
I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

So after I was killed I was reborn, so yeah I didn't know getting Reborn was a thing, but here I am as Able from Scp, will that kinda suck, because of all the Scp character to get reborn as i am Able, Life hates me, luckily i got a wish and let's say i got two powerful powers, lets make the most out of this -------- MC is not based on me and will have an actual personality, also he will be different also have no idea to give him a harem or just get with Scp 105, not really sure, anyway this story may wil just fouces on the lighter things then dark

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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42 Chs

New scp

As I attended my regular task force training, word came down that a new SCP was incoming. I sighed inwardly at the prospect but headed to the designated location nonetheless. As I approached, I spotted a car pulling up, indicating that the SCP in question was likely humanoid.

Out stepped a long-haired European girl with blonde hair, clad in a blue jacket over a black shirt and brown pants, camera in hand.

"Well, look at that, Able," I muttered to myself. "It's SCP-105. Looks like her containment breaches have begun."

The atmosphere around SCP-105 was tense but controlled. Task force members kept a respectful distance, cautious of her anomalous ability with photography. I observed her from afar, noting the subtle unease among the personnel tasked with her containment. SCP-105's reputation for causing unexpected anomalies through her photographs was well-documented within the Foundation.

I approached cautiously, aware of the potential risks but also intrigued by the opportunity to interact with such a unique SCP. SCP-105 glanced up from her camera, her expression a mix of curiosity and wariness.

"Hello, SCP-105," I greeted her calmly, keeping my tone neutral.

She regarded me silently for a moment, her gaze assessing. "You're not like the others," she finally remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"I'm different," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "But I'm here to ensure your containment and cooperation."

SCP-105 nodded slowly, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Containment," she echoed, a flicker of resignation in her eyes. "Always containment."

I sensed the weight of her words, understanding the burden she carried as an SCP under constant observation and control. Despite her anomalous nature, SCP-105 remained a person, with thoughts and emotions that resonated beyond her containment status.

As we continued to converse, I maintained a respectful distance, mindful of the boundaries and protocols established by the Foundation. SCP-105's ability to alter reality through her photographs was a reminder of the delicate balance between containment and understanding within the SCP Foundation.

Throughout the encounter, I couldn't help but wonder about SCP-105's perspective on her existence and containment. Her presence added another layer of complexity to my role within the Foundation, challenging me to navigate the moral and ethical considerations inherent in dealing with anomalous entities.

As the day progressed, I remained vigilant, observing SCP-105's interactions with the task force members and noting any potential anomalies that arose. The arrival of a new SCP always brought a mix of apprehension and curiosity, reminding me of the ever-present challenges and responsibilities that came with my unique position within the SCP Foundation.

So what is your name. I asked scp 105 I already knew but didn't want to say. What is your name

My name is Iris. Scp 105 said looking at me. Nice to meet you...

Able. I said looking at her. Also just like I am an scp

"My name is Iris," SCP-105 said, meeting my gaze directly. "Nice to meet you, Able."

I nodded in acknowledgment, a subtle understanding passing between us. "Likewise, Iris."

The atmosphere around us remained cautiously tranquil, a stark contrast to the potential for chaos that SCPs often brought. Iris held her camera with a sense of familiarity and comfort, a tool that both defined and confined her existence within the SCP Foundation.

"I've heard about your ability," I remarked, keeping my tone conversational. "It's quite unique."

Iris smiled faintly, a touch of resignation in her expression. "Unique, yes. It's not always easy, being able to change reality with a photograph."

"I can imagine," I replied, sympathy coloring my words. "Containment must be challenging."

"It is," Iris admitted softly. "But I've learned to cope, to accept this life as it is."

I respected her resilience, recognizing the strength it took to adapt to containment within the Foundation. Our conversation continued, touching on mundane topics that provided a brief respite from the weight of our respective roles.

As we spoke, I found myself contemplating the broader implications of SCP containment and the delicate balance between scientific curiosity and ethical responsibility. Iris's presence underscored the human side of SCPs, a reminder that behind every anomaly was a person with their own story and struggles.

As the day progressed, Iris and I navigated the complexities of containment together, forging an unexpected connection amidst the sterile corridors and protocols of the SCP Foundation. Our encounter served as a reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding, even within the confines of containment.

As I was in room sleeping a book on my face as it was removed, as I saw Dr Bright looked at me, she was just looking at me, as she he goes my she now do to her new body

You seem to be nice to the new Scp. Dr bright said her eyes meeting mine. What is with that

Dr. Bright, now in her new female body, regarded me with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny. Her eyes held a depth of understanding that came with her long tenure within the SCP Foundation.

"You seem to be rather friendly with the new SCP," she observed, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "What's your reasoning behind that?"

I shifted slightly, adjusting my position on the bed as I considered her question. "Simple," I replied calmly, meeting her gaze evenly. "It's comforting to have another human SCP around. Someone who understands what it's like."

Dr. Bright nodded thoughtfully, her expression thoughtful. "Understanding is important," she acknowledged, her tone reflecting a blend of wisdom and experience. "Especially in our line of work."

I sensed a shared understanding between us, despite the differences in our roles within the Foundation. Dr. Bright's transition to a new body seemed to have brought a fresh perspective to her interactions with SCPs, including myself.

"As long as you maintain professionalism and follow protocols," she continued, her gaze unwavering, "your empathy can be an asset."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the importance of balancing empathy with the strict containment protocols that governed our interactions with SCPs. Dr. Bright's presence served as a reminder of the complexities inherent in our shared world of anomalies and containment.

"Thank you," I said sincerely, grateful for her insight. "I'll keep that in mind."

With that, Dr. Bright offered a faint smile before excusing herself, leaving me to ponder the nuances of SCP containment and the relationships that defined our daily lives within the Foundation.

Also she is not that harmful at all, she can just see through the picture of her camera. I said looking at her. Why doesn't she get to Rome free like me, it is bit unfair, then again this collar give you all a state of rest, you can blow me up anytime, if go back my old habits

Dr. Bright considered my words thoughtfully, her new form exuding a calm demeanor that belied her previous eccentricity.

"You raise a valid point," she conceded, her gaze shifting to SCP-105, Iris, who sat nearby with her camera in hand, quietly observing the conversation. "SCP-105's abilities are indeed unique but not inherently harmful. However, containment ensures we maintain control over anomalous entities, regardless of their threat level."

I nodded, understanding the rationale behind the Foundation's strict containment protocols. "I get that," I replied, sympathizing with Iris's situation despite our differences. "But sometimes it feels like she's being punished for something beyond her control."

Dr. Bright's expression softened slightly, a hint of empathy in her eyes. "Containment isn't always about punishment," she explained gently. "It's about safeguarding both the SCP and the world from potential anomalies. We have to balance freedom with responsibility."

I considered her words, acknowledging the complexity of SCP containment and the delicate balance it required. "I suppose you're right," I conceded reluctantly. "It's just hard to see someone confined when they're not really a threat."

"We strive to treat SCPs with respect and understanding," Dr. Bright assured me, her voice reassuring. "Your empathy towards SCP-105 is commendable. It shows a deeper understanding of our mission here."

Iris, listening silently, offered a small nod of appreciation, her expression grateful for the consideration. She understood the necessity of containment, even if she longed for a semblance of freedom beyond the Foundation's walls.

"As long as SCP-105 remains cooperative," Dr. Bright continued, "we can explore options for her containment that may offer more flexibility while ensuring security."

I glanced at Iris, conveying my support silently. Despite the challenges of containment, I was determined to advocate for her well-being within the confines of SCP protocols.

As in a different place, I was looking over the files of, the chaos insurgency, as I finally found the filed of the higher up attack, he was wearing the same outfits he did when he attack

As I sifted through the files in a dimly lit office, my eyes locked onto the details of the recent attack by the Chaos Insurgency. The higher-up who had led the assault was now identified. I studied the photograph attached to the file, recognizing the familiar face and outfit.

"Agent Sunday," I muttered, reading the name aloud. His description included a list of known anomalies, but what caught my attention was the mention of his gun—a weapon that had caused significant damage during our encounter.

I leaned back in my chair, contemplating the implications of this discovery. Agent Sunday was no ordinary adversary. His anomalous abilities, combined with that formidable gun, made him a significant threat.

"Why does it always have to be guns?" I sighed, recalling the fight. My chest ached slightly at the memory of the bullet wounds that had healed thanks to my newfound abilities. The chaos and destruction from that day were still fresh in my mind.

Able's voice echoed in my head, a mix of frustration and determination. "We need to be prepared for our next encounter with him. He's not just a typical insurgent."

I nodded in agreement, my resolve hardening. "You're right. We need to understand his abilities and find a way to counter that gun. It's too dangerous to leave unchecked."

I scanned the rest of the file, noting any details that could give us an edge in our next confrontation. Agent Sunday's background, his known associates, and any recorded instances of his abilities—all crucial pieces of information that could help us devise a strategy.

"He's been a thorn in the Foundation's side for too long," I muttered, closing the file. "It's time we put an end to his operations."

Just then, the door to the office opened, and Dr. Bright walked in, her new form still catching me off guard despite the few days that had passed.

"Reading up on Agent Sunday, I see," she remarked, glancing at the open file. "Any useful insights?"

I nodded. "Plenty. We need to be ready for him next time. His abilities and that gun make him a serious threat."

Dr. Bright's expression turned serious. "Agreed. The Chaos Insurgency's been more aggressive lately. We can't afford to underestimate them."

"We need a plan," I stated, determination clear in my voice. "And I think I have an idea where to start."

Dr. Bright nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Let's hear it. We can't let them catch us off guard again."

Together, we began to outline our strategy, determined to ensure that the next time we faced Agent Sunday and his Chaos Insurgency forces, we would be ready.

Agent Sundays gun. Is said looking at Dr bright. It is one of a kind instead or they i would say trace on

I said as I projected agent sun days gun, Dr bright eyes just looked at the gun shocked and suprise. Dr. Bright's eyes widened as she inspected the gun projected before her, her surprise evident.

"That's... impressive," she murmured, studying the intricate design and anomalous properties of Agent Sunday's weapon. "To think he's been using something like this against us..."

I nodded grimly, folding my arms as I maintained the projection. "It explains why he's been such a challenge. This isn't just any firearm."

Dr. Bright leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. "What exactly can it do?"

"From what I gathered," I explained, focusing on the details I had gleaned from the file, "it has the ability to disrupt anomalous properties. It seems to nullify or weaken the effects of anomalies it targets."

Dr. Bright frowned thoughtfully. "That would explain why our defenses were compromised so quickly during the last attack."

I nodded again. "Exactly. It's not just about firepower. This gun undermines the very anomalies we rely on for containment and defense."

Dr. Bright straightened up, her expression becoming more determined. "We need a countermeasure."

"That's where my ability comes in," I said, glancing at the gun projected in front of us. "I can analyze its composition, its source of power, and potentially find a weakness or vulnerability."

Dr. Bright nodded in agreement. "We'll need to gather more data and conduct tests, but this is a crucial first step."

As I continued to analyze the gun, Dr. Bright began formulating a plan. "Let's coordinate with the research team. We'll need to replicate this technology for our own use, if possible, and develop strategies to neutralize its effects."

I nodded in agreement, knowing that time was of the essence. "I'll start compiling everything we know. We can't let Agent Sunday and his weapon catch us off guard again."

But what is more dangerous. I said looking at the gun. The Gun, The Bullets or the man using it or all 3

Dr. Bright considered my question thoughtfully, her gaze lingering on the projected of Agent Sunday's gun. "It's not just the gun itself," she finally said, her voice grave. "It's the combination of all three factors that make him and his weapon so dangerous."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the severity of the situation. "The gun's anomalous properties are formidable on their own," I began, gesturing towards the projection. "It can neutralize or weaken anomalies, which poses a direct threat to our containment protocols and defenses."

Dr. Bright continued, her expression tightening. "Then there are the bullets. Each one is likely enhanced or imbued with anomalous effects, making them unpredictable and potentially lethal even to our enhanced personnel."

"And finally," I added, "there's Agent Sunday himself. His expertise in utilizing these tools effectively, combined with his tactical knowledge and leadership within the Chaos Insurgency, amplifies the threat significantly."

Dr. Bright sighed heavily, her concern evident. "It's a deadly trifecta," she concluded. "Each component amplifies the others, creating a formidable adversary."

"We need to approach this strategically," I suggested, my mind already racing with possibilities. "Understanding each element—the gun, the bullets, and Agent Sunday's tactics—is crucial to devising a plan to counter them."

Dr. Bright nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll need to gather as much intelligence as possible on Agent Sunday's operations and his weapon. Analysis, testing, and perhaps even replication if feasible."

I contemplated our next steps, knowing that our response to this threat would require careful planning and decisive action. "We can't afford to underestimate him," I emphasized. "But with our resources and abilities, we can find a way to neutralize this threat."

Dr. Bright placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We will," she affirmed. "We'll gather our team, assess our options, and prepare for the next encounter. Agent Sunday won't catch us off guard again."

With renewed determination, we set about our task, ready to confront the challenges ahead and safeguard the Foundation against the relentless threats posed by the Chaos Insurgency and its enigmatic leader, Agent Sunday.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones please