
I am Son goku, suppressing the Dragon Ball world

[Novel translated by the translator] Lin Zheng traveled through time and became Son goku. He relied on foresight and hard training to defeat the invading enemies every time. King of Namek: "My combat power is only 100 million, and this Saiyan monkey is at least 500 million." During the period of artificial human beings, Cell: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the ultimate artificial human. How could I not be able to take one of Son goku's moves?" Majin Buu: "What happened to your Super Four? Is it too late for me to surrender now?" In the battle between gods and gods, Son goku said to Beerus: "When I transform into Super Six, how should you respond?" Let's see how Son goku surpasses the gods and suppresses the Dragon Ball world as a mortal! ...

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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321 Chs

The Two Kings Come to Earth and Trunks Appears

Sun Wukong also gave Qiqi, Bull Demon King, Sun Wufan, Krillin, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Dumpling, Kame Sennin, Mew Sennin, Tenjin, Bobo, North Kaiwang, Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta. , Sun Wu Zhen, Sun Wu Ming, Piccolo and others, each of them has ten spiritual fruits.

 After everyone ate the spiritual fruit, their combat power basically increased by 300,000.

 For Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Son Wu Zhen, Son Wu Ming, and Piccolo, this increase in combat effectiveness is better than nothing.

 But for the strength of Qiqi, Bull Demon King, Turtle Sennin, Meow Sennin, Tenjin, Bobo, Dumpling, Yamcha, Tianjin Fan, Krillin, North Kaiwang and others, the improvement is quite huge.

 With hundreds of thousands of combat power, they can dominate the corners of the seventh universe.

 At night, Sun Wukong, Qiqi, and Bulma had a heart-to-heart battle, and the decisive battle lasted until dawn. Under Sun Wukong's unlimited physical strength, the two quickly surrendered. It was not until the afternoon of the next day that the two slowly woke up.

 In the days that followed, Sun Wukong began to practice with weights again.

 Even though Sun Wukong can now transform into Super Saiyan II, he doesn't dare to slack off at all. After all, the enemies behind him are stronger than the last. Sun Wukong must develop quickly in order to strategize and control his destiny.

 After Sun Wukong raised his weight-bearing suit to 10,000 times gravity, he began to re-enter the 100 times gravity room to practice.

 Half a year later, Sun Wukong successfully cleared the 100x Gravity Chamber, and his basic combat power reached an astonishing 990 million, eleven times more than before, and he could perform the Kaio Fist 3,000 times.

 Although the increase in Super Saiyan transformation is no longer comparable to Kaio Fist, Sun Wukong still decided to practice Super Saiyan II.

 Prepare to train Super Saiyan II to full power within half a year, and then try to transform into Super Saiyan III.

 On this day, Sun Wukong practiced normally as usual. Suddenly he noticed two unusually evil auras that would come to the earth in ten minutes, so he came out of the gravity room and joined everyone.

 Piccolo said to Sun Wukong: "Sun Jun, you feel it too, right?"

 Sun Wukong nodded and said: "The strength of these two breaths is not small, almost twice as strong as Frieza's."

 Vegeta geared up and said, "Let's go and take a look and we'll find out. I've been transforming into a Super Saiyan for so long, and I haven't done much yet. Just then, these two people came to the door. Kakarot, please don't do anything for a while. I I need to spend some time with these two."

 Sun Wukong said: "No problem, they will leave it to you in a while."

 Vegeta nodded.

 At this time, Vegeta's basic combat power has reached 10 million. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan, his combat power can reach 500 million. He also learned Kaio Fist from Nappa and can perform Kaio Fist a hundred times, so the competition Vegeta is very swollen.

 Among everyone, except for Sun Wukong, Piccolo, Sun Wuzhen, and Sun Wuming, Vegeta is the strongest. Although he has changed from Bei Lao Er in the original work to Bei Lao Wu, his combat power is even stronger than that of Sun Wukong in the same period in the original work. .

 Then, Sun Wukong and everyone flew to the place where the two landed.

 After a while, everyone rushed to the place where the spacecraft landed.

 The hatch opened, and two groups of soldiers walked out first, and then two figures, one big and one small, walked out.

 Vegeta saw this and said: "Is it Frieza? No, Frieza has been killed by Kakarot, so who are these two people? Judging from their appearance, they should be Frieza's relatives. Could they be Frieza?" Where is Sa's brother or father?"

 Hearing this, Sun Wukong stretched out his thumb and said to Vegeta: "Vegeta, when you are not inflated, your IQ is online."

 Nappa and Raditz covered their mouths and snickered.

 Vegeta heard this and said: "Kakarot, don't think that because I can't beat you, you can arrange me as you like. Are you saying that I have no brains?"

 Nappa suppressed a smile and said, "Vegita, let's ask who the person is first."

 Vegeta said from his heart: "Naba, you are right, then go up and ask."

 Naba heard this and said, "Okay, then I'll go up and ask."

 Then he jumped out, came to the two of them and said, "Who are you? What is your relationship with Frieza? What are you doing here on Earth?"

 The big man said: "I am Frieza's father, Kurd. You can call me Kurd King. Next to me is my eldest son Gula. You can call him Gula King. Who are you? Kill Frieza's Super Saiyan comes out to answer."

 Naba secretly thought: "So that's it, Vegeta's guess is indeed good", so he said: "My name is Naba, sir. Just wait, I will ask the Super Saiyan to come out and answer you."

 Then he turned back to everyone and said to them: "Vegeta guessed right. Among the two people, the bigger one is Frieza's father Kurd, and the smaller one is Frieza's brother Gula. They are coming Earth is looking for revenge on Kakarot."

 Everyone suddenly realized that at this moment, a machine appeared out of thin air above the two groups of people.

 When Sun Wukong saw this, he knew that it was Trunks who had appeared. He thought about what his expression would be like if he knew that he and Bulma were married, and then turned to look at Vegeta.

 Trunks in the time machine looked at the two groups of people below and was shocked when he saw Sun Wukong.

 "Why is Uncle Wukong here? Am I in the wrong time and space? What should I do? Forget it, let's go down and say hello to everyone." After that, he controlled the time machine and landed next to everyone.

 He opened the time machine, jumped down, came to everyone, and said, "Hello, Mr. Sun Wukong, Mr. Vegeta, and Mr. Piccolo."

 Vegeta said: "Who are you and how do you know us?"

 Trunks said awkwardly: "Sorry Mr. Vegeta, I can't tell you my name."

 Then he turned to Sun Wukong and said: "Mr. Sun Wukong, don't you have another hour or two before you can return to Earth? Why are you here on Earth now?"

 Sun Wukong pretended to be stupid and said: "I have always been on the earth. Who are you? Where did you come from? Why are you here? Where are you going?"

 Trunks was about to answer when he heard Kurdwang shouting: "Come on the other side, stop talking and tell me where the Super Saiyan is. I will send you on your way together. You can chat for as long as you want in a while." ".

 Upon seeing this, Sun Wukong said to Trunks: "Let's talk later."

 Trunks nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Sun Wukong."

 Sun Wukong turned to King Kurd and Gula and said, "I am the Super Saiyan you are looking for - Sun Wukong."

 The Kurdish King heard this and said, "You were the one who killed Frieza. Tell me how you want to die?"

 Sun Wukong said: "I want to die of old age, can you help me do it?"

 The Kurdish King was furious when he heard this and said, "Are you kidding me?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Yes, I am just playing tricks on you, what can you do?"

 Hearing this, Gula said from the side: "Father, what nonsense are you talking to him about? Kill him as soon as possible and go back as soon as possible."

 Kurd heard this and said: "Okay, then you take action first to test the strength of Super Saiyan."

 "No problem, father," Gula said.