
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Extraterrestrial Being

In the emergency council chambers of various nations, renowned scholars breathed collective sighs of relief as they stared at the screens before them.

Inside the Indian Parliament, a group of elderly gentlemen let out a unified exhale, expressing their gratitude.

"Thank the heavens it wasn't a meteor!" one of them exclaimed.

"This is quite the stroke of luck. The crisis seems to have temporarily abated. Who would have thought it was a living organism!" another added with a sense of relief.

"I must admit, I was truly frightened. Are there truly such terrifying creatures lurking in the cosmos?" a voice quivered with trepidation.

"If only it would depart now! I no longer hold any aspirations for encounters with extraterrestrial beings!" another voice lamented.


Meanwhile, in the control room of the Japanese Space Agency, discussions ensued.

"What exactly is this extraterrestrial life form up to?" someone pondered aloud.

"What does it look like? We can't seem to capture a clear image. All we see are vague distortions. It seems to be warping the very fabric of space around it," another remarked with a furrowed brow.

"Just the sight of it feels suffocating!"

"It's terrifying. If merely observing it has this effect, can our civilization on Earth withstand its arrival?"

Their eyes remained fixed on the screen, but all they could discern was a glaring blur.


In the boundless expanse of space, within the confines of the International Space Station, two young astronauts stood before the monitor.

"Hey, Ben, do you feel like it's gotten warmer?" Han, the short-haired youth clad in his space suit, was drenched in sweat, his back soaked through, as he shivered while speaking, his voice trembling.

"Ah, no, it must be a misconception. The temperature within the space station is constant," Ben, the black-haired youth, swallowed hard.

"A misconception, right, haha, I also think so..."

"No, it's not a misconception. Everything before us feels unreal..."

"I think... we're not going to make it."

"We shouldn't, haha, hahaha..."

The two exchanged glances, laughing nervously for a moment before falling into an eerie silence.

Their expressions stiffened as they stared ahead, their gazes vacant.

"What the hell is this thing? Is it some kind of god?" Ben exclaimed.

On the computer monitor, a virtual image dominated the screen. It was hazy and indistinct, enveloped in a blaze of light and flames.

Just looking at it made Han and Ben feel like they couldn't breathe! It seemed to be a living creature.

Its colossal form seemed to illuminate the entire expanse of the cosmos! Its eyes flowed with molten lava, exuding a terrifying pressure that filled every crevice of the universe.


It felt as if their shoulders were being crushed by mountains, their hearts gripped by an icy hand!

Their spines chilled, cold sweat instantly soaking their backs, their knees buckling as they both collapsed to the ground!

"What the hell is this thing!" Ben was on the verge of tears.

Moments earlier, the space station's sensors had detected a terrifying shockwave hurtling towards them from the edge of the solar system. The alarm jolted them awake, and they were about to report back to Earth when they realized the communication devices were malfunctioning!

And then they saw this god-like entity materialize above the space station.

Looking outside, they saw some components melting on the distant space station.

These were the most advanced aerospace materials, the pinnacle of Earth's technology, designed to withstand extreme temperatures. But now they were melting?!


"It seems we're going to die here today..."

Han trembled with a hint of tears in his voice, while Ben turned pale.

But suddenly, a pitch-black crack appeared, and the colossal entity vanished into thin air.

"What...?" Ben and Han stared in disbelief.

"Beep beep..."

Various indicator lights lit up, and all devices returned to normal!

The oppressive atmosphere dissipated!

The two survivors glanced at each other, then collapsed to the ground, streams of sweat flowing like rivulets.

Shit! Did we just see a god?!

That massive thing disappeared in the blink of an eye?!

Regaining their senses momentarily, Han scrambled to his feet. "Quick, notify the ground. We just witnessed a god today!"


In the vast emptiness of space, Lithos let out a soft sigh.

"Human development still seems primitive in this space age. Seeing that unmanned spacecraft made me realize how crude their technology is. Even the space stations near Earth seem so primitive. It seems technological progress is slow; they cannot help me for now."

Lithos gazed down at the azure planet.

The energy of Earth was flowing outward, a warm energy reminiscent of a mother's embrace.

Altair, the ancient god of the Aquila Galaxy.

Anger flickered in Lithos' eyes. Despite enduring countless disasters and pursuits in the past, this current situation was the worst yet.

But Altair wasn't faring any better. The blow to Lithos was almost as devastating to him as it was to Altair!

Such was the law of the cosmos: survival of the fittest!

If outsiders were to calculate, Lithos would still come out ahead...

However, Lithos didn't dwell on such thoughts.

Altair would perish sooner or later.

Lithos lowered his gaze.

What he needed to do now was heal and regain his strength...

"Let's continue watching."

As he roamed aimlessly through space, Lithos laid down a network of alarms around Earth in the void, to guard against potential threats.

It was a lesson learned from the ambush, a reminder that in the vastness of the universe, one could never be too cautious...


Meanwhile, chaos erupted on the ground.

Title: The Celestial Siege

The crisis of the meteorite impact had momentarily abated, but no nation dared to ease its vigilance on the ground.

"Still impossible to capture?" 

Seated at the head of the grand assembly table in the United Nations headquarters, the American representative inquired anxiously.

"It's a no-go. The space around him has warped beyond measure. Even our most sophisticated equipment can only muster a vague glimpse, and the Chinese, at best, a blurry approximation," remarked the Japanese delegate.

"Good heavens! How much more must we endure?" 

The American representative's complexion turned ashen.

For they had discovered that the extraterrestrial entity had not landed on Earth but was orbiting it instead!

As it flew, satellites from every corner of the globe plummeted like falling dumplings whenever it drew near, transforming into fiery orbs that descended directly from the heavens.

And invariably, it seemed to gravitate towards regions dense with satellites.

"My God, what is its purpose?" 

In reality, Lithos was not to blame. He required to establish defensive measures, and the satellite-dense areas happened to be prime positions in space. Lithos expended vast energies fortifying these locations, for he harbored a premonition that these installations would prove invaluable someday.

During his last encounter, he had sustained grievous injuries. But... the ancient god possessed an indomitable vitality. As long as he did not dissipate entirely at that moment, regardless of the severity of his wounds, he could make a full recovery! Lithos had buried a secret weapon in the starry expanse.

He cast his gaze towards the distant cosmos, exhaling a chilly breath.

"Now that I have awakened, you will undoubtedly track my presence and locate this place. Let me leave you with a grand surprise."

"When the time comes, I shall not disappoint."

Yet, on the terrestrial realm, none of the representatives comprehended Lithos' intentions. They merely presumed that Lithos had ventured near the satellites out of 'curiosity.' Confronted with Lithos' 'acts of destruction,' nations across Earth found themselves utterly powerless!

As for communication and contact...

How could one engage amidst such scorching temperatures? You would evaporate before drawing near!

Everyone was in a state of agitation, akin to ants on a hot pan, compelled to watch helplessly as Lithos executed his 'campaign of destruction'...

At the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), a balding director stared desolately at the electronic display before him, his eyes on the verge of tears.

"No! Wait! Those are our nation's satellites. Do not approach, I implore you!"

With a burst of radiant light, several Indian satellites erupted into flames and descended, leaving the balding director's countenance akin to beetroot.

"How can it maneuver with such swiftness? It defies all scientific understanding!"

"What manner of creature is this?"

In the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), a bespectacled director stared with vacant eyes at the screen, scarcely daring to draw breath.

On this day, Japan's space endeavors had endured an unprecedented catastrophe, with countless satellites knocked from orbit!

Now, only two remained on the electronic display, Japan's final hope.

"No, cease! Do not approach this vicinity! No! You cannot!"

With twin streaks of light, the middle-aged man with a small beard seemed on the verge of apoplexy, leaping three feet into the air.

"Absurd! What manner of creature is this? Prepare for battle, prepare!"

Within the halls of various national parliaments, the South Korean representative gazed upon the screen, voice trembling, body quivering.

"My God! Evacuate South Korea! We have lost three satellites already, these are the last few... No, this cannot be happening!"

A few more bursts of light erupted.

The South Korean representative slumped onto the conference table, devoid of strength, eyes vacant.


The Chinese representative, too, appeared tense. China had already lost over twenty satellites!

Yet, among this assembly, the American representative wore the darkest countenance!

For they had dispatched personnel to 'make contact' with the extraterrestrial life, seeking to seize the initiative!

Thus, at least half of the fallen satellites belonged to America!

And these satellite descents were entirely involuntary actions by the extraterrestrial being!

All were cognizant of this fact, and the parliamentary chamber descended into silence.

As for the computer screens... none bothered to glance, for the transmitted images only served to rend their hearts...

"What manner of being is this? What is its intent?"

"Why does it seek to obliterate our satellites?"

Following a prolonged silence, the Chinese representative was the first to speak.

"It is evident that it wields a power beyond our ability to counter."

The American representative fell silent in concurrence.

The Indian representative's eyes appeared tinged with red.

"I propose that nations fortify their defenses but refrain from initiating aggression. We must seek peaceful contact..."

The representatives exchanged glances, all nodding in assent.

Truthfully, this constituted a display of vulnerability, yet none contested it now.

For this extraterrestrial life was truly awe-inspiring. The potency it exhibited lay beyond their comprehension!

"Hmm? Hold on, American representative, those satellites... are they American?"

At this juncture, the Russian representative furrowed his brow and interjected.

The American representative was taken aback.

Then, his countenance turned a pallid shade!

For he witnessed on the electronic screen that the extraterrestrial life was hurtling towards the remaining dozens of American satellites at breakneck speed!

In proximity to the extraterrestrial life, electronic devices malfunctioned!

They had no control over these satellites whatsoever!

How could the satellites evade at such velocity?

With a resounding crash, the American representative collapsed onto the table, his visage drained of color.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, Lithos stood amidst flames and radiance.

Extending a hand, he gently cleaved through the fabric of space, inserting a mysterious, glowing object.

"This marks the final installation. The arrangement is complete. It is time to return to Earth."

Lithos turned, sealing the rupture in space.

He sensed the burgeoning power on Earth.

"Grant me a modicum of time, and I shall be fully rejuvenated."

A span of several years was a trifling matter to an ancient god.

Lithos had traversed countless domains in the universe, encountered myriad ancient civilizations, forged numerous friendships, and harbored many enmities.

"I await your arrival. Time is ample."

Lithos cast a final glance around. Several diminutive satellites obstructed his path, so he raised a hand, shattering the pinnacle of human technology as one might crush ants.

Then, Lithos turned his gaze towards Earth, selecting a landing site...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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