
I Am The Duke's Wife Again!

Charlotte Carson was married to Ryan Evans and stayed with him in a loveless marriage for 2 years! Her only saving grace in the marriage was her step son, Little Jay Jay, she devoted her life to him because his father was negligent towards them both. Unfortunately, she was killed by her own husband for something she did not do! Now that she has been given a second chance to life, will she walk through the same path again or will she seek out those who plotted against her and seek revenge?

PJs34 · History
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55 Chs

I want to get into the military!

" What are you thinking, milady?" Miss Hazel asked as we walked around in the garden.

" And why are we walking around here in this heat?" She complained

" Taking walks is good for your health, miss Hazel. Besides, don't you think the garden is pretty?" I answered her with a chuckle. Truthfully, walks helped me think I used to take them even back at home after my father died.

" Milady, are you not afraid that your skin will get tanned. And a darker shade at that." Miss Hazel said, and I rolled my eyes at her.

" That's why we brought our umbrellas, Miss Hazel. Are there any more complaints?" I asked her with a smug smile. it felt good to finally find something that was her weakness. She huffed and looked to the side, making me laugh.

" Anyway, how difficult do you think it is to get into the military?" I asked her

" Mm... (breathes out softly) It depends, milady. May I ask why?" She asked politely

" Miss Hazel, I have already said there is no need for such formalities between us. You are the first friend I have made since I got here." I said

" Milady!!!!" My maids, Wendy and Lily exclaimed as they were walking behind us, and we all laughed.

" I didn't mean it like that. She is the first friend who is my age, that's all." I quickly explained. It was true that I was really close to the people who worked in my quarters. It felt truly amazing because in my past life, I wasn't as open, and so aside from Lily, no one else wanted to be on my side. Now, being surrounded by these people made my heart warm, and no, I did not really care much about titles, so if they were with me, I always encouraged them to share their thoughts freely.

" Milady just admitted that I am her favorite." Miss Hazel joked.

" No way, if it would be anyone, it would have to be me," Wendy badly exclaimed.

" Oh? Why?" Miss Hazel asked

" I always bring her, her favorite midnight snack." Oh,no! She slipped.

" Oh? I thought milady was on a diet and asked me to oversee it? midnight snack?" Miss Hazel said as she narrowed her eyes, making Wendy keep quiet immediately.

" Ha, ha, ha. It's a thing of the past.I haven't had any midnight snacks in the past few days. I mean, how could I when I don't have my own room anymore." I grumbled

" Anyway, back to the military topic. Can you guys find out if there are any positions vacant? anything at all." I instructed.

" Milady, are you planning on going to the military?" Lily asked

" Mm, maybe. I just want to try something out."

" Why don't you ask, the Duke, milady? It will definitely be a hustle for you to get in, especially since our rules are very strict in this kingdom, " Miss Hazel suggested

I shook my head, " No, if anything, I want to get into the military without the Duke's help even more it would be great if he didn't find out about this." I said this because it would not be honorable for me to ask Ryan for a favor over something he trusted me to do on my own. Since he had allowed me to investigate the cause of death of his late wife, then I would have to get some things done relying on my capabilities. Otherwise, I would only seem incompetent to him. So this was my chance to prove to him that I could do something and that I was useful. Besides, who knows, maybe I could even get a chance to get closer to him in the military.