
I am Son goku, suppressing the Dragon Ball world

[Novel translated by the translator] Lin Zheng traveled through time and became Son goku. He relied on foresight and hard training to defeat the invading enemies every time. King of Namek: "My combat power is only 100 million, and this Saiyan monkey is at least 500 million." During the period of artificial human beings, Cell: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am the ultimate artificial human. How could I not be able to take one of Son goku's moves?" Majin Buu: "What happened to your Super Four? Is it too late for me to surrender now?" In the battle between gods and gods, Son goku said to Beerus: "When I transform into Super Six, how should you respond?" Let's see how Son goku surpasses the gods and suppresses the Dragon Ball world as a mortal! ...

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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321 Chs

Kill Kamba

Super Sixth Sun Wuhan ducked to join Xiaofang and Kamba's battle group.

 He kicked Kamba away and said to Xiaofang: "Xiaofang, go down and leave this guy to me."

 "Okay, father." Xiaofang didn't show any force and returned to the crowd in a flash.

 Space-time patrolman Sun Wukong said: "Xiao Fang, you did a good job."

 Xiaofang said happily: "Thank you grandpa for the compliment, but I still can't beat that big guy."

 Space-time patrolman Sun Wukong said: "That guy is not simple. It's enough that you can fight with him for so long."

 Xiaofang nodded.

 Seeing that his opponent had changed, Khenba said to Sun Wuhan, the time patrol officer: "Who are you? Where is that little thing just now?"

 Time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan said: "I am Sun Wuhan, what is your name?"

 "I, hahaha, I am the evil ancient Saiyan - Kamba. Since that little thing ran away, you can take that little thing's place and be my plaything," Kamba said.

 "Hmph, no need, I'll take you on your way, you can go to hell to play" said the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 "You are looking for death." Khenba was furious when he heard this.

 Khenba's figure disappeared, and he was in front of the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan in an instant. He raised his fist as big as a dustpan and hit the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 Space-time Patrolman Sun Wufan showed neither sadness nor happiness on his face, and he punched Kamba's fist.

 The fists collided, shattering the space, and the shock wave reverberated throughout the space.

 Khenba punched him again. Time Patroller Sun Wuhan lowered his head to avoid the punch, and at the same time punched Khenba in the abdomen.

 Kemba disappeared on the spot, and the next moment he appeared behind Time and Space Patrolman Sun Wuhan, punching out, breaking the afterimage of Time and Space Patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 Behind him, Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan punched Kemba in the back, causing him to fly backwards.

 Time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan flashed and appeared behind Kamba.

 Kemba turned his head and fired an energy bomb, hitting the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 The smoke dispersed, and Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan was unharmed.

 "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you be unscathed?" Kamba shouted.

 "Nothing is impossible, it's just that your strength is too weak," said Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 "What are you talking about? How dare you say that I am weak? It makes me angry," Khenba shouted.

 After saying that, Khenba started roaring like a wild beast.

 "Ahhhhhhhh", "Ahhhhhhhhh".

 Along with the roar, the clothes on Khenba's body exploded and the mask on his mouth also collapsed.

 The black hair turned golden, the golden flames outside the body spurted out, and were covered with dense lightning, and the aura was greatly improved compared to before.

 "This is Super Saiyan 2, but this guy's transformation is different from our ordinary Super Saiyan 2 transformation. His strength has been greatly improved," said Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wukong.

 Everyone nodded, and Space Patrol Vegeta said: "But it's useless. Compared with the increase from Super Saiyan 5 to Super Saiyan 6, this improvement is of little significance."

 "That's true, this little improvement can't change the outcome," said the time and space patrolman Sun Wukong.

 During the conversation, Kamba completed his transformation, then dodged and punched the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan in the face.

 The imagined scene of Sun Wuhan being beaten away did not appear.

 Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan pushed back Kamba's fist with his head, and then grinned.

 The next moment, Kemba felt as if he was struck by lightning, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes filled with disbelief.

 "Damn it, this is impossible" Kemba dodged, distanced himself from Sun Wuhan, and shouted.

 "As I said, your strength is too weak. Even if you become Super Saiyan 2, to me, it will be the same as before," said Space-Time Patrolman Son Gohan.

 "Damn it, I'll fight you," Kamba yelled.

 He raised his hands and condensed energy bombs above his head, which quickly expanded and became larger.

 In the blink of an eye, it became about the same size as a planet, and then it was thrown towards Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 "Perish with this planet," Kamba shouted.

 Time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan faced the energy bombs coming at him. He did not dodge or dodge, he raised his foot and kicked it out.

 The energy bomb was kicked out like a ball, smashed through the space barrier, and hit a planet in the distance.

 Then the entire planet exploded into brilliant fireworks across the universe.

 "Abominable" Kemba was furious and incompetent.

 He rubbed the energy bombs with his hands and threw them at Space-Time Patrolman Sun Wuhan one after another.

 "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Kemba mastered the essence of the prince's fighting skills, and hit the space-time patrolman Sun Wuhan one after another with energy bombs, splashing a large amount of cosmic dust.


 Khenba attacked for three minutes at a stretch, then stopped and stared at the smoke.

 To his despair, the smoke dissipated and the space-time patrolman Sun Wuhan was unharmed.

 "Damn it, I never thought that my evil Saiyan ancestor would be killed by a descendant one day. I won't accept it," Kamba roared.

 Space-time patrolman Sun Wuhan did not speak, but braced his horse, put his hands together at his waist, gathered energy in his palms, and said word by word: "turtle-pai-qi-gong-wave".

 Then the palm of his hand was quickly pushed out, and an overbearing energy wave quickly hit Kamba.

 When Kemba saw this, he naturally would not sit still and wait for death. He condensed black energy with his hands, and then shot out a dark energy wave, intercepting the light wave coming from the time and space patrolman Sun Wuhan.

 As soon as the two energy waves came into contact, the dark energy wave was suppressed by the turtle qigong wave.

 When Khenba saw this, he went all out, but it only slowed down the speed of the Turtle School's Qigong.

 Upon seeing this, Time and Space Patrolman Sun Wuhan used a little force, and the turtle-style Qigong wave completely overwhelmed him, drowning Kamba.

 "Damn it, I won't give in, I will definitely come back," Kemba yelled, and then he was blasted to the point where not even the scum was left.

 Upon seeing this, Time Patrolman Son Gohan released his Super Saiyan 6 transformation and returned to everyone.

 "Good job, Gohan," said the time and space patrolman Sun Wukong.

 Space-time patrolman Vegeta said: "Boy, these more than thirty years of training have not been in vain."

 Space-time patrolman Sun Wuhan smiled and nodded: "The other party is not very strong either."

 When Sun Wukong and Vegeta in this time and space heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched. They felt that together, they were probably no match for that guy.

 Kain said: "Now that things here are over, let's all go back."

 Everyone in the Time Patrol nodded.

 In this time and space, Sun Wukong said: "Lord Kaiyin, what about our training?"

 Kain said: "Then I will wait for you for a day. After you arrange things, I will take you to find that Sun Wukong."

 "No problem, Lord Kaiyin, if that's the case, then you can go back to my house with us first," said Sun Wukong in this time and space.

 "Okay, I happen to be hungry too," Kain said.

 So, under the leadership of Sun Wukong and Vegeta in this time and space, everyone returned to the Earth of the seventh universe in this time and space.