an instant. The other three attacks which approached his upper body were successfully dodged.

Saber used this opportunity in which they needed to gather power to send another attack, as he sent a kick to the chin of one of the androids while still in a crab back stance, sending it flying a few tens of meters away. Saber's other leg then swept the floor and off-balanced the other androids which surrounded him.

As they fell to the ground, Saber jumped from the floor. He then grabbed the handle of his sword that was embedded into the ground and yanked it out as he sent a seemingly casual down-to-up slash toward the android whom he first sent flying.

A casual slash caused a black line to escape from Saber's sword and approach the body of the android who was now getting up to his feet. Shockingly, before the android could even react, the dark line fazed through the android's body.

Thereafter, with a face that showcased emotions for the first time, the android watched on with shock and what seemed to be fear as he was cleanly torn apart in two pieces.

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