
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

It's not a meteorite

In the heart of Manhattan, within the hallowed halls of the United Nations headquarters, a congregation of delegates from diverse nations convened for an urgent meeting. The atmosphere crackled with tension as each representative settled into their seat, the gravity of the impending crisis palpable in the air.

"Are we all accounted for? Are we all apprised of the situation regarding the meteorite?" The Chinese delegate, a seasoned military figure, broke the silence with authority.

"I propose that all nations escalate to DEFCON 1... However, I trust none of us have divulged this information to the public?" he continued, his gaze piercing through the assembly.

Silent concurrence came from the representatives of the United States and Japan, echoed by all others in attendance. The threat of the meteorite's impact loomed large, endangering the very fabric of human civilization.

The dissemination of such news would undoubtedly sow widespread panic. Hence, each nation had already taken measures to suppress any leaks of information.

"Very well."

The American representative interlocked his fingers, leaning forward with a sense of urgency.

"Each one of us comprehends the gravity of the situation. Traditional measures are futile against this celestial threat. Nuclear detonation remains our sole recourse."

"I assert that it is imperative for us to unite in this endeavor. This transcends national boundaries; it is a calamity that besets all of humanity. Yet, we are ignorant of our adversary," chimed in the Japanese delegate.

The American representative surveyed the assembly gravely. "To put it bluntly, this is a crucible moment for human civilization. Our passage through this trial heralds a new dawn of advancement. It is both a cataclysm and an opportunity."

His voice lowered, charged with determination as he clenched his fists. "Unity is paramount. We cannot entertain dissent. I propose that the United States assumes leadership in this operation!"

Before the Japanese delegate could assent enthusiastically, he was abruptly cut off by the cold retort of the Chinese envoy.

"Spare us your empty rhetoric. Behold." With a flourish, the Chinese delegate unveiled two documents on the table.

"Observe. These are high-definition images captured near Pluto by our nation."

The American representative was taken aback, his eyes widening in astonishment at the images presented by the Chinese envoy.

"My words were not hollow. This concerns the entirety of humanity. Such circumstances necessitate decisive leadership. And... you've been concealing such advanced space technology?" countered the American delegate incredulously.

"Concealment? Since when has our technological prowess warranted your reminder?" shot back the Chinese delegate, unyielding in their response.

He recoiled at the petty squabbles of those who perennially championed 'America First', especially amidst such a critical juncture.

The representatives of neighboring nations remained silent, unwilling to embroil themselves in the dispute. With the imminent threat of the meteorite, they dismissed the foolish proposals of the American delegate and refrained from siding with China.

They accepted the photographic evidence out of sheer curiosity. Even the most sophisticated space telescopes of the era failed to capture a clear image of the approaching meteorite. Enveloped in flames and celestial radiance, it defied all attempts at conventional photography.

"Remarkable, you've actually managed to capture it!"

The British delegate exclaimed in disbelief, raising their gaze to meet that of the Chinese envoy. Shock reverberated across the faces of all present as they examined the photographs.

They marveled not only at China's technological prowess but also... at the entity depicted in the images.

Though slightly obscured, the meteorite revealed its terrifying countenance. Clad in hues of black and gold, engulfed in flames and starlight, it towered like a colossal titan. Ahead of it, two crimson-golden points emitted an aura of regal authority, too imposing to behold.

Merely beholding the photographs induced a sensation of ocular discomfort, akin to gazing upon an insurmountable peak, evoking an acute sense of insignificance.

Upon closer inspection, they noted the distortion of space surrounding the meteorite. Its temperature approached that of the sun's surface. Even in still imagery, the horror was palpable. If this was reality...

A collective gasp swept through the assembly, accompanied by a dryness in their throats and an involuntary acceleration of heartbeats.

Even the American representative slumped in their chair, unable to comprehend that such a phenomenon could exist outside the realm of fiction.

"Would nuclear ordnance even prove effective?" queried the Japanese delegate after a prolonged silence, swallowing hard.

No one proffered a response. The weight of impending calamity bore down heavily on each soul present.

What manner of entity was this? Was there truly a meteorite of black and gold?

And could humanity withstand such a menace?

The representatives of all nations began to falter, uncertain of the path forward. Could human ingenuity truly avert this catastrophe?

Each delegate grappled inwardly with a conclusion that sent shivers down their spine.

The answer was in the negative.

Absolutely not.

The velocity of its impact alone would decimate Earth's biosphere. Coupled with such extreme temperatures... how could they hope to halt its advance?

A flame ablaze amidst the void of space, akin to nuclear fusion, would likely remain unscathed even by thermonuclear devices.

Before it made landfall, they would be immolated.

"We have, at most, half a day until its arrival."

"How do we contend with this?"

Someone ventured, and an invisible weight descended upon the assembly, like the rising tide, slow and ponderous, flooding hearts, shoulders, lips, and breaths, almost suffocating.

All were left helpless.

There existed no defense against such a threat.

They were adrift in a sea of panic!

At that precise moment, the computer screen before the American representative suddenly illuminated. He glanced at it absentmindedly, only for his eyes to widen in sheer disbelief.


His voice surged several decibels higher, devoid of any semblance of composure, as he scrambled to his feet, visibly flustered.

"Wasn't it stated that it wouldn't arrive until tonight? Yet, that thing is already at the moon? It's on the verge of impact!"

All hearts present skipped a beat as they turned to look in shock.

Could it be advancing so swiftly? And accelerating?

A strange voice emanated from the computer screen, "No, sir, it hasn't. There are no indications of an Earth impact... It has halted at the moon."

"A sigh of relief," the American representative exhaled, then furrowed their brow. "Hold on, it's stopped at the moon?"

"Um, well, sir, it seems that entity might not be a meteorite after all."

"It appears to be... a life form."

In the depths of the star-strewn cosmos, Lithos surged forward, his momentum accelerating like a comet blazing through the infinite void. In an instant, he arrived near the moon, gradually easing his speed as he exhaled a breath of searing heat.

Before him stretched the radiant sphere of Earth. Had he finally reached his destination?

Amidst the boundless expanse of space, Lithos paused near the moon, his eyes shimmering with fiery golden hues as he surveyed the deep blue planet before him. "Ah..."

He sighed softly, and suddenly, the space around him burst into brilliance, suffused with an overwhelming radiance and warmth. With each inhalation, he seemed to draw in the luminosity of the stars, as if imbibing the very essence of the cosmos itself. Amidst the kaleidoscope of colors, the entirety unfolded before him.

His countenance gleamed like the sun, exuding divine splendor and grace. Eyes ablaze with flames of fire, they penetrated the darkness, revealing truths hidden in the depths. His hair, white as pure wool, symbolized wisdom and purity. His voice resonated like the thunderous roar of mighty waters, commanding and majestic. Cloaked in robes of ethereal light, adorned with a golden sash around his chest, signifying his authority and honor, he stood as the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. He was the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Holy One, the Most High—He was God, unmatched in his magnificence.

"Long have I been absent..."

Meanwhile, on Earth, the space agencies of various nations erupted into frenzy. It was no mere meteorite!

The realization that something capable of wiping out human civilization was not a mere cosmic rock but an extraterrestrial being sent shockwaves through the corridors of power.

Some greeted this revelation with fervent excitement. "This is a living entity! Humanity is not alone in the vast expanse of the cosmos. This shall be etched into the annals of history!"

"This is a momentous occasion! It has come in pursuit of Voyager 1!"

"This is the miracle of life!"

Yet, others felt a chill creeping into their bones. What kind of being possessed such terrifying power?

"Is it benevolent?"

Representatives from all nations were gripped by a mixture of awe and trepidation. A being traversing the cosmos on foot, radiating heat akin to the sun, spanning the solar system in a mere half-day...

They all shuddered. Was this truly a living being?

In the council chambers, the representative of the United States was the first to exhale a sigh of relief. Thank heavens it had halted its descent. Had it continued, landing in Washington would have spelled a cataclysmic disaster for the United States!

Representatives from various nations collectively breathed a sigh of relief. Though unsure why it had stopped, there was a palpable sense of relief—a feeling of having narrowly averted catastrophe.

Nevertheless, since the being hadn't directly approached Earth, there might still be room for negotiation!

The imminent danger of the meteorite had been temporarily averted!

"Block the news! We must not incite panic among the populace!" The representative of China, the first to regain composure, spoke with solemnity, suppressing any trace of excitement.

The representative of Germany nodded in agreement.

"Before we ascertain its origins, let us refrain from hasty actions. Perhaps, we can attempt to communicate and extend goodwill!"

The representative of South Korea interjected, turning to the Chinese representative. "With such proximity, were you able to capture images of the extraterrestrial being?"

The Chinese representative nodded, and soon, photographs were shared...

Everyone eagerly awaited, including the United States.

Upon viewing them, astonishment swept over them all!

If this wasn't divine, then what was? Though slightly blurred, the images revealed the essence of the being—enveloped in flames and radiance.

Those eyes, dazzling in their golden brilliance, were too intense to meet gaze with...

What manner of being was this?