
I am Shinji Matou

I don't own any character except the OC. Every Character belongs to its rightful owner English is not my native(Bad grammar^^) Update at random btw cause I write when in the mood...and have some free time

Kaichou9779 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

El-Melloi II Flashback

Magus by nature is arrogant, you can tell how arrogant they are by seeing the Holy Grail War mechanism. Holy Grail War originally was a Grand Ritual to Summon a Seven Heroic Spirit to face a single powerful enemy.

The ritual later will repurpose for Human needs by taking the concept 'Seven Power against One" into "Seven Heroic Spirit fighting One another" in which of course in the repurpose ritual can't summon the Real Heroic Spirit, only limited to watered-down version of it: A Servant

You can see the arrogance of Magus in the Holy Grail War system, in which the summoner of the servant will be called Master. 'Oh come on! Let us summon a powerful entity and force them to call us Master! What could possibly go wrong?'{Sarcasm Mode}

The ritual supposed to be an equal between Summoner and Summoned, in which the summoner get an all-powerful being to fight for him/her and in which the summoned will rely on the summoner to provide magical energy and anchor to maintain him/her existence

Fortunately, even though they are arrogant, the Magus bunch is not totally braindead yet, they make a leash, in the form of Three Command Spell which works with various results…(Spoiler: Often not work in the most important moment!)

And fortunately again, most of the Summoned didn't mind, cause they are the soul of long-dead hero duh, cause the concept of a hero means that they didn't kill someone for a petty reason, and cause they used to be loyal to someone or following order when still alive.

But when the summoned feel insulted…the summoner got a bad experience on the ride

Anyway, why we are talking about the arrogance of Magus?

Everything is normal for Waver Velvet, still teased by his adopted S4 (Super Scary Sadistic Sister), cracking a supernatural case, giving Gray some normality, teaching in his class…until around one year ago that's it.

An Incarnated Gilgamesh freaking visit the Clock Tower!

That day was a blur for Waver but at least he remembers something…


At that time Gilgamesh just break into the clock tower, for him, the world is his Garden so naturally, he can visit anywhere as long he will it, he didn't even putting any Magus in his eyes

'What a bunch of useless mongrel' Gilgamesh thought 'making a hierarchical to see how much they talented in pursuing reaching Origin(Root), in which none from this institute aside The Second and The Fifth can even reach the Origin'

'Human is by nature is a social animal, the science researcher (scientist) understand this and each time they found something new the publish it. Thanks to that science have a really quick technological leap' Gilgamesh thought 'while the mysteries researcher (Magus) didn't understand even the basic about it, making each generation will further and further from reaching its goal, The Origin'

'while the mystery is a limited resource, working so many different projects with the same goal is more inefficient. Just how many futures that I accidentally saw where the magecraft is dying cause this inefficiency? So far the ratio is 7:10 '

'It was as if the Magus is sabotaged by something' In this time, without even using his omniscient Gilgamesh closer to reaching the truth about Goetia (The First Part FGO antagonist)plan…

Gilgamesh throw that useless thought away, he didn't need to care about the Mongrel dooming themselves with their stupidity.

Gilgamesh purpose to visit the Clock Tower is to meet The Second, 'To ask about the whereabouts of the visiting entity that vanished from his garden'. Truly Gilgamesh can just use his recently active Omniscient, but as various all-knowing love to say, knowing everything makes things boring.

Seeing an incarnated super magical entity walk among them, the most of the Magus have a great idea…to forcing it to become their familiar, what a genius idea! 'Hey, let's force that super strong magical being to serve us! What could possibly go wrong?'{Sarcasm Mode}

In fact, there are many things that can go wrong…most ordinary third-rate magus family will find that sword that stuck in your butt is hurt, most ordinary second-rate magus find a way to appreciate the beautiness of the ceiling, and most first-rate magus finds their family pride is nothing. Its a really a humbling experience for the clock tower

Gilgamesh isn't even registered them on his radar, it just his passive reflex to someone that insults him, he already generous enough in not killing them.

Interested and want Gilgamesh to be their familiar, the Lords of Clock Tower also try which resulting them to realize there a good reason why Kayneth one of the previous and genius lords perish in the Holy Grail War. They nearly died and their pride in shambles

Its good thing Waver student listen to him to not provoke Gilgamesh, most of the one that tries is at least the supposed older and wise men.

Until it finally reach the Association Director ear

The Association Director knowing even with its 2000 years of life experience and accumulated mysteries know that even he can't win against Gilgamesh which older than him (5000 years old legend) so he plan to ask to him politely what his purpose to coming to the Clock Tower. If thing go worse The Association Director will attempt to seal Gilgamesh…

Only for The Queen to attack Gilgamesh, unlike others, The Queen already knows that Gilgamesh is a servant thanks to the warning that she heard from Waver to his student but in The Queen mind, 'Servant = Familiar. Familiar can't be stronger than the contractor'. While this reasoning is correct, is not right for this situation, Servants is watered-down Heroic Spirit, and Heroic Spirit is notable as higher existence that not even True Magician can't forge a contract with.

So it goes as you expect, while The Queen capable of hunting Dead Apostle as a hobby and pretty much can give some trouble to normal Servants but she is against Gilgamesh the strongest servant that you can expect in Normal Holy Grail War.


'After that Director asking why Gilgamesh visiting the Clock Tower ' Waver shakes his head 'In which Gilgamesh reply he is waiting for The Second'

'Seeing even the Director was asking Gilgamesh politely, All the Magus realize they are facing something that really-really-really way above their weight class and trying to be friendly too…'

Gilgamesh pretty much didn't even register their existence and pretty much the whole clock tower thinks that Gilgamesh only regarded The Association Director and The Second as someone on his level to converse with…until Gilgamesh notice Waver, that's it.

'That day my life turned upside-down' Waver thought 'Gilgamesh pay for my debt and giving resources that enough to restores a damaged Magic Crest from scratch, cause according to him 'He can't let an acquaintance retainer in debt ' and 'for someone as wealthy as him it not even an inconvenience' '

'I really want to know how rich people mind work' Waver shakes his head 'After Gilgamesh saying his last word for me, I returned to my office and blacked out(Fainted)…only to wake up and informed by Gray that I become a celebrity overnight'

'The Lord that Survive the Holy Grail War' Waver smile slightly 'The ritual used to ridiculed as a small ritual from the east but since the appearance of Gilgamesh, now everyone knows how dangerous it is and really wants join cause they can become Master of Legend especially now knowing the prize is a powerful wish-granting device that can be used to reach the Root but the Clock Tower forbade them going to Fuyuki'

'Many try to acquire the mechanism behind the ritual especially Dead Apostle, leading many reported Dead Apostle sighted on Fuyuki city but they somehow eliminated on regular basis by the local Magus and Priest, which lead everyone believes the guardian of the ritual place must be a genius'

'Afterall someone that can fight Dead Apostle on regular basis and in charge for the Holy Grail War ritual place must be not ordinary Priest & Magus'


Meanwhile in Fuyuki

+Achievement Get! Genius from the Far East!+

Rin Tohsaka is confused sir! Of course Rin Tohsaka is a genius sir!

"Rin we already finished the Dead Apostle in this area" Shirou Emiya informed and frowned "but since around year ago they are multiplied, did they have a season or something? "

"How come I just hear about this sir?!"

"Well, usually I deal this problem along with the fake priest" Shirou explained "in fact he is the one teaching me about this…he only know me as Shiny Head though"

'KIREI!' Rin screamed in her mind

+Achievement Get! Locked out of the Loop!+

Grr, Rin Tohsaka knows everything, sir!


Seeing from scenery from the window of his office Waver Velvet pondered remembering Gilgamesh last word for him

"Don't miss out on the next Holy Grail War…"

Hello, again reader! Hehe this chapter is confirming that Rin indeed have a system, cause in my mind at least its really unfair if she not buffed for the war to come...and it will become an easy plot device for any bulshit Rin power next time she appears

Next chapter in 5 minutes!

Kaichou9779creators' thoughts