
Chapter 8, come on, my super plug-in system! Thanks to the 'flat' leader

Yan Ning's gaze naturally fell on Lorie, a green snake monster. It was a small monster that was in the shape of a snake in the upper part of its body, but in the lower part of its body it was still a snake.

From the upper body alone, probably only eight or nine years of age, and, the head is also tied two cornrows braid, actually looks a little cute.


Although, Lorie Green Snake in the heart flustered, but, at the moment of landing, still instinctively toward Yan Ning revealed a fierce expression.

Two sharp fangs gleamed with cold light.

Yan Ning was really startled, the heart is surprised and happy, the little green snake really super fierce!

Unsurprisingly, the first plot point to activate Goldfinger was on the little green snake or the little white snake that was still hanging on the roof beam. As long as either of the two snakes, or both snakes, started to speak at the same time, the legendary 'plot decryption plug-in' will be immediately online.

Then, the first story quest will be released.

Ding, Congratulations host activation Super Plug: Liaozhai Fairy Fate.

Mission Chapter 1: Nie Xiaoqian in the Lan York Temple.

Mission: Ask the host to find clues about Nie Xiaoqian's origins. Hint: there is a small green snake and small white snake in the inn, may be able to help you

And then...

System panel appears.

Congratulations to the host for the Rookie Gift Pack.

Then, there is a series of task prompts.

Congratulations to the host obtained 'Invincible Demon Charm' a.

Congratulations to the host to obtain the 'Five Elements Escape Magic Rune' a.

Congratulations on massive experience gain.

Congratulations to the host...

In the end, Yan Ning watched as her attributes continued to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade...

So far, the road to success began.

First, he successfully subdued the little green snake, the little white snake and all the demons in the house. Then, he followed the clues to find out Nie Xiaoqian's background, laying a solid foundation for the plot of the Orchid Temple.

After all this...

His path to greatness is left with boring and tedious additions and upgrades.

CONSTITUTION + 1(enhanced life span of 10 years) .

Strength + 1(you have the power to kill a cow) .

Agility + 1(come on, son, the fastest horse in the world can't outrun you as long as you keep increasing agility!)

" and Yan Ning is proud to say from time to time:" system, I do not want to upgrade so easily ok? I just want to suffer

System: "No, you don't!"

"Perfect!" Yan Ning in the mind.

What does it mean that at least seven of the ten novels have the same plot? On behalf of this is the king of the upgrade stream novel Ah!

It's the only way to get over it!

Well, what are we waiting for?

Bite Me!

Green snake!

"Your name is Xiaoqing, isn't it?" Yan Ning coaxed and slowly approached the little green snake. If possible, he wanted to take a shower first so that his body would exude the charming scent of perfume.

"AH... how... How did you know my... My name is Xiaoqing?" The little green snake's eyes were wide and round, and the little dumpling looked incredulous.

"Of course your name is Xiaoqing. If your name isn't Xiaoqing, why would your name Be Lin Bai? Lin Bai is the white snake, right?" Yan Ning pouted. was there a need to guess the plot?

Green snake's name is Xiaoqing.

White Snake's name is Lin Bai.

If you don't believe me, find a few books about snakes. Almost all of them have this name!


When names like Xiaoqing and Lin Bai appear, the comments section is flooded with comments like, "West Lake Water, my tears..."

"Is that you? Suzhen, name of a person is waiting for you at the West Lake!"

"Xiaoqing, name of a person wants you home for dinner!"

Any fucking idiot would have guessed that?


The little white snake on the beam fell down.

Yan Ning's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, everything is under control, the little snake really can not help but want to enjoy this delicious with the little green snake.

However, speaking of this little white snake looks really good.

Little Green snake had two braided horns. It looked like an eight-or nine-year-old bun while little white snake had a twist-shaped petal and a beautiful melon-seed face. It looked like it was about 11 or 12 years old.

It's still Lorie, but it's a little girlish.

Yan Ning smiled.

The other fifty monsters in the room, including the oldest, the deer demon, looked so ugly they almost cried.


Rumor has it that a master will be able to figure it out.

I didn't expect to be met by these little monsters today?

He didn't even lift a finger, did he?

And you can figure out Xiaoqing and Lin Bai's names?


It's a little too scary.

Yan Ning didn't look at the deer demon and the other monsters, because he was getting closer and closer to Lin Bai and Xiaoqing, just waiting for the system to arrive.

Everything is under control.

I knew it was the two snakes that triggered the plot, and now both snakes are coming down to attack him. The only thing left is the actual operation!

"Lin Bai, Xiaoqing, do you like to Eat People?" Yan Ning said with what she thought was a kind expression.

"Don't... Don't like..." the small green snake's neck shrinks.

"Sir, we don't eat people. We only eat fruit!" The little white snake spoke clearly and hugged the green snake monster in its arms. The expression on his sister's face was obvious.

"Why not eat people? You have not eaten it? Why Don't you smell first, see if fragrant." Yan Ning put her right arm in front of the small green snake.

"..." Xiaoqing's nose twitched subconsciously.

Then, the mouth involuntarily then opened, exposing two sharp fangs at the same time, there is a drop of crystal clear saliva from the corner of the mouth.


I wonder which monster in the room swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In this strange and pressure of the atmosphere, appear extremely ear-piercing, directly caused the other monsters face a change, instantly covered the mouth.

This is really not the monsters bold enough to want to eat yanning.

But, really can not stand AH.

A bite from such an outsider can increase your cultivation base for decades? It is even possible to turn over a new leaf in the valley of the black winds.

At the thought of this, another monster could not help but swallow a mouthful of water.


And then...

Gulp, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, Gulp, Gul.

Even the deer demon, who kept talking about eating grass, couldn't help but drool at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were fixed on Yan Ning because it was too tempting. The meat was really delicious.

"Eat it. Take a bite and taste it. It's Delicious." Yan Ning heard the sounds of people swallowing. She knew that she had finally succeeded in bringing the plot to the main point.

Sheep to the Wolves!

All Demons Eat Yan Ning, this is how strong the plot conflict? !

And at this moment, the small green snake finally could not help but, a fly and then tangled up to Yan Ning's body, opened his mouth to bite down.

I'm Coming!

Xiaoqing, she's making a bold move!

Goldfinger, what are you waiting for?

Come on!

My Super plug-in!


There was a metallic sound.

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