
I am Son goku, suppressing the Dragon Ball world

[Novel translated by the translator] Lin Zheng traveled through time and became Son goku. He relied on foresight and hard training to defeat the invading enemies every time. King of Namek: "My combat power is only 100 million, and this Saiyan monkey is at least 500 million." During the period of artificial human beings, Cell: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the ultimate artificial human. How could I not be able to take one of Son goku's moves?" Majin Buu: "What happened to your Super Four? Is it too late for me to surrender now?" In the battle between gods and gods, Son goku said to Beerus: "When I transform into Super Six, how should you respond?" Let's see how Son goku surpasses the gods and suppresses the Dragon Ball world as a mortal! ...

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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321 Chs

The past cannot be undone, but the future can be changed.

Seeing Trunks' confused look, Sun Wukong said, "Trunks, I think you have traveled to a parallel world instead of going back to the past."

 Trunks said: "Uncle Wukong, what do you mean by this?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Trunks, you should have heard of the theory of parallel time and space. The development of a world will often produce different results due to different processes. Each of these worlds with different results is a parallel world. time and space".

 Trunks suddenly said: "I see, what Uncle Goku means is that this world is a parallel time and space of my original world, not the past of my original world."

 Sun Wukong said: "Yes, and Trunks, I can tell you that your idea of changing the future by going back to the past cannot be realized."

 Trunks quickly asked: "Uncle Goku, why do you say that?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Trunks, have you ever seen a river flowing backward?"

 Trunks said: "No, what's wrong?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Time is like a long river. From the moment it flows, there is no possibility of turning back. It will only flow forward until the end. So the world you return to through time is not the past world, but the world in the past. Another parallel world was re-created."

 Trunks said in pain: "Uncle Goku, is there no way to change the tragedy of my original world?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Trunks, remember this sentence, the past cannot be undone, but the future can be changed."

 After hearing this, Trunks pondered for a moment and said, "Uncle Goku, I understand."

 Sun Wukong said: "As long as you understand, after Vegeta destroys Kurd and Gula, I will accompany you to your world and destroy the artificial humans."

 Trunks heard this and said: "Great, Uncle Goku, as long as you accompany me, I will definitely be able to destroy the androids."

 Sun Wukong said: "Trunks, I can help you once, but can I always help you? Your world must be protected by you after all."

 "But my strength is very poor, and I don't know how to practice. I owe my current strength to Brother Gohan's years of guidance. However, Brother Gohan was killed by an android in order to save me." Tran Kes said.

 Sun Wukong said: "Don't worry about this, I will guide you in your cultivation after I go to your world."

 Trunks said: "Thank you very much, Uncle Goku."

 Sun Wukong said: "You're welcome. Speaking of which, you are also Bulma's child. Although you are not from the same world, you are somewhat related. I cannot stand by and watch."

 After hearing this, Trunks nodded and said, "No matter how you say it, I still have to thank Uncle Goku."

 Sun Wukong nodded, and then said to Trunks: "Watch the battle between Vegeta and Gula, it will be somewhat helpful to you."

 Trunks nodded and the two looked at the battle between Vegeta and Grave.

 While the two were talking, Gula had been beaten black and blue by Vegeta, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

 Although Gula's fourth form is taller than Frieza, it is only 1.6 billion, far from being a match for Super Vegeta.

 You must know that Vegeta transformed into a Super Saiyan, but with a combat power of 500 million, it is not easy to kill Gula instantly. The reason why he did not kill Gula is because Vegeta wanted to ravage Gula in return. Frieza's "kindness" to him over the years.

 As the saying goes, father's debt must be paid by son, and there is nothing wrong with it in Vegeta's opinion.

 At a certain time in parallel time and space, Paragus and Broly thought so too.

 Gula was beaten furiously by Vegeta. After pulling away, he said to Vegeta: "Damn Saiyan Monkey, you have successfully angered me. I have decided not to hide my strength anymore. I am going to activate the ultimate form." ".

 Vegeta heard this and sneered: "Do you have other transformations? I remember Frieza's ultimate form, isn't it what you look like now?"

 Gula said: "Do you think I can only transform three times like my stupid brother? I am a genius of the frozen demon clan. Naturally, I have more transformations than Frieza and my father Kurd. I am better than them." Stronger."

 "Oh, really? Then you can transform and let me see how strong you are in your ultimate form," Vegeta said.

 "Okay, Vegeta, just wait. I hope you won't regret it later," Gula said.

 After that, the ultimate transformation began.

 Gula's aura surged, his body grew larger, four horns grew out of his head, his mouth was covered by a "mask", his eyes turned red, his pupils disappeared, his shoulder bones bulged, and sharp bone knives grew out of his elbows.

 After the transformation was completed, Gula's aura was nearly three times stronger than before.

 Kurd below was shocked when he saw this. He had never seen Gula in this form before, and murmured to himself: "It seems that Frieza did nothing wrong when he asked Frieza to restrain Gula. This guy is better than me and Frieza." Sado is strong. If it weren't for Frieza, I'm afraid my empire would have been overthrown by him long ago. But there is no need to suppress Gu La now. After killing these people this time, I will hand over the empire to Gu. pull".

 Trunks felt Gula's aura and was shocked: "This Gula's aura is much stronger than before. Will Vegeta be okay?"

 Sun Wukong said: "Don't worry, Trunks, Vegeta was just warming up and didn't show his true strength at all."

 Trunks said in surprise: "Uncle Wukong, I really don't know how you practice. If my father had the strength of your father in this world, artificial humans would not be afraid at all."

 Sun Wukong said: "After I give you the training method, you will be able to reach Vegeta's strength, or even surpass Vegeta's strength."

 After hearing this, Trunks looked forward to the training method Sun Wukong said more and more.

 After feeling Gula's aura in the air, Vegeta sneered: "I thought you would be so powerful in your final form, but it turns out it's just that. You dare to shout in front of me with this little strength, so I'll let you see See the true strength of this prince."

 After speaking, he shouted loudly and began to improve his strength. The golden aura around Vegeta became stronger and stronger, and his aura was twice as strong as before.

 Vegeta unleashed the full power of Super Saiyan, and his combat power reached 500 million.

 When Gula saw this, he was shocked and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. In the previous battle, you didn't use your full strength."

 After the Kurdish king below felt Vegeta's strength, he broke into a cold sweat and considered whether to run away.

 But after careful consideration, he decided to assist Gula later and kill Vegeta in a sneak attack. Then the father and son would work together to kill another Saiyan, so that others would not be afraid.

 Otherwise, if he runs away now, he will be defeated by two Saiyans each.