
I Am The Ancient God

I was jolted awake by the impact of a human spacecraft crashing into my dormant body. As I opened my eyes, I saw the stars and planets swirling around me, and I realized I had slept for too long in the vastness of space. The war of the ancient gods was not over yet, it was only a brief intermission. I had to hurry and reclaim my power, for the final battle was imminent.

little_rabbit · Fantasy
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22 Chs

It's Coming

The atmosphere within the White House was tense as the President of the United States clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white, before delivering a resounding blow onto the desk.

"All satellites obliterated just like that!"

This wasn't merely a setback; it was a direct strike at the very core of America!

"It's not over yet. One day, America will reclaim them all!"


In Seoul, South Korea, the President sat slumped in his chair, eyes devoid of life, lips pressed tightly together.

"This spells doom for the aerospace industry..."


Meanwhile, in the hallowed halls of various parliaments across the globe.

The destruction of numerous satellites left representatives from all nations grim-faced.

Silence once again fell upon the chambers, a silence unprecedented in its weight, as Lithos's actions shook them to their core.

Their worldview had been shattered!

"We must establish contact with them. The power possessed by this Extraterrestrial Being is far too immense; it demands a peaceful resolution."



The voices of representatives from various countries rang out, unified in purpose.

"I concur... wait, look, the Extraterrestrial Being is on the move, heading towards Earth..."

The Chinese representative's words were cut short as he abruptly rose from his seat, eyes widening in horror.

"He's preparing to descend upon Earth at last!"

All faces in the room turned ashen.

Was the Extraterrestrial Being finally making its descent?

And where on Earth would it choose to land?

Please, not in our country!

Silent prayers filled the room as all eyes remained fixed on the looming screens.


In China, citizens across the nation suddenly found themselves facing a perplexing dilemma.

Phones and computers in hand, they tapped away impatiently, only to be met with frustration.

"What's going on? The internet is crawling. Can't even watch a movie properly!"

"Come on, come on! What? No signal!"

"Honey, listen, things aren't what you think... huh? Why's there no signal?!" A man on the street, shirtless and agitated, fumbled with his pants while speaking on the phone.

In the distance, a passerby cursed, "What's this rubbish? This signal, I'm switching providers..."

That day, the entire network infrastructure of China faltered!

Especially in maritime regions, reliant on communication satellites, chaos reigned supreme!

Viewers were abruptly cut off from their online dramas, gamers disconnected mid-play, and business negotiations interrupted by sudden call drops...

Countless complaints inundated the customer service lines of China's telecom giants!

In truth, these corporate behemoths were just as clueless about the situation, lost for words and utterly bewildered.

Only the upper echelons of these telecom giants were privy to the truth.


Such incidents were not isolated to China alone!

From Britain to America to Russia!

People worldwide found their networks plagued by issues!

But as night descended, an even more astonishing spectacle unfolded...

In China.

"Good Lord!"

"What in blazes is that thing?!"

"Quick, look to the skies, to the west, the west!"

With a burst of light and a deafening roar, the heavens erupted into a brilliant display, captivating the nation!

A streak of golden light pierced the clouds, tearing through the firmament!

Plunging towards the horizon!

Sending shockwaves throughout China!

New York, USA.

A group of youngsters playing basketball froze in place as they witnessed the celestial spectacle unfolding above.

"What in the world..."


Seoul, South Korea.

A bespectacled youth, engrossed in his game, was suddenly yanked from his digital world as the network faltered.

"What the heck!?" The youth's frustration was palpable as he looked up, only to be met with an awe-inspiring sight.

"Is that a shooting star?!"


Moscow, Russia.

Scores of people gathered by their windows, gazing in wonder as the golden streak tore through the night sky.

"A shooting star!"

"A golden shooting star, how magnificent!"

"Quick, make a wish! They say good fortune follows a wish upon a shooting star!"

"That shooting star is simply breathtaking, and look at the length of its tail!"


Across Europe, throngs of people rushed outdoors, their eyes fixed upon the heavens.

"Look, it's a golden shooting star!"

"Good heavens, it's unbelievable!"

The reddish-gold streak of light fell like a heavenly messenger, leaving onlookers awe-struck and speechless!


And in China, every corner of the nation was witness to the golden light illuminating the distant sky!

A crimson-gold line traversed the heavens, splitting the clouds and casting its radiance upon the earth below!

The celestial spectacle, breathtaking and mesmerizing!

Inexplicably beautiful, it left all who beheld it speechless, their hearts filled with wonder!


This slender golden streak spanned three-quarters of the Earth's surface!

Every living being on the planet bore witness to this cosmic phenomenon!

Beasts in the jungles raised their heads, bears roared across the plains, and warriors on the steppes gazed upwards in reverence!

Even the vast oceans stirred, as countless whales surfaced, their songs resonating with the heavens!

Though they trembled with a strange foreboding, none could comprehend the portent.

Countless souls were moved, and news of the golden shooting star spread far and wide!

In an instant, it became a global sensation!

People everywhere stood in awe!

While the world marveled at the celestial spectacle, those in the know harbored concerns about its implications.


United States, Washington D.C.

"China won't know what hit 'em this time!"

The tone of the U.S. Secretary of Defense was devoid of remorse, almost tinged with a hint of satisfaction.

In recent years, China's growth had been too rapid for comfort. There was an unmistakable trend of catching up, with its international influence steadily expanding, leaving the United States increasingly frustrated.

"This time, it's going to knock China off its high horse," the American official stated icily.

The mere crash landing of this Extraterrestrial Being would result in colossal losses, let alone the impact from its high-speed descent, which would unleash unprecedented devastation! Its destructive power rivaled that of several of the most powerful nuclear bombs! And the ensuing seismic waves would ripple across a terrifyingly vast range!

Meanwhile, in various corners of the globe, discussions were rife, with some relishing in the misfortune of others while others were gripped by apprehension over extraterrestrial civilizations.

"And this is just from the impact of its fall. No one knows the intentions of this Extraterrestrial Being or what will happen after its arrival."

"Just consider its effortless traversal of the cosmos, obliterating dozens of satellites in its path. It's a force beyond anything humanity can currently reckon with."

"The enigmatic Extraterrestrial Being, why has it descended upon Earth?"

"This time, if China doesn't handle it well, it could spell disaster..."

"It's likely to incur heavy casualties..."


At this moment, however, the world remained oblivious to the fact that the arrival of this meteor, or Lithos as it was dubbed, would herald the dawn of a new era!

Meanwhile, in China.

Golden streaks tore through the heavens, leaving a trail of radiant brilliance against the backdrop of the night sky, dazzling and awe-inspiring.

Countless individuals frantically snapped photos with their smartphones, eager to share their captures on various social media platforms. In just a matter of minutes, news of the golden meteor's appearance spread like wildfire across China, dominating headlines on numerous websites.

However, in the western regions of China, some brows furrowed in concern.

"Hey, did anyone else notice that this meteor seems larger and brighter than usual?"

"Indeed, wait! It seems to be descending! Its trajectory... it appears to be aimed right at us!"

"The meteor is headed straight for China!"

"It seems to be targeting that region in the west!"

"Near the Himalayas!"

"The meteorite is hurtling toward the Himalayas!"

Countless individuals were stunned, shaken to their core! Some were excited, some horrified, but most were filled with worry! If such a meteor struck the ground, how many lives would be lost?

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense was already in a state of panic! The Extraterrestrial Being's descent traversed three-quarters of the Earth's atmosphere, which sounded like a considerable duration, but amounted to mere minutes!

Inside the Defense Ministry, lights blazed, countless individuals sweating profusely, their eyes bloodshot, their keyboards clacking away relentlessly. The silence within the vast building was chilling, broken only by the frantic tapping of keys.

These few minutes felt like an eternity!

"Sir, in such a short time, it's impossible to evacuate the population!"

"Our satellites have been compromised, communication effectiveness has plummeted significantly. Even sending out a single text message is a struggle! We..."

The elderly head of the Defense Ministry, his eyes bloodshot, snapped, "Enough! There's no such thing as impossible when it comes to saving lives! Has the local government in the western regions dispatched personnel to evacuate the populace?"

A young officer, his fingers flying across the keyboard like a rushing river, replied with a hoarse voice, "They were dispatched immediately! But sir, I fear..."

"It's too late!"


Near the Himalayas, where the pastoral lands of the shepherds lay, a group of shepherds stared in astonishment at the distant mountains.

A child tugged at his father's sleeve, "Dad! Dad! What's happening?"

Where once the fields were filled with grazing yaks, tonight they knelt, as if in prostration, all facing towards the east!

Silent and respectful, filled with trepidation, the atmosphere was somber.

"What... what is this?"

An elderly shepherd, who had tended these lands for decades, wiped his eyes in disbelief. He had never witnessed such a phenomenon!

Suddenly, a message pinged on their phones, an urgent notification from the Chinese Ministry of Defense:

"Emergency alert from the Chinese Ministry of Defense: a meteorite is set to impact near the Himalayas in China today. All residents within a hundred kilometers radius are urged to evacuate immediately!"

"Repeating the message!"

"Emergency alert from the Chinese Ministry of Defense!"

"All residents within a hundred kilometers radius of the Himalayas are urged to evacuate immediately!"

The gravity of the message, its solemn tone, sent shivers down the spines of all who read it.

As if on cue, a distant rumble echoed.

The shepherds swallowed hard, trembling as they looked up.

Only then did they notice a brilliant meteor, already looming overhead. It had yet to reach them, but it illuminated the heavens, turning night into day, and dimming the stars.

The lush green grasslands took on a golden hue, every blade shimmering in the radiant glow, painting a magnificent scene across the landscape.

Boom, boom, boom...

Like a second sun, it hung in the sky, the meteor with its blazing golden flames hurtling towards the earth.


A flash of golden light captured the gaze of countless onlookers around the globe as it streaked across the sky, trailing a fiery tail, before crashing heavily atop the summit of the Himalayas!