
Chapter 7. The door is blocked, and no one is allowed to leave

"Got it." The corners of Qian Shanxue's mouth twitched. Then, she said again, "I just don't know what specific plans commander Tang has for this operation."

"Of course there are. Brother Li and the rest have already disguised themselves as passing merchants and went to Lan Ruosi ahead of schedule. The three of us are posing as demon-suppressing masters. If we have the chance, we will kill them at once. If we are not confident, we will follow Yan Ning all the way and fight with brother Li and the rest after they meet at Lan Ruosi!" Another demon-suppressing master spoke when he saw that someone had already spoken, naturally, he will tell the whole plan.

"It's a good plan, but it's a little troublesome." Qian shanxue didn't continue to ask after hearing this. Instead, she revealed a slightly dissatisfied expression.

"HMM? What's wrong with the Master of the Lonely Hall?"

"I see here scenery is good, it is a good graveyard!" The vision of Thousand Mountain Snow a cold, body invisible then exudes a strong killing machine.

Then he turned and went straight to the inn.

"I'll make the first move. The three brothers can just watch from behind. If anything happens to me, the three of you don't have to collect my body. You just have to inform the beggars' gang and someone will take care of it."

SSS! The three demon-slaying masters all felt the killing intent of the Qian Mountains Snow. This kind of killing intent was definitely not possessed by a young lady who was just a cub.

The Real Deal!

And it's the kind that comes out of countless actual battles!

Legend of the Beggars Gang Lonely Ruthless, mysterious, cold temperament, but the real hot hand fairy, the most important is that lonely ruthless is also top grade master.

When you go into the underworld, you are talking about the meaning of a word.

With this chance to meet, three demon-slaying master would be willing to be a coward behind?

"The name of the leader of the Lonely Hall is indeed true. However, since the three of us dared to come, we can't hide behind the leader of the Lonely Hall and take all the credit. Why don't the three of us take the lead for the leader of the Lonely Fox Hall and lead Yan Ning to attack? Then, the leader of the Lonely Hall will wait for the opportunity to attack!" The three demon-suppressing masters looked at each other again, all gritted their teeth and stopped the snow in Qian Mountains without much hesitation.

"Since that's the case, the three brothers must be careful. After killing Yan Ning, you can mercilessly invite the three brothers to drink. I only hope to get drunk!" The snow on the Thousand Hills smiled. The peach blossoms were glowing red, just like the snow that had melted in March.

The three exorcists were stunned.

Just to get drunk?

This is a fucking good thing coming!

"Let's talk about it!"

"Ha Ha Ha..."

"Master heartless, look at my brother!"

Three demon-slaying said that, the head also does not return of then rush forward.




Blood blooms in the dark.

Qian Mountains Snow didn't spend much effort. She took the most direct route, breaking the necks of two of them with lightning speed, and then, before the third person could react, a finger on the other side of the temple.



Not a drop of blood.

"Who... Who the hell are you?" The exorcist, whose temple was drenched by the snow in Qian Mountains, turned around with his last breath, looking incredulous.

"Lonely and heartless. "Thousand mountain snow indifferent way.


And so...

The battle is over.

And now yanning...

Is early into the 'there is an inn' .


Step in.

Yan Ning's mood is quite complex, because of the close-up watching the monsters when the fear, but also have a sense of anticipation generated by the excitement.

I'm Coming!

Finally, a strong conflict scenario!

Walk into a inn at random in the wilderness, inside unexpectedly is full of monsters, moreover, the quantity amounts to more than 50, this is not 'chance' is what?

With Yan Ning's current character, not to mention more than 50 monsters, one monster could easily kill him. This was an absolute death trap. Moreover, it was the kind that could not escape even if he ran.


It's totally routine!

He's going to die, no accident.

That was because death was inevitable. When novels were written about this kind of plot, they would usually turn on Goldfinger directly. Or perhaps there was an expert who happened to pass by and wanted to accept him as his disciple after killing these monsters.

"Young man, you are not trash, you are in fact one of the martial arts genius Ah! You are one chance away from the greatest, and it is no accident that I am here today... ... In fact, I've seen you since the day you were born, and I still gave you your name, but it wasn't the right time before, and now the time has finally come. Come Up the mountain with me, and be isolated from the rest of the world, and be that God who is at ease."

"Ha-ha-ha, that's so dramatic!"

"But the more dramatic, the more classic!"

Yan Ning Strode into the inn, eyes swept across the room more than 50 monsters, and then, casually to close the door, and also the bolt to plug up.

The door was locked.

Nobody's going anywhere today!


See this scene, the face of more than 50 monsters in the room is a pale, because, Yan Ning lock the door action, absolutely abnormal AH.

And, most of all, the monsters found that at such close range, they could not see through Yan Ning at all.

In fact, they had a strange illusion that Yan Ning was just like an ordinary person. Not only did she not have the true essence, but she also walked in a rather vain manner. Instead, she looked more like a sick person.

But is there such a strong green light on a sick man?

Can a sick terrorist do the real thing?

Obviously not!


"Is this what they call going back to basics?"

"Silent as a rock, silent as a stone, moving like a sword, ready to slay a demon!"

The monsters were really flustered this time. They were in a bad mood because they were being bullied in the valley, so they decided to have a meal, drink, and dance together.


Yan Ning blocked the door.

This is going to kill them all!

"M. . . Sir, we are all..."

"You're all demons." Yan Ning smiled at the venerable deer demon who seemed to be the oldest. She raised the corner of her lips. "I can tell it at a glance. I'm a human. Since ancient times, humans and demons are at odds. You should eat me."

"No, no, no... Sir, it's a misunderstanding. I don't like to Eat People!" The Deer Demon was so scared that it shook its head repeatedly. Was this a crime that was being inflicted on him?


What a snake!

Before the demon, most like to play is this set.

The first thing you say is how many people you eat, and then, to do justice for God, but, in fact, demons are not all cannibals, okay?

At the very least, you can see that I am a deer demon.

I eat grass!

"No, you can like this. You should eat people." Yan would rather not believe it. How could a demon not eat people? How could the plot conflict come about if you don't eat people?

"Sir, I really don't eat people... I'm a deer. You see, I have antlers... I eat grass. I'll eat some fruits at most..." the deer demon broke out in cold sweat.

"That they? These two snakes, should eat people?" Yan Ning to the roof beam a white one green two lolly snake demon a finger, with a smile.


The Lolly Green snake monster on the roof beam was so frightened that her tail went soft and she fell down.

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