
I am the lord

From a head of a declining family to a head of a powerful family. He who will bring glory with him and shall build armies who shall embark in uniting all the continents.

fox0006000 · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: The war of the four Empires

Xavier looked at his necklace "I guess this item is also not normal at all but it looks normal item aside from its beauty oh yeah there was a paper inside the box."

When Xavier checked out the paper it was written in an unknown language which Xavier didn't understand.

Xavier looked at the paper and said "This is a pretty strange language hmm doesn't the maid belong to this world, she should probably recognize the word.

Xavier unlocked the door and called for the maid and gave her the paper and asked "Do you recognize this word" and the maid nodded and said "This word is our old language of Vertex Empire, but Nowadays, there are rarely any people who speak this language, but I used to read the old language even I am not perfect."

Xavier quickly asked, "Then what does it says"

"It says blood" the maid replied.

Xavier thought for a moment and said, "Bring a knife and did you hear someone screaming and shouting for help"

"No I didn't hear anything from the room mi lord did you heard something like that"

Xavier replied, "No it may just be my imagination." "Maybe this wall is soundproof or it was the work of the black smoke"

After the maid went and brought a knife with her Xavier again sent the maid outside.

Xavier cut his palm and started to bleed. As Xavier bled he dropped his blood on the crystal of the necklace. And after sometime the crystal started to shine. As the crystal started to shine it shone so bright Xavier couldn't help but cover his eyes due to brightness. After the light slowly faded away Xavier was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes because he was no longer on his room, but completely on a different place. This place contained nothing no cloud, hills, mountain as this place was full of nothingness as Xavier walked for about an hour he found himself in the same place "HOW THE HELL DO I GET OUT FROM HERE" as Xavier walked and walked but didn't found anything. Xavier thought, "How the hell do I get out from this place is there an exit?" and to his surprise Xavier appeared in his room, "Huh what the hell just happened?" A period and try Xavier finally figured out how to enter or exit he just had to think words like Exit or Enter. After figuring out how to enter and exit Xavier started to read about this world. This world was known as Eorthe and it was divided into five continents according to the humans they were Northern, Southern, Western, Eastern and at last, the middle continent. In each continent many countless Kingdoms rose throughout the ages, but not all survived and those surviving kingdoms eventually became an Empire. In such continents Vertex Empire was one of those Empire who had survived and became one of the Overlords of the Southern continent.

Those Empires started to suppress weaker kingdoms and supported rebels to overthrow their king and queen if they became a threat against them. Other Overlords like Vertex Empire hated each other and rivaled for influence and dominance in smaller Kingdoms but refused to come in direct conflict with each other. In such incident a Duke of the Unfading Empire was ambushed and nearly killed enraged by this action, the Unfading Empire blamed the Vertex Empire but when the Emperor of Vertex Empire refused they declared war against the Vertex Empire and Vertex Empire also declared war. In the war many countless people were killed, families were forced to migrate, men were drafted to the battlefield, and the war without a doubt was cruel. But for some unknown reason one of the front commanders was killed which helped the Vertex Empire to turn the tide of the war. The Vertex Empire broke through the line and started to invade the soil of Unfading Empire but in the amidst of battle the Holy Empire suddenly declared war against Vertex Empire, and formed an alliance with the Unfading Empire. The alliance of the Unfading and Holy Empire pushed back Vertex Empire and Vertex Empire had no choice but to form an alliance with the Everlasting Empire. The war was in stalemate and the suffering continued on. At last, the Holy Church of the Middle continent interfered the war and pressured the four Empires to sign a peace treaty with each other and the war ended.

The war had lasted more than ten years which costed more than Seven million lives and fifteen million casualties.

This war was ultimately known as Great war of the south or the war of the four Empires.