
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Side chapter :Missing Days  

Today was January 2 1952


The beach was beautiful, with friends and family all around, having fun in the sun and sand. As I walked along, looking at everything happening, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the people I knew. Emily father, Garry Hawkins is a busy man so he is not here along with Chris father and mother

"Hey, Michael, come over here," called out Mark, drawing my attention.

I walked over to where Mark was standing, only to find Loe buried in the sand nearby.

I burst out laughing when I saw Loe buried in the sand. "Hahaha, is this really happening, Loe?" I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Seriously, Mark?" Loe grumbled, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "You promised me 10 dollars if I did this."


Mark chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I still have plenty of money from my part-time job at Chris company."

Chris approached us, trying to suppress his laughter as he observed the scene. "What's with Loe?" he asked, shaking his head in amusement.

"Yeah, pretty funny, huh?" Loe replied sarcastically, shooting a playful glare at Mark.

As I watched the playful banter unfold, my gaze shifted to the other side of the beach, where I spotted my girlfriend Mary and our friend Emily engaged in conversation. It warmed my heart to see her smiling and laughing, and enjoying herself.

On another part of the beach, I noticed my dad engaged in conversation with Thomas Halloway. They seemed really into whatever they were discussing, well it's adding to the lively atmosphere of the day.

Then suddenly mark broke my thoughts.

As Mark interrupted my thoughts, he seemed a bit annoyed. "Hey Michael, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" he asked.

I flashed a quick smile. "Of course, I'm listening," I reassured him.

Mark seemed unconvinced but let it go with a hesitant "Okay."

Loe, growing impatient, chimed in, "Mark, are we done yet?"

Mark shook his head. "No, just wait there for five more minutes," he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Loe couldn't hide his irritation. "If it weren't for the money, Mark, I would've already punched that smug look off your face," he grumbled.

Mark's smirk widened. "Hey, it's not my fault you need the money," he retorted.

Then he suggested, "Also, you could always ask for some allowance from Teacher Thomas, you know?"

Loe shook his head adamantly. "Nah, I don't want to ask that old man for anything," he replied firmly. (tsundere loe 🤭)



Mark raised an eyebrow, considering Loe's words. "But what about that cape of yours that can make you fly, and all those weapons you have?" he questioned.

Loe sighed in frustration at Mark's stupidity "Hey, I didn't ask for those. He just gave them to me, Okay"  he explained. "Getting stuff as a gift is different from asking for it, idiot."

Mark nodded slowly, acknowledging Loe's point. "Well, you have a point," he admitted.

"Yeah, I'm always on point, Marky," said Loe, rolling his eyes from his sandy predicament.

As Loe rolled his eyes, still buried in the sand, Mark couldn't help but laugh at his friend's predicament. "Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." he teased, unable to resist poking fun at Loe's expense.

I chuckled at their friendly teasing, enjoying the light and carefree moment amid the peaceful setting of the beach. It was times like these, surrounded by loved ones, that made life truly precious.

Suddenly, Mary and Emily approached, their laughter echoing in the air as they joined our little group. Mary gave me a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with affection as she greeted me.


As Emily approached Mark with a smile on her face, she greeted him affectionately, "Hey, babe." Leaning in, she pressed a tender kiss on his cheek, her gesture filled with warmth and love


"Babe, what's going on over here?" Mary asked, her curiosity piqued as she glanced at the scene before her.

"Oh, just Mark being Mark," I replied with a grin, gesturing to where Loe was still buried in the sand.

Mary laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Classic Brother," she remarked, her laughter infectious as she joined in the teasing.

Chris chimed in with a grin. "Alright, alright, let's not gang up on poor Loe too much," he said, his tone light-hearted as he offered a hand to help Loe up.

With a combined effort, we managed to extract Loe from the sand, much to his relief and Mark's amusement. As Loe dusted himself off, grumbling about this situation, and we all shared a laugh, the camaraderie of friendship warming our hearts on this beautiful day at the beach.

After Loe got up, we all walked along the beach again, taking it easy. The wind felt nice, and we could hear the waves crashing nearby. These were the kind of moments that made life feel really good, just hanging out with friends and having a good time.



As Edward and Thomas shared a moment of camaraderie, their conversation turned to their respective sons, Michael and Loe.

Edward reflected on his son's unpredictable nature, a mix of maturity and mischief. "My son sometimes matures faster than I expect, but other times, he's still a bit of a troublemaker," he admitted with a wry smile.

Thomas nodded understandingly, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "Ah, sounds a lot like my adopted son, Loe," he remarked, his tone affectionate despite the hint of exasperation. "He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, But I love the way he is"


Edward chuckled in agreement, recognizing the similarities between their sons. "It seems our boys share more than just a knack for getting into trouble," he remarked.

Thomas laughed, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, they do. But you know, despite the things we been through, I feel a special bond with Loe," he admitted, his voice tinged with pride and affection. "He's different from me in many ways, but I see so much potential in him. I believe he'll grow up to be a better person than I ever was."

Edward smiled warmly at Thomas's words, a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding passing between them. "It's the same with Michael," he confessed. "I may not always understand his decisions, but I have faith that he will become a greater man than I ever was."

As they continued their conversation, the bond between Edward and Thomas, forged through years of friendship and shared experiences, only grew stronger.


[Meanwhile Michael Side]

Chris's expression shifted as his mcall device buzzed, signaling an incoming call from his father. "Sorry, guys, I've got to take this," he announced, glancing apologetically at us

Understanding the importance of family matters, we nodded understandingly. "Don't worry, Chris. Take your time," I reassured him, offering a supportive smile.

Before he walked away to take the call, I added with a warm tone, "And tell your father I said hello, Chris."

Chris nodded gratefully, touched by the gesture of camaraderie. "Thanks, guys. I'll catch up with you later," he said before heading off to take the call, leaving us to continue our conversation with a sense of solidarity and friendship.

As Chris left to take his call, Mark's voice cut through the chatter, his tone change into unsual somber. "Guys, what if your families were suddenly gone? What would you do?" he posed the question, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Caught off guard by the abrupt change in atmosphere, I couldn't resist but inquire about Mark's sudden shift. "Hey, Mark, what's up with these sad things?" I questioned, trying to grasp the reason behind his gloomy mood.

Mark hesitated for a moment before brushing off the topic with a dismissive gesture. "Um, Anyway forget about it," he said, attempting to change the subject.

But the weight of his words lingered, changing the mood of our talk. We all knew the pain that Mark and Mary had endured, losing their parents in a tragic accident when they were young. It made me feel really sorry for them, thinking about what they must have gone through.

Loe interjected with his bluntness. "What's with this sudden bitching?" he remarked, his tone filled with determination "We can deal with that in the future, but for now, let's just focus on creating some crazy memories. After all, this moment is our day to rest and have fun."

With a laugh, I acknowledged Loe's words. "Haha, you're right, man," I agreed, appreciating his straightforwardness. Turning to Mark, I spoke earnestly, "Mark, I can't dwell on those thoughts right now. I know that I'll have to face them someday, but I'll leave it to my future self to ponder those things."

Mark nodded, understanding my sentiment. "Yeah, I get it," he replied, a hint of empathy in his voice. "Let's just enjoy today and leave the worries for another time."

And with that, we all agreed to put aside our concerns and immerse ourselves fully in the present moment, making the most of our day of relaxation and camaraderie at the beach.

Little did I know that the carefree days of my youth would eventually give way to the harsh realities of life.

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