
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 1089: Matters in the Ecological Park

After Suzeye handed the items to Yuga, she didn't stay long at Yoyo's Daycare.

Once Suzeye left, Yuga immediately sent the twenty Chespins to the flower sub-park and then gave a Max Revive to Luxray.

Yuga always carried Max Revives with him. After Luxray consumed it, its injuries were instantly healed, leaving no trace of the severe wounds.

However, to fully subdue Luxray, Yuga still had to fight it.

Although Luxray was an Elite-level Pokémon, it was no match for Yuga. After being thoroughly beaten by Torterra, Luxray completely surrendered to Yuga.

After capturing Luxray, Yuga successfully took the first step in his side mission, which made him very happy.

Like most land-dwelling Pokémon, Yuga settled Luxray in the grassland sub-park.

However, Luxray was a "lonely" Pokémon. After settling into the grassland sub-park, it didn't want to interact with any other Pokémon and found a secluded place to live alone.

During this time, Persian had tried to make contact with it, but despite having "cat" in its name, Luxray is actually a lion-type Pokémon. Although lions are also felines, Luxray was not interested in Persian, showing a slightly arrogant personality, leaving Persian rebuffed.

However, Persian was smart enough not to take offense at Luxray's cold demeanor since it knew it couldn't win in a fight against Luxray.

But Luxray didn't ignore everyone. The four Ampharos living in the grassland sub-park were not met with Luxray's coldness; instead, they engaged in a brief electrical exchange.

Luxray's willingness to interact with Ampharos wasn't surprising.

Electric-type Pokémon are generally social creatures because they need to frequently exchange stored electricity with their companions to ensure the "activity" of the current within their bodies.

Active currents help electric-type Pokémon prevent damage to the organs that store electricity and can also promote their strength growth to some extent.

If an electric-type Pokémon doesn't have companions, it will periodically release the electricity stored in its body and then absorb and store new electricity. But this method is wasteful and far less efficient than exchanging electricity with companions.

Not all electric-type Pokémon can generate electricity themselves. Some, like Magnemite, cannot produce electricity and need to absorb it from external sources. This is why Magnemite is often seen gathering during thunderstorms or near power plants.

Therefore, exchanging electricity with companions is much more convenient and economical than absorbing it from external sources.

Although Luxray exchanged electricity with the Ampharos, it didn't consider them as companions, treating them more like temporary chargers—using them when needed and ignoring them otherwise.

The Ampharos, being gentle by nature, didn't mind Luxray's attitude. Even if they understood Luxray's intentions, they likely wouldn't care, seeing it as mutual assistance (or mutual use).

As a newcomer to the ecological park, Luxray's arrival quickly caught the attention of Lucario, who loved challenges. Lucario immediately challenged Luxray.

At first, Luxray didn't want to bother with Lucario, but after thinking about it, decided it would be good to teach it a lesson to avoid constant challenges.

So Lucario was thoroughly "taught a lesson," which made Zoroark, who admired Lucario, very distressed.

Unfortunately, Luxray underestimated Lucario's stubbornness. The more Lucario lost, the more determined it became to win. Once Lucario's competitive spirit was ignited, Luxray's plan backfired, and it became entangled with constant challenges.

Thus, in the days that followed, Lucario challenged Luxray again and again, refusing to give up until it won. But since Luxray was an Elite-level Pokémon, Lucario's victory would not come easily.

However, Luxray's behavior indirectly helped Zoroark in her pursuit of Lucario.

Although Zoroark had fallen in love with Lucario at first sight, the pursuit was not smooth, mainly because Lucario was too "oblivious," never understanding Zoroark's affection.

Zoroark's "forward" approach was disapproved of by her elder sister, Liepard, but she was helpless since Zoroark was so persistent.

Fortunately, sincere effort pays off, and Zoroark's efforts didn't go to waste.

Each time Lucario was injured by Luxray, Zoroark would warmly comfort it. Over time, through her repeated acts of care, Lucario fell in love with Zoroark.

While Zoroark's love blossomed, her elder sister, Liepard, found herself in a dilemma.

As the saying goes, "what comes around, goes around." Although Liepard initially disapproved of Zoroark's "forward" approach, she herself became infatuated with Luxray, following in her sister's footsteps.

When Luxray first arrived at the ecological park, its cold rejection of Persian's advances made Liepard think it was extremely cool, and she was deeply attracted to it.

Compared to Lucario, Luxray's mature look was much more to Liepard's taste; she preferred the mature "uncle" type.

Although Liepard and Persian were friends, she believed that love and friendship were separate matters.

In the Pokémon world, the Liepard species is considered to have good looks that appeal to most Pokémon because they are known as a species that produces beauties.

Words like "sexy" and "sensual" are almost synonymous with the Liepard species, regardless of gender. Therefore, Liepard had always been very confident in her beauty, thinking that winning over Luxray wouldn't be a problem.

But it miscalculated. It circled around Luxray multiple times, but never even got a proper look.

Sister Liepard is a very rational Pokémon, understanding the importance of cutting losses in time. Thinking about the process of her sister pursuing that Lucario, Sister Liepard felt she couldn't follow that path—after all, there are many four-legged Pokémon in the world.

However, even though she decided to give up on Luxray, her heart would still race every time she accidentally saw it. So she was torn and torn, and even after her sister Zoroark's romance had blossomed, she still hadn't resolved her feelings.

Putting aside the love issues of adult Pokémon, Sneasel has recently been feeling quite troubled.

To counter the little group led by Persian, Sneasel recruited a group of talented friends to gather around it.

But because of their young age, the little friends often got into trouble. The oldest, Sneasel, had become their caretaker. Whether it was today when Lilipup and his brother had a conflict and ran away from home, or tomorrow when Fennekin and Cyndaquil teamed up to steal food from Growlithe...

Today, Dratini also caused trouble.

The conflict was with Jangmo-o, and the cause was a Dragon Scale.

After the system update, Yuga had been refreshing the Trainer Shop every day without interruption. Although every day he drew a bunch of irrelevant materials, he recently was lucky enough to draw a blue item—a Dragon Scale. This Dragon Scale was not an ordinary one; it was the only scale of its kind on a Dragon-type Pokémon, specially processed by the system, and thus rated as a blue item. It was very beneficial for the growth of Dragon-type Pokémon.

Since Dragonite had already given the Dragon Scale inherited from its father to his Bagon, Yuga decided to give this Dragon Scale to Dratini.

On one hand, the Dragon Scale seemed to come from a Dragonite, making it more suitable for Dratini. On the other hand, Dratini had no relatives in the ecological park, so Yuga wanted to take better care of it.

Dratini was very happy to receive the Dragon Scale and treasured it so much that it even kept it close while sleeping.

Today, when its little friends came to the Dragon Cave Sub-Park to find Dratini for training, Dratini couldn't help but show off the Dragon Scale Yuga gave it, which was overheard by Jangmo-o that was passing by.

Jangmo-o was furious at that moment. Why did Yuga give Dratini the Dragon Scale but not to it?

Jangmo-o, who had trained with Yuga for a period after its birth, believed its relationship with Yuga was closer than Dratini's. Thus, it was filled with jealousy, not only stealing Dratini's Dragon Scale but also beating up Dratini.

Jangmo-o, being older and influenced by the Glimmer Dust in the womb, was evolving into a Totem Pokémon, making Dratini no match for it.

In fact, after beating Dratini, Jangmo-o regretted it because it had been taught by its parents not to bully the weak. But having already beaten Dratini, it felt reluctant to return the Dragon Scale.

When Dratini's friends saw it being beaten, they couldn't stand it and immediately sought justice for Dratini. At this age, the little Pokémon were very loyal, especially Lilipup with a strong sense of justice, who immediately charged at


However, Jangmo-o had been specially trained by Yuga, and its strength was on a completely different level from these little guys. Its power was exceptional, and Lilipup, Fennekin, and Cyndaquil were quickly knocked to the ground.

The only one who could hold out against Jangmo-o for a while was Bunnelby.

In recent months, Bunnelby had been learning skills with Sneasel and made significant progress in strength. Also, being a Shiny Pokémon, it had excellent natural talent, which allowed it to last a bit longer against Jangmo-o.

But Jangmo-o was still a Quasi-legendary baby Pokémon, older than Bunnelby, and benefited from many resources provided by Yuga. How could Bunnelby possibly beat it?

Sneasel, waiting outside the Dragon Cave Sub-Park for its little buddies to gather, waited for a long time without seeing them come. Confused, it went into the Dragon Cave Sub-Park to look for them and then saw the scene of its little buddies lying on the ground.

Honestly, Sneasel felt a headache! Its little buddies were getting into more and more trouble lately!

Seeing its little buddies being beaten, Sneasel couldn't just stand by.

Looking at the rampaging Jangmo-o, Sneasel waved its paw, deciding to show it what a "dragon slayer" means! Sneasel was not a Pokémon who favored friends over fairness. No matter who was right or wrong, bullying its little buddies was unacceptable! It was counting on these little guys to support it in the future!

Sneasel's talent was the lowest among its friends, but it was older, so its strength was somewhat greater.

Moreover, Sneasel had been working hard and had undergone intense training over the past few months, making its strength completely different from when it first entered the ecological park. With type advantages, it was confident enough to confront Jangmo-o.

Sneasel flashed in front of Jangmo-o and threw a punch at it.

Recently, it had just learned Ice Punch from Greninja and had been eager to test this move in battle.

Bang! Jangmo-o was knocked flying by a single punch.

Jangmo-o hadn't expected Sneasel's sudden appearance, and with Sneasel's speed being top-notch among first-stage Pokémon, Jangmo-o couldn't react in time.

Originally, Jangmo-o had felt a bit guilty about beating Dratini and the others, but after receiving Sneasel's punch, all guilt vanished. It got up, using Iron Head to charge at Sneasel, but Sneasel dodged effortlessly, with Jangmo-o's Iron Head missing entirely!

Bang! Sneasel flashed in front of Jangmo-o again and delivered another Ice Punch. Jangmo-o's eyes rolled back, and it fainted. Dragon-type Jangmo-o could not withstand Sneasel's two Ice Punches.

Seeing Jangmo-o knocked down so easily by Sneasel, Dratini swam over, admiringly looking at Sneasel, feeling that Sneasel was its idol.

"Sneasel, Sneasel, Sneasel?" You need to listen to me from now on, okay?

Sneasel said seriously.

Dratini's talent was much better than Sneasel's, and it was only a matter of time before it surpassed Sneasel. To ensure Dratini would still obediently listen to it in the future, Sneasel never forgot to boost its favorability in Dratini's heart.

"Mi, mi!"

Dratini happily nodded.

The other little friends also looked at Sneasel gratefully, only the smart Fennekin seemed to see through Sneasel's intentions. Though not taking Sneasel's words seriously, Fennekin's expression of gratitude and words of praise were the same as the other little friends.

Fennekin had joined Sneasel's team simply because it found it interesting.

By the time Jangmo-o woke up, Sneasel had already left with its little friends. Feeling down, Jangmo-o went home to cry to its parents, but instead of helping, its parents scolded and punished it for bullying the weak.

Yuga was unaware of the little Pokémon fight between Dratini and Jangmo-o. Even if he had known, he probably wouldn't have intervened. He was currently happily visiting the two Mr. Mime in the main park.

Just now, the female Mr. Mime successfully gave birth to a healthy Pokémon egg, and luckily, the egg had a green aptitude.

Perhaps due to past trauma, the Mr. Mime couple had always had a low presence in the ecological park. They were not good at communicating with others and rarely opened up.

Among the Pokémon Yuga brought back from his hometown, they might have had the most severe psychological issues.

However, they were very diligent, silently helping Miltanks and Chanseys with some chores in the ecological park, and also assisting Audino and Wigglytuff with household tasks.

Since the female Mr. Mime became pregnant, the couple's smiles had increased, and they appeared very eager for the arrival of the child.

Seeing the female Mr. Mime lovingly caress the newly born Pokémon egg, Yuga sincerely hoped this child's birth would bring a better change to the couple's life.

(End of Chapter)