
I am the beginning of civilization

Five hundred million years ago. Insight_Williams descended on the most ancient barbaric lands and primeval seas. By accident, Insight nudged the trilobites into intelligent life. It slowly guided the Triloman(trilobite people) to develop an entire civilization, and likewise, the trilobites worshiped the protagonist as a god... But with the passage of time, history becomes legend, legend becomes myth, and eventually myth is buried in the years. Only the new God is eternal. ---------- With permission of the creator, only for exchange and learning. Discord: https://discord.gg/T3jGwuh97W PayPal: https://paypal.me/QAQ14?country.x=C2&locale.x=zh_XC (If you are willing to support $1 for the first time, I will be happy to post a bonus chapter and give you my private discord account number to commemorate the "first gold") :)

DaoistGy5WgI · Fantasy
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52 Chs


Although the new mythical life can be regarded as a combination of the two powers of life and wisdom, it cannot be said to surpass the former two, but to be a parallel existence.

Its power is in dreams and illusions, or dreams.

a kind of power born out of the power of life and the power of wisdom, but it is completely different.

Redlichia's power possesses the same ability as mind-reading and is capable of transforming thinking into an extraordinary power like spiritual power.

This new mythical life can neither read the mind nor manifest the power of thought into spiritual power. But it can create dreams and invade other people's dreams.

Sally's power has the power to create life and immortality, and she can change her form at will, even her size.

Of course, it is not immortal, but it lives much longer than a Trilobite.Its body is as magical as Sally's, and it has the power to travel between dream worlds and reality.

Insight took out the cup of the sun, and it opened the buds automatically.

The head in the flower cup slowly opened his eyes and yawned.


Then, it saw Insight.

I suddenly felt that the whole person was not good.

Its head retracted inward, and the open buds also wanted to be put away.

But Insight stretched out his hand, and it couldn't move.

Insight input the language of the Kingdom of Hailince into his mind through wisdom and power, and then communicated with him.

"Who are you?"

The Cup of the Sun looked up at Insight with a blank face: "Who am I?"

Insight can feel that it is quickly becoming acquainted with the knowledge and language he passed on to him: Has anyone named you before? Or did you pick one yourself? "

The Cup of the Sun looked at the surrounding environment and looked at Insight with a wink.

"So... who are you?"

Insight chuckled.

"They all call me god."

"If you like, you can also call it that way."

The cup of the sun still doesn't quite understand: "What is God?"

This is not the first time Insight has heard people ask this question: "It is probably a kind of existence that possesses great power and is so powerful that it is incomprehensible for mortals!"

Insight's explanation made this new mythical creature's heart very exciting.

"Then I will also be called God."

The stem of the cup of the sun swayed, and when he was still scared just now, it instantly fell into the association, as if it was very important to take a powerful name, which made it feel extremely exciting.

"My name is Flower God."

"No... it's called the Sun God."

"It's also okay to call the phantom god or dream god."

Its thinking jumps, and there is no qualitative.

Insight looked at it and said, "God is just a title, not a name."

"When you have power that transcends everything, the name of God will be crowned on your head by others."

The head in the cup of the sun looked at Insight, then looked down at himself.

It feels very weak.

The title, God, probably has nothing to do with it!

This makes it a little frustrating.

Insight saw its frustration and guided it to choose a name of its own.

"I also know a sun god. His name is Apollo, but you have nothing to do with the sun except that you have the same golden color as the sun."

The Sun Cup was stimulated and became unhappy: "Apollo, it doesn't sound good at all."

   Insight said to this somewhat childish new myth: "Then what are you going to call it?"

The cup of the sun raised his head: "It's decided."

"My name is Polo!"

Insight: "Pineapple?"

The little head in the flower cup seemed to hear Insight's ridicule: "It's Polo."


on the steps outside the temple.

When Polo swayed down, his whiskers did not move slower than his legs, but he still didn't feel fast enough.

He looked at the steep stairs, and suddenly an idea came to him.

He turned the huge flower cup down, and the flower cup turned into a golden coat, covering the stems and roots of the lower body.

He only exposed one head in his clothes, just like a child in clothes.


He jumped straight up and floated down from a high place.

The golden gown swayed with the wind and glided down with the wind.

"Wow! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Look at me riding the wind."


In the valley, he walked through the ruined city and wandered through the swamp.

His torso is covered by the gown, so his movement is not like running; it is more like a snake or a ghost panning on the ground.

He can disappear into the real world at any time and jump into his dream world.

He is a life that exists between reality and a dream. He wanders happily in the kingdom of God, in the garden of God Ince.

The days on the island are not particularly interesting, but they are quite pleasant.

But Polo is obviously not a child willing to be lonely. He is different from Insight and Sally. He has a strong curiosity. He likes and yearns for the new things outside.

He was standing on the beach, thinking about the distant view of the sea.


He came to the presence of God.


"Great God!"

He twisted his body, as if saying something embarrassing.

Having been with him for such a long time made him no longer afraid of Insight.

Shentou didn't even look at him; he already saw his thoughts.

"Is it good in the temple?"

"Or is this island not big enough?"

"Also, the outside world must be better than here."

Polo shook his head: "God!"

"Although it is good here, it is immutable here, just like the great God you, eternal and great."

"The outside world is not comparable to your country, but the outside world is constantly changing."

Polo's eyes showed fascination.

"Over there!"

"New people and new things will appear every day."

"Every morning is different, and there are fresh stories in every person and in the city."

Polo surrounded the god's feet like a child, begging him.

said a little coquettishly at the same time.


"Why don't you go to the outside world?"

"How interesting and lively there!"

Insight obviously doesn't take the Polo set: "I don't like noise."

Polo asked cautiously: "Is it because of God that you can't really descend in this world?"

Insight's eyes dropped, and Polo immediately knelt on the ground with trembling legs.

"How did you know?"

Polo tremblingly said, "I know from Sally!"

Insight: "How could Sally tell you?"

Although Polo was a little scared, he was still proud of his actions: "I saw in Sally's dream This is a kid.

A kid who is impulsive, does not speak through his brain, and does whatever he thinks of.

Insight didn't speak; his mind was immersed in the mythical shell, and he didn't have too many thoughts to chat with this kid.

But Polo was jumping around behind the god, like a child trying to get the attention of an adult.

"Oh my God!"

"Then let the clever and wise Polo solve the problems for God! I will surely find a way for God to descend into this world. "

"At that time, as your messenger, I will visit the largest city in the world with God."

The child turned around and said, "Excitedly

"God and his smartest messenger, Polo, taste the most beautiful food and smell the most beautiful flowers."

Feel the wind on the mountains, feel the waves in the sea, and listen to strangers from far away telling their life journeys and interesting stories."

At the same time, Insight smiled at Polo's innocence and fearlessness, and at the same time, he broke through Polo's careful thoughts.

"You just want to go out and play!"

"Use lies to deceive God. Do you know the consequences?"

Polo was scared: "Polo may not be able to do it, but Polo can go outside and find someone who can do it."

Insight deliberately gave this big-talking dream lord and little kid a taste, letting him know that everyone must be responsible for their words and deeds.

"If you can't do it, I will put you in the dream world."

"You will not be allowed to come out for a hundred years."

Insight's move hit Polo's weakness, and he couldn't help but start a cold war.

What he fears most is loneliness.

still lose freedom.