
I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World

This is my translation of the Chinese novel "I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World" Author: Hundred Nights Ghost All credits to the original author

bluepumpkin_315 · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 1088: Modified Battle Suits

After discussing some details of cooperation with several business owners, Yuga sent them out of the Yoyo Daycare one by one. He didn't rush them for responses but asked them to think it over carefully and contact him later.

However, Yuga was surprised that the owners made their decisions much faster than he had expected. By the next day, someone contacted him with the intention of establishing a long-term partnership with Yoyo Daycare.

The first to reach out was the daycare in Lavaridge City. This daycare was quite small compared to many others. According to the intelligence from the White Light Intelligence Bureau, they had recently suffered a significant loss, which explained why they made a quick decision.

The second person to contact Yuga was unexpectedly from the daycare in Mauville City.

When Yuga proposed the cooperation, it was evident that the owner of this daycare was hesitant and did not say much throughout the discussion. Yuga had thought that this owner was not very interested in cooperating.

In fact, the reason for the owner's quick decision was simple—they needed a new opportunity, and Yoyo Daycare's rare Pokémon was just that opportunity.

Moreover, to attract partners, Yuga offered a purchase price for the Pokémon that was actually lower by half compared to similar Pokémon in the market.

While half a percent might not sound like much, it could save a considerable amount of cost once the purchase quantity reached a certain level.

After reaching an intention for cooperation, there were many tasks to be done, such as discussing cooperation details and signing contracts. Yuga arranged separate meetings with the interested owners.

Out of seven small daycares, six ended up reaching a cooperation agreement with Yoyo Daycare. Only one did not respond after returning, but this was far beyond Yuga's expectations.

After signing the cooperation agreements, the daycares immediately ordered a batch of Pokémon from Yuga. The low-quality Pokémon accumulated by Yoyo Daycare for a long time were almost entirely cleared out.

At the same time, the mainline task in the system task bar finally showed as completed.

It must be said that after the system update, the difficulty of the mainline tasks increased several levels compared to before. It took him several months of hard work, including investigating intelligence and meticulously inviting others to exchange meetings, to complete the task.

However, Yuga's efforts were not in vain. The system rated his performance as "Excellent," and the reward was exceptionally generous—a vein of Leaf Stones.

The surprise was so sudden that Yuga almost thought he was seeing things. It wasn't until he chose the location for the mine in the Flower Sea Sub-park and dug out a Leaf Stone that he fully believed in the reward's authenticity.

The scale of this Leaf Stone vein was similar to the Fire Stone vein in the Volcano Sub-park and had a very large reserve, so Yuga no longer had to worry about running out of Leaf Stones.

Yuga actually had a significant demand for Leaf Stones. They were used not only for evolving Pokémon like Gloom into Vileplume and Exeggcute into Exeggutor but also for other Grass-type Pokémon during their training.

Besides evolution, Leaf Stones had many other uses. For example, during the early stages of their development, breeders often add a small amount of Leaf Stone powder to the food of newborn Grass-type Pokémon to prevent developmental issues.

After completing this mainline task, the system immediately updated the next one.

"Mainline Task: New Pokémon Listings (Available)

Description: The types and numbers of Pokémon currently available for sale in the daycare are still not up to standard. Please continue your efforts.

Requirements: Within a year, list at least three high-quality Pokémon of different attributes and types.

Reward: ???"

Seeing this, Yuga finally understood that the mainline tasks after the system update had become long-term tasks.

Moreover, this task was also performance-based, meaning the more new Pokémon types and attributes he listed in the year, the more substantial the rewards would be.

However, Yuga would not list Pokémon just to complete the task. Listing new Pokémon without sufficient reserves would only cause problems for the daycare's subsequent operations. He couldn't afford to run out of stock and then remove listings—it would be counterproductive and severely damage the daycare's reputation.

Since the task deadline was a year, he decided to take his time.

Then Yuga looked at the side tasks below the mainline task and was momentarily unsure where to find five types of Electric-type Pokémon. The ones already in the ecological park, like Magnemite, Eelectross, Pachirisu, Pikachu, and Rotom, would not count towards the task.

Never mind, he thought. There was no rush.

That day, while Yuga was in the shop helping Ayaka count the newly stocked Pokéblocks, he saw Suzuye walk in with a smile.

Seeing her enter, Yuga asked with a smile, "What brings you here? Are you here to buy Pokéblocks or incense?"

Since its establishment, the Distribution Department had always had a good relationship with Yoyo Daycare. Their internal trainers' Pokéblocks and incense were all purchased from Yoyo Daycare, and even the holiday gifts for the department were Yoyo Daycare's Pokéblocks and incense.

Suzuye shook her head and said, "Neither. I'm here to deliver a reward."

"Reward?" Yuga was puzzled.

After some explanation, Yuga learned that she was delivering the reward for the Lysandre Incident. Although a reward had been promised months ago, it had been delayed, making Yuga almost forget about it.

This month, the Distribution Department went to the Kalos Alliance to deliver the Potential Potion. They asked the department's staff to bring Yuga's reward back when they returned. As a result, the staff delivered the reward to Suzuye, who brought it to Yoyo Daycare.

"Come with me!" Yuga excitedly led Suzuye to the reception room.

Yuga was quite eager for the reward from the Kalos Alliance, given his significant contribution there, including bringing a Master-level trainer and a mythical Pokémon, Eternal Floette.

Suzuye arrived with two boxes and, upon reaching the reception room, placed them on the table and opened the left one first.

"Let's start with your first reward," Suzuye said, pushing the open box towards Yuga.

Inside the box were rows of Poké Balls. Yuga counted them—four rows and five columns, exactly twenty.

"Are these all Pokémon?" Yuga asked Suzuye.

"Yes," Suzuye confirmed with a nod.

Yuga didn't ask more questions and directly picked up a Poké Ball, releasing a brown and green Pokémon onto the table.

"So it's a Chespin!" Yuga wasn't surprised. Considering his contributions, it was reasonable for the Kalos League to send him a few starters.

Suzuye explained, "There are a total of twenty Chespin inside, eighteen with green potential and two with blue potential."

Yuga had initially thought there might be a mix of Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie among the twenty Pokémon, so he felt a bit disappointed to find only Chespin.

However, upon hearing that there were two Chespin with blue potential, Yuga's mood lifted slightly. Come to think of it, if you counted his main Pokémon, he had nearly collected all the Grass-type starters from various regions.

After returning the Chespin to the Poké Ball, Yuga looked at another box and asked, "What about this one? What's inside?"

Upon hearing this, Suzuye glanced at Yuga with a look full of envy, leaving Yuga puzzled.

When the second box was opened, Yuga saw two items inside. On the left was a neatly folded black outfit, likely clothing since it was folded into a square, but Yuga wasn't entirely sure; on the right was an Ultra Ball.

Suzuye first picked up the Ultra Ball on the right, releasing a Luxray from it.

The Luxray was extremely strong, standing in front of Yuga like a small calf. However, Yuga looked at it with a lackluster expression, not feeling particularly excited.

He couldn't help but activate his Divine Vision skill.

Luxray (Severely Injured and Near Death)

Type: Electric

Ability: Intimidate

Gender: Male

Potential: Blue

Level: 71

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Charge, Spark, Thunder Fang, Bite, Crunch, Roar, Discharge, Wild Charge, Electric Terrain, Thunderbolt, Double Team, Thunder Wave, Night Slash, Iron Tail, Superpower, Giga Impact.

Yuga didn't expect Suzuye to release an Elite-level Pokémon. Though he was indeed in need of an Electric-type Pokémon, the words "Severely Injured and Near Death"…

"Suzuye, what's the story behind this Luxray?" Yuga asked with confusion.

Suzuye immediately explained, "This Luxray was also sent to you by the Kalos League, but it has some physical issues…"

It turned out that this Elite-level Luxray was rescued by Kalos Elite Four Wikstrom not long ago in the wild.

At that time, Luxray had been severely injured in a conflict with an opponent who intended to kill it, but Wikstrom intervened just in time to save it.

However, Luxray's injuries were too severe for Wikstrom to handle, so he brought it back to the League.

Although the Kalos League could have healed Luxray with some effort, they decided to send it to Yuga instead.

They knew Yuga had Max Revive potions, making it easy to heal Luxray's injuries. With a life-saving favor, it would be only natural for Yuga to capture Luxray afterward.

Upon hearing this, Yuga suddenly realized that the Kalos League was giving him the opportunity to gain an Elite-level Pokémon as a favor.

They were thoughtful, and he accepted the favor!

Yuga approached Luxray and gently patted its head, letting the healing power of Celebi's Blessing flow through his hand and into Luxray's body. Luxray instantly felt its injuries easing and looked at Yuga in surprise, who returned a bright smile.

Of course, Yuga's healing ability could only alleviate the pain. To fully heal Luxray, he would still need a Max Revive potion. After all, injuries near death were no joke.

Actually, before arriving in Hoenn, Luxray had already agreed with the Kalos League that if someone could heal its injuries, it would follow them, which was why it didn't resist when Yuga patted it.

As a wild Elite-level Pokémon, it wasn't just anyone who had the privilege of touching it.

Seeing Luxray's relatively friendly attitude, Yuga smiled and reassured it by ruffling its tough fur, "Don't worry, I'll definitely heal your injuries."

This Luxray had a bit of a proud personality, slightly turning its head to the side, not pleased with Yuga ruffling its head.

After introducing Luxray, Suzuye picked up the black outfit and shook it out, revealing its shape.

"The main highlight is this outfit."

Looking at the outfit, Yuga suddenly found it somewhat familiar, then it clicked—it looked just like the E-Combat Suit that Essentia used to wear!

"This outfit is a new special combat suit developed by the Kalos League. Due to the difficulty in manufacturing, it hasn't been mass-produced yet."

Although Suzuye had been sent to deliver the combat suit to Yuga, she wasn't aware of Lysandre Labs' E-Combat Suit project and didn't know that this combat suit was an improved version based on the E-Combat Suit.

"This outfit has very strong defensive capabilities. Despite its thin appearance, it's said to be able to withstand a Hyper Beam from an Elite-level Pokémon without a scratch."

At this, Suzuye gave Yuga another envious look. With this combat suit, the safety of missions would be greatly enhanced.

Unfortunately, the League hadn't been able to produce many of these combat suits, and only key members who frequently undertook dangerous missions could obtain them. Someone like her could only dream.

Yuga was also surprised by Suzuye's words. He hadn't expected the League to modify Lysandre Labs' E-Combat Suit to such an extent.

It should be noted that the original E-Combat Suit had significant flaws and couldn't be directly used; otherwise, there wouldn't have been the creation of Essentia.

Yuga then realized that the successful development of this combat suit was due to the League sacrificing the original E-Combat Suit's powerful combat capabilities, retaining only its defensive abilities. Moreover, this defense only worked against energy attacks; physical attacks exceeding a certain level would be ineffective.

However, Yuga still thought it was impressive. With a Pokémon standing in front of a trainer, plus this combat suit, most dangers could be easily mitigated.

"So this suit is mine now?" Yuga asked, feeling satisfied as he touched the special material of the combat suit, although he thought the design was a bit flashy. It would have been better if it could be worn under clothing.

"Yes, it's yours," Suzuye nodded. "But to use it, you'll need to install Attribute Gems."

Suzuye then explained how to use the combat suit.

For the combat suit to have strong defensive capabilities, it naturally needed energy, which was provided by the Attribute Gems.

The combat suit had small compartments on the shoulders, chest, and thighs, where an Attribute Gem could be placed in each. The type of gem didn't matter, similar to how other devices require batteries.

In other words, using the combat suit once would require five Attribute Gems as batteries, which was quite expensive. If Yuga weren't wealthy, he might not even be able to afford to use the suit.

(The end of the chapter)