
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · Anime & Comics
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324 Chs

Side chapter- Before the Beginning (2)

 Today, Peter Parker started his training, and we were in an empty, abandoned place where nobody could see us. It was important for our privacy, so we could focus on what we needed to do. The Spider-Man system confirmed that we were safe.


"Confirmed, host there is no civilians here," chimed in the Spider-Man system


"Michael, are you sure we're fine here?" Peter's voice broke through my thoughts, his concern is showing.


"Yep, we're good," I reassured him with a confident smile, adjusting my iconic black Spider-Man suit. Glancing over at Peter, I couldn't help but chuckle a little at his attire – a basic mask and what could only be described as a rather comical outfit.


"Why am I dressed like this?" Peter's puzzled face matched my grin.

"Well, before you get your official suit, we need to focus on your training," I explained, trying to maintain my composure. Suppressing another laugh, I added, "Consider this your beginner suit for now."


Peter nodded eagerly, his determination evident as he focused on the task at hand. "Okay, let's do this," he said with a determined look.


"Great attitude, Pete," I commended him. "Now, let's work on your shooting skills. Remember, your organic webbing is just as powerful as mine."


I summoned a bottle from my inventory and placed it at a distance. "See this bottle over here?" I pointed. "Your goal is to hit it dead center."


As Peter prepared to shoot, he couldn't help but marvel at my abilities. "Every time you do that, I can't help but be amazed," he admitted.


I chuckled, shaking my head. "You don't need my powers to be a hero, Pete. Remember, it's not about what you have, but what you do with it."


He nodded in understanding, a smile spreading across his face. "I get it, Michael. Thanks for the reminder."


With a determined expression, Peter adjusted his aim, focusing on his target. With a flick of his wrist, another strand shot out, this time hitting the bottle dead on, causing it to topple over with a satisfying thud.


"Nice shot, Pete!" I exclaimed, impressed by his quick progress. "You're a natural at this."



Peter grinned proudly, looking quite pleased with himself. "Well, I am a genius," he declared confidently, his voice brimming with self-assurance.



"Freaking genius, indeed," I chuckled, acknowledging his intelligence. It was undeniable that Peter had a remarkable intellect, It made sense now on why he could pick up skills so rapidly, just like in the movies and series.


With a high IQ like his, you can understand everything in a flash. So Peter Parker is the epitome of brilliance."


Then I quickly shot my webbing at the bottle, pulling it towards me smoothly. and, I turned to Peter and explained the next part of our training. "Okay, Pete, here's what we're gonna do," I said, making sure to keep it simple. "I'll throw this bottle up high. Your job? Shoot it down fast as soon as it's in the air."


Peter nodded eagerly, his determination evident. "Got it," he affirmed, ready to put his newfound skills to the test.


I nodded, impressed by Peter's readiness to learn. With a confident grin, I hurled the Bottle high into the air, sending it spinning against the backdrop of the sky. "Alright, Pete, let's see what you've got," I encouraged, watching intently as the can soared upward. 


As the bottle flew higher, Peter acted quickly. He aimed his wrist and shot out a web, his organic webbing flying through the air. In just a moment, the web caught the bottle, stopping it suddenly in mid-air and it dropped.


"Nice shot, Pete!" I cheered, genuinely impressed by his quick reflexes.


Peter looked really happy, like he just won a big prize. "Thanks, Michael! I think I'm getting better at this," he said, with a big smile. You could tell he was really excited.


Encouraged by his progress, I nodded in approval. "You're doing great, Pete. But remember, consistency is key. Let's keep practicing until you can hit the target every time," I advised, eager to see him hone his skills even further.


With a fresh determination, Peter agreed, eager to face the challenge. We kept at it, practicing again and again. With each try, he got better, inching closer to mastering his shooting skills.



As Peter caught his breath, his eyes filled with anticipation for the next challenge. "What's next?" he asked eagerly.


I grinned, impressed by his enthusiasm. "Alright, let's take it up a notch," I replied, scanning our surroundings. "This time, we're working on your swinging skills, Pete. But first, watch this."


With a quick movement, I jumped up and started swinging from tree to tree without any trouble.


As I swung through the trees, I couldn't help but think, "Well, I can't let my disciple down, can I? Plus, it's the perfect chance to show off a little and impress him!"


With that as I flew through the air, I did some fancy moves, spinning and twisting mid-flight Then, I kicked off a tree and did a graceful tumbling in mid air before landing next to Peter.


His eyes widened in awe as I landed. "Wow, that was awesome!" he exclaimed, clearly impressed by the display.


I grinned at his reaction. "Glad you liked it, Pete. Now, let me break it down for you." I stepped closer to him, explaining the key techniques for swinging.


Peter nodded, eager to give it a try. With newfound determination, he launched himself into the air, mimicking my movements as he swung from tree to tree. However, his movements were still sluggish, lacking the fluidity and precision that came with experience. It was clear that he was still a beginner in this aspect of his training. But with each swing, he gained a bit more confidence, gradually improving with every move.

Peter's confident shout stopped suddenly when I yelled, "Look out, Pete!" I got really scared when I saw the trees getting closer to him.

But it was too late, But it was too late. Peter's expression shifted from happy to panic as he struggled to regain control of his web-swinging, his movements were clumsy and awkward. "Oh no, this is bad!" he shouted, his voice filled with desperation.


With a comical thud, Peter slammed into a tree, his body rebounding off the trunk before landing on the ground."Ow! That hurts!" he groaned, rubbing his sore bottom.

Facepalming at the sight of his misfortune, I couldn't help but mutter, "Ouch, that looks painful."


As I hurried over to make sure Peter was okay, he tried to laugh despite the pain. "This is just one of my battle scars," he joked.


Laughing, I couldn't help but tease him. "Looks like you've earned your first battle wound. But hey, now you've got a funny story to tell about your first run-in with the trees," I said, trying to make things less serious.


With a grin, I offered him a hand up. "Come on, let's get you readying up, And then we'll work on perfecting those swinging skills," I said, my tone more encouraging now


Peter nodded firmly, dusting himself off. "I won't forget this day, Michael," he said holding this a memory that he wont forget.


Grinning, I clapped him on the shoulder. "Then let's hold this memory togeter, Pete. Now Let's shake off the bumps and bruises and get back to it," I encouraged, ready to continue our training session.


As we got back to training, I really admired Peter's determination. Even after the mishaps, he stayed committed to improving. It was clear that with each obstacle, our mentor-student bond was getting stronger.


"Pete, this is just easy, man. I think you can do this easily," I said to Peter, a hint of confidence in my voice.


"What is that?" Peter asked, his curiosity piqued.


"It's Spider-Man crawling," I replied.


"Spider-Man crawling?" Peter questioned, clearly puzzled.


"Let me show you, Pete. Watch," I said, moving towards a nearby wall. As I reached out and stuck my hand to the surface, I began to crawl up the wall effortlessly, using my hands to propel myself upward.


Peter's eyes widened in amazement as he watched me climb. "Woah, that's insane!" he exclaimed, clearly impressed by the demonstration.


Once I reached the top, I looked back down at Peter with a grin. "See, easy as pie. Now, your turn," I encouraged, gesturing for him to give it a try


Peter nodded, determination flickering in his eyes. "Alright, let me give it a shot."


With a newfound sense of confidence, Peter walked up to the wall and hesitantly placed his hand on it. Doing just as I had done, he tried to crawl upward using his hands.


"Whoa, what is this? It's like I have glue on my hand," Peter exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and excitement in his voice.


For a moment, it seemed like he might slip, but then he found his footing and began to ascend, his movements growing more fluid with each step.


"Hey, look at you go!" I cheered, impressed by his progress. "You're really a genius, Pete!"


I couldn't stop smiling as I watched Peter climb the wall with all his might. When he reached the top and grinned at me, I felt so proud. "I did it!" he shouted, his excitement clear for me to see.


"That's incredible, Pete!" I said, genuinely impressed. "Get used to that feeling, Pete, because you're going to be doing a lot more amazing things from now on."



As we moved on to the final lesson—Spider-Sense—I knew this was the most crucial yet challenging aspect for Peter to grasp. "Alright, Pete, time to tune in to your Spidey senses," I announced with a grin, eager to see how he'd fare.


"Spidey senses? You mean, like, tingling or something that i felt back then?" Peter questioned, a skeptical expression on his face.


"Exactly!" I replied, nodding enthusiastically. "It's like an inner alarm system that alerts you to danger. But here's the catch: you've gotta be in tune with it."


Peter furrowed his brows, clearly trying to comprehend the concept. "Okay, so... how do I do that?"


"Well, there's no better way to learn than through practice," I explained, my lips curling into a mischievous grin. "And what better way to test your Spidey senses than with a friendly little sparring match?"


Peter's eyes widened with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "You want me to fight you?"


"Yep, that's the plan!" I confirmed, already getting into a fighting stance. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you... maybe."


I chuckled to myself as I geared up for the sparring session with Peter. Yep, I had to go easy on him. No point in going all out when he's still getting the hang of things. Gotta keep it fair and fun, right?


With that, the mock battle commenced. I darted towards Peter with lightning speed, throwing punches and kicks in his direction, I kept telling him to trust his gut. At the beginning, Peter looked kinda lost. He was slow and awkward, trying to figure out what I was doing.


As the fight went on, I could see Peter's instincts kicking in. He began to predict my moves, dodging and ducking with newfound agility. Sure I wasn't going full power, but even so, his reactions were pretty darn good. It was like watching a dancer on stage, Peter was smoothly dodging punches and kicks.


"Nice move, Pete!" I called out, impressed by his reflexes.


Peter flashed me a grin, a mixture of determination and excitement shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Michael! I guess those spider sense are finally kicking in!"


I nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of pride. "You're getting the hang of it, kiddo. Keep it up!"


As our mock battle came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Peter stood before me, breathing heavily but with a defeated look in his eyes. He had given his all, and even though he hadn't won, he had shown incredible determination and growth. It was clear that he had what it takes to be a true Spider-Man.


The camaraderie between us was evident in our face as I reached out to help Peter up. "Hey, Pete, you're really doing great," I commended him with a warm smile.


"Thanks, Michael. I can't do this without you!" Peter expressed, his gratitude evident as he gripped my hand tightly.


Returning his gesture, I gave him a fist bump and suggested, "Call me Mike, just like I call you Pete."


Peter's smile grew wider, and he nodded, saying, "Sure thing, Master Mike," with a playful chuckle, connecting with my fist bump.


With that, we continued our training, focusing on improving each of Peter Parker's skills. I knew that Peter Parker was destined for greatness. And I was honored to have played a part in shaping his journey.


The end 

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