
Chapter 6, ruthless, shining debut


The Hou House in the north of the town.

Division brandy a pale yellow gorgeous dress, elegant fingers in front of a dew in a gently pick, little drops of water poured in front of a pot of chrysanthemums.

Autumn wind, Chrysanthemum Open.

It's so golden. It's so cute!

Behind Spears, Komidori, the maid, and a captain of the guard were making eyes at each other, but they were silent.

"Yan Ning has been out of the city for some time, hasn't she?" After watering, Si Bailan looked at the bright moon outside the window and slowly turned around to sit down on the chair in the main seat.

The maid, Komidori, immediately paid no more attention to the head of the guard, and quickly knelt down at the feet of spears, and straightened her wrinkled skirts.

"Second madam, first master has been out of the city for two and a half hours. According to the normal speed of his bicycle, he should have entered the Black Wind Valley." The head of the guard turned around and took a step closer to Komidori, it feels like I don't know you.

"Still no reply?" Si Bai Lan nodded.

"Not yet, but don't worry, second madam. I've sent two groups of people this time. Five of them will pose as merchants while three of them will pose as demon-fighting masters. These eight are the elites raised in the village. First Young Master has never seen them before, so there won't be any trouble."

"How good are these guys?"

"There are six quality masters, two of whom are top quality."

"Only two good ones?"

"Tang Si is incompetent. Please forgive me, Second Madam!" The head of the guard immediately knelt down. "However, first young master's departure was too sudden. It's too difficult to find a good expert in such a short period of time. After all, in the Hou family, even with first young master, there are only less than five high-class experts. Moreover, second madam has made it clear that she must not be recognized by first young master. It's really... .. ."

"Alright, you can get up." Si Bailan waved her hand. "I know it's a little difficult to do this, but this is mainly a test. Moreover, Yan Ning's trip is considered suicide. She rushed to Black Wind Valley alone. Even a deity can't save him!"

"The second madam didn't miss anything. As far as I know, the great demon in Black Wind Valley is cunning even though it's not strong enough to defeat the demon king. I don't know how many demon-lowering masters have died at its hands. When the first master left the city, I already ordered someone to release the news. Now that everyone in Qingshan City knows that the first master went to Black Wind Valley alone to defeat the demon, even if something were to happen, no one would think that it was us!" Tang Si did not get up immediately, but go on.

"Well, you've done a pretty good job on this. If Yan Ning dies, you can take over the position of the head of the guard in the Hou's residence!"

"Thanks two Madam!" Tang si finally gets up.


On the mountain road to Black Wind Valley.

Qian Mountains Snow in the darkness, one can see a green light all over Yan Ning.

This is like the mountain in the night suddenly have a treasure world, in the dark blooming a way of rays, even if want to not see some difficulties.

"Is it true? But your husband doesn't know martial arts? Is there a big secret hidden in your husband?" After confirming Yan Ning's identity in Qian Mountains, in the mind some doubt, but, but not directly close, because, she wanted to see Yan Ning a person to black wind valley, in the end why come.

In addition, there is another reason is that she found in the Yan Ning behind, there are three figures also carefully with Yan Ning.

The three of them were dressed in the typical attire of a demon-slayer. The 'mahogany beads' representing the identity of a demon-slayer were hanging on their waists. Judging from the number of beads, their abilities were quite good. The highest one had four beads, this means that the number of dead at his hands, at least no less than double digits.

However, the strength of the four beads demon-fighting masters was basically catching demons in some mountain villages. It was unreasonable for them to come to black wind valley with such a large group of demons and Big Demons.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yan Ning's speed is really slow, according to the four beads down demon foot speed, should have been able to catch up to Yan Ning's front.

But the three have been far behind.

Don't think about it.

These three demon fighters are coming for Yan Ning.

"No accident, should be the Hou House that the second lady sent out? Or even if they were not sent by the second lady, these three people should have ill intentions towards their husband and be after his money." Qian shanxue only thought about it for a moment, they confirmed that these three demon fighters are not good people.

So, she decided...

Kill these three men.

But at this moment, in front of the green light of Yan Ning but stopped, and then, Yan Ning then strode to the roadside of a inn.

"My husband did not enter the Black Wind Valley directly. Instead, he went straight to an inn at the entrance of the valley. He did not seem to have any hesitation at all. Could it be that my husband is not here to fight demons? Wait... ... I think I know why my husband comes to a place like Black Wind Valley at night!" A moment of clarity in the heart.

Husband is about people in this discussion plan!

As for what to discuss, Qian Mountains snow in the heart can probably guess, only two points, one is how to deal with the Second Lady, two is with the death of the old Marquis.

In the past 18 years, the Marquis of the north of the town, Yan Xiaotian, had been surrounded by the northern Liang army during a small conflict.

He was shot with a volley of arrows.

It was not only sudden, but also too strange.

It was a small conflict that did not require Yan Xiaotian's help at all, yet Yan Xiaotian was there. Moreover, he had been ambushed. It was hard to believe that there was no hidden agenda behind this.

"The husband is really clever, purposely with black wind valley as an excuse, avoid two madam's eyes, just, so act... ... for what purpose ? Could the death of the old Marquis have something to do with the second lady "Forget it, no matter what, when my husband comes to this inn to discuss things with others, we must not let the second Madam's spies report back!" Qian shanxue decided to act directly.

At the same time, the three demons have begun to the direction of the inn approach carefully.

"It seems like you're right. These three are indeed here for my husband." The corners of Qian Shanxue's lips twitched as she strode towards the three demon-fighting masters and the inn.

It's a bit too soon to go out tonight.

Qian Mountains Snow did not have time to put on all the clothes, just casually in the hands of red children grabbed a white dress on the body.

Such a dress was very conspicuous at night, so she knocked out a beggar begging at the gate of the city before leaving the city.

Then, after three and five removed the beggar's clothes, handy also took the beggar bowl of copper money up, it is a river lake emergency.

After all, she had no money with her.

You have to borrow it first.

Wait for a chance to return it.

This kind of thing, Qian Mountains Snow often do, so there is no guilt.

Moreover, she and the beggars in Qingshan City branch know, even if the little beggar recognized her, ran to complain, it does not matter.

At worst, I'll beat the little beggar again, and he'll probably be honest.

The snow of Qian Mountains walked out quickly and lay across the three demon-fighters.

"Huh? A smelly beggar?"

"It's bad luck to meet a beggar so late!"

"Fuck off!"

Three exorcist see just block in front of the inn wrapped in gray and black ragged clothes of snow, eyes also flashed a touch of impatience look.

"Is two madam send you to kill Yan Ning?" Thousand Mountain Snow slowly raises head.

"HM? !" Three demon-slaying division fierce a surprised.

"There's no need for the three of you to be surprised. It's not that the second madam is worried about your abilities, but Yan Ning is a top-class expert after all. This time, she came to Black Wind Valley alone. It's a rare opportunity. The second madam sent me here to help just in case. I'm 'Lonely and Merciless' . I'm the Deputy Head of the Beichuan branch of the Beggars' gang, and I'm also the Executioner." Qian Shan Snow smiled, as he spoke, he approached the three demon fighters.

Three Demons to hear the introduction of snow after a thousand mountains are Leng.

This little beggar in front of me is actually a helper sent by the Second Lady? No wonder they were so bold, they saw through their identity at a glance, and then, directly stopped in front of the three of them.

However, it was rumored that the deputy head of the Beichuan branch of the Beggars' gang, Dugu, was extremely mysterious and ruthless. Moreover, he was still a daughter, and the little beggar in front of him...

Snow approaches Qian Mountains.

Beautiful appearance, pale face, such a beautiful girl, if say what ordinary little beggars, they are dead do not believe.

The most important thing is that the other side on the self-reported home, this is not their own family, or what is the small quack?

"So it's the Master of the Lonely Hall. We've heard of the name of the Master of the Lonely Hall. When we saw him today, we didn't expect the Master of the Lonely Fox Hall to be so young." The three demonizing masters were relieved.

"The three of you are too polite. A little false reputation is nothing. However, for the sake of prudence, I also need to confirm the identities of the three of you. After all, I only take orders from the second madam, and the three of you seem to be... ... is a little strange?" A Thousand Mountains of snow lifted Cape from his perch, her long black hair was showing.

In the moonlight.

It's breathtaking.

One of the exorcist was dumbfounded. He blurted out without even thinking, "The three of us are raised in the village and are under the orders of Commander Tang. It's normal that the leader of the Lonely Hall has never seen them before."

Ask for the recommendation ticket, ask for the reward, ask for the collection