
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasy
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308 Chs

Deeper Into The Tunnel

(Ten Minutes After Alissa's Death)

Walking down the tunnel, Saber had a wide grin on his face. Blood dripped down from his chin and his long demonic nails, but his demon-like smile did not disappear.

He felt as if his mind was opened after he ate Adrianna's body. And after he ate those two sisters, he was able to confirm that females taste way more delicious than male humans.

Surfing through the multi-millennial of memories with ease, Saber was finally fully enlightened about the workings of this world.

The contents of Ava's memories were so huge that Saber couldn't control his grin.

'It seems that this world is a lot more interesting than I previously thought.' Saber said in his mind.

Not counting the fact that there were more continents in this world or the fact that the Sword Art Sect wasn't even truly the strongest, just the mysterious thing that the fairy cultivate greatly interest him.

After finishing absorbing the memories of Ava and Alissa, Saber knew his next actions. Though he was slightly annoyed by the fact that even the fairy could easily kill him, he did not mind since this was better.

The stronger they were, the stronger he'll be once he surpasses them. This wasn't arrogance...No, this was a heavenly truth.

"Arrogance is the action of saying or doing things that are completely out of your league. I am no longer arrogant and only speak the truth. I will be the strongest, it is a fact and a truth that can not ever be disagreed upon."

Saber proclaimed with a smirk on his face. He then continued his thinking as the information about the fairy appeared. A serious expression then formed as he thought of the mysterious thing that the fairy was able to do.

In one of Ava's memories, it showcased the fairy being able to teleport to different places in an instant to save Ava in one of the more dangerous forbidden zones. Later, when Ava asked the oldest disciple what that ability was, she was told something about it being an Element.

'The oldest disciple says, once a Sage cultivator reaches the Spirit Insight realm, the cultivator will be able to gain insights into an element which they have the most affinity for.' Saber thought.

Thankfully for Saber, none of the sisters expected Saber's actions, otherwise, all they needed to do was ask the fairy for help through a communication talisman.

Anyway, as his thoughts were processing the information which he had just finished absorbing, he suddenly stopped his movements as a humanoid being entered his view.

Unlike both Ava and Alissa, Saber's domain was only a meter radius around him, so he needed to rely on his eyes to see the humanoid figure a few tens of meters away from him. Saber's face showed surprise since the lifeform in front of him did not seem to have any sort of energy in it.

Not only that, but the creature was also expressionless while walking toward Saber. It seemed to be akin to a doll because of how emotionless it looked.

Slowly, Saber began walking up toward it. Along with that, the creature also began walking toward Saber. As they stood a dozen or so meters apart, they suddenly bolted toward each other with a will to kill clear in their eyes.

As they were about to clash fists, Saber's body mysteriously turned into particles, surprisingly enough, Saber appeared behind the humanoid and sent a powerful punch that tore apart the air and headed toward the back of the humanoid's neck.

But, Saber watched on with shock as the humanoid easily evaded the attack. As if he had expected such a thing, Saber was left with a shocked face. It seems that, shockingly, his illusions did not work on this being.

At this moment, Saber expected that the being would have the idea that they were both trading fists evenly, instead, the humanoid broke out his illusion with seeming ease!



A punch then slammed into Saber's gut, causing him to cough a mouthful of saliva. His eyes bulged as he couldn't believe what had just happened. The most problematic thing is the fact he is unable to sense the energy of this being.

Why was it problematic? Mainly because, once a lifeform with energy has the intent to attack, Saber was bound to sense the unintentional spike in energy that the body naturally releases. But, with an enemy able to seemingly hide such a thing, how was it possible to sense his attacks.

"Well...it seems that I'll need to enter my true form!" Saber said kneeling on the ground. The humanoid figure then rushed toward Saber and sent a front kick toward Saber's chin but...


Before it reached, Saber's body disappeared as the quick instead connected with an afterimage which it easily went through. The humanoid seemed confused since it gazed at its surroundings with clear bewilderment in its eyes.

"You truly are different." A voice came from behind the humanoid, causing it to dart its gaze toward the location.

What he saw was the majestic figure of what seemed to be a seductive male creature. It had long canines protruding from its lips, a pair of fox-like ears on top of its head, extremely long and sharp black demonic nails, and a pair of multicolored foxtails coming out of its back.

Each of the tails was perfectly split into three colors that intertwined beautifully with each other. The black, gold, and white perfectly swirled around each other. The voice of the creature then rang out once more.

"To not have any sort of energy, this must mean you aren't a living creature. If I did not train with an android, I wouldn't have known what you are." Saber said. His voice was tinged with interest since he did not expect an existence such as an android to be located on this planet.

The android didn't reply as if it was unable to. It instead zoomed toward Saber's location and sent a punch that packed incredible strength. Even the average Spirit Transformation would be unable to come out alive from the power contained in this attack.


A loud booming sound resounded in the tunnel, causing dust and debris to act up. As it cleared, one can see the figure of the humanoid with his hand outstretched as Saber leisurely held the fist which packed incredible power with his left palm.

"Incredible, such strength would have been a troublesome thing to deal with a few years ago. When I had faced that bitch, I would have died if she used a strength comparable to this.

But, now I do not even need to use my sword to easily destroy you!" Saber said. Shortly after, a fist that seemed to have appeared from nowhere then smashed into the face of the unsuspecting android. The shockwave caused spider cracks to appear on the cave walls.

The android was sent flying hundreds of meters into the depths of the cave as Saber's black pupils which had a golden line in the middle glowed with a predator-like gaze as his figure disappeared and flashed across the tunnel.

Saber felt the power coursing through him and couldn't help but let out a smile. Power...it was a feeling that was comparable to eating tender female meat.

If given a choice, he never would transform into his human form, and instead, forever remain in his true form but...

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