
I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

So after I was killed I was reborn, so yeah I didn't know getting Reborn was a thing, but here I am as Able from Scp, will that kinda suck, because of all the Scp character to get reborn as i am Able, Life hates me, luckily i got a wish and let's say i got two powerful powers, lets make the most out of this -------- MC is not based on me and will have an actual personality, also he will be different also have no idea to give him a harem or just get with Scp 105, not really sure, anyway this story may wil just fouces on the lighter things then dark

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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42 Chs

A hire up

"Alright, everyone," I said, addressing the task force. "Great job today. Let's get SCP-323 back to containment and prepare for the next mission. This fight is far from over."

Just as I finished speaking, a bullet whizzed past me and struck Dr. Bright in the head. Though I knew he'd simply get another body, it was still jarring. Our car screeched to a halt as more Chaos Insurgency members emerged from the surrounding forest.

Leading them was a man with slicked-back black hair, glasses, and a white coat over a black shirt. I didn't recognize him from any known files—he must be a new player in this universe.

"My, my, my," he said, his voice dripping with condescension as he surveyed our truck. "The Foundation has chosen trouble for my group. Too bad you're dealing with a higher-up."

He pulled out a gun and fired. I felt a searing pain as a bullet tore a giant hole in my chest, which immediately began to heal. Then he fired again, this time at my right arm, blowing it off completely. Pain and rage surged through me, but I quickly traced the gun he was using, trying to understand its capabilities.

"Well, fuck," I muttered, realizing the weapon was designed with anti-regenerative properties.

Ignoring the pain, I projected a series of barriers and shields to protect the task force members as chaos erupted around us. The higher-up continued to press the attack, his skilled marksmanship and tactical maneuvers putting us on the defensive.

"Fall back!" I shouted to the team, trying to regroup under the onslaught of gunfire and explosives.

Several task force members were injured, and I could see that our initial advantage was slipping away. Dr. Bright's body dissolved as his consciousness transferred, leaving us without his strategic guidance.

"We need to retreat!" one of the team members yelled over the din of battle.

I hesitated, torn between the urgency of securing SCP-323 and the mounting casualties among our ranks. The Chaos Insurgency had planned this ambush well, and they were exploiting every weakness.

"Cover our retreat!" I ordered, projecting distractions and barriers to buy us time.

As we fell back, I kept a wary eye on the higher-up. He seemed content to let us retreat, knowing that he had inflicted significant damage and disrupted our mission. It was a bitter defeat, and I knew the repercussions would be severe.

"We've lost SCP-323," I said grimly to the team as we regrouped in a safe distance. "And we've lost the upper hand."

"We'll get another chance," one of the team members said, trying to maintain morale.

But I knew that the Chaos Insurgency wouldn't stop here. They had shown their strength and determination today, and they would continue to be a formidable threat to the Foundation's efforts.

"We need to report this," I said, my voice hardening with resolve. "And we need to prepare for the next encounter. This war isn't over."

As we retreated back to the Foundation, I couldn't shake the feeling of failure. The higher-up had outmaneuvered us, and SCP-323 was now in their hands. The battle had been lost, but the war was far from over. We would need to regroup, strategize, and find new ways to counter the Chaos Insurgency's growing influence.

"The Foundation will prevail," I told myself, steeling my resolve for the challenges ahead. "We have to."

With that determination, we returned to the Foundation to lick our wounds and prepare for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

"What do we do now?" one of my teammates asked urgently, their voice strained with concern.

"Well," I began, taking a deep breath as I surveyed the aftermath of our failed mission. "We need to regroup. We go back to the Foundation and explain everything."

I retrieved Dr. Bright's amulet, a small but potent artifact that held his consciousness, and held it tightly in my hand. It was a tangible reminder of our fallen comrades and the price we had paid today.

"We'll need to report the loss of SCP-323 and the encounter with the Chaos Insurgency," I continued, addressing the team. "We have to be honest about what happened out there. The Insurgency caught us off guard, but we can learn from this."

There was a solemn nodding among the team members, each one processing the gravity of our situation. We had underestimated our adversaries, and now we were paying the price.

"Let's secure the transport and head back," I instructed, gesturing towards our vehicles. "We need to make sure we're not followed."

With practiced efficiency, the team moved to secure our remaining equipment and vehicles. The atmosphere was tense, but there was also a determination to regroup and come back stronger.

As we drove back to the Foundation, the weight of our defeat hung heavy in the air. We had failed to secure SCP-323, and the Chaos Insurgency had proven themselves to be a formidable threat. But I refused to let this setback define us.

"We'll need to reassess our strategies," I said to the team during the journey. "We can't afford any more surprises like this. The Insurgency knows our weaknesses now."

"We also need to be prepared for retaliation," another team member added grimly. "They won't stop with just one victory."

I nodded, my mind already racing with plans and contingencies. The Foundation was facing a new level of threat, and we needed to adapt quickly.

"We'll submit a full report," I said firmly as we approached the Foundation's secure perimeter. "And we'll request reinforcements if necessary. We can't let the Chaos Insurgency gain any more ground."

Back at the Foundation, we gathered in the briefing room to debrief and compile our report. Dr. Bright's amulet was placed on the table, a silent reminder of the sacrifices made.

"We'll learn from this," I said, addressing the team with resolve. "And we'll be ready for whatever comes next."

As I looked around the room at my team, I saw determination in their eyes. We may have lost a battle today, but the war against the anomalies and threats to humanity continued. And I was ready to lead us forward, no matter the challenges ahead.

As the next day arrived, I couldn't help but laugh as I caught sight of Dr. Bright's new body. It was a striking contrast to his previous forms—tall, beautiful, with raven-black hair and piercing red eyes. He had certainly made an interesting choice to be Japanese in his next life, as he had joked about before his unfortunate demise.

"You really went all out this time, huh?" I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement as Dr. Bright adjusted to his new appearance.

Dr. Bright gave a sheepish grin, his new features lending an air of elegance that was quite unexpected. "Well, why not embrace a new identity? Keeps things interesting around here."

The rest of the team seemed equally bemused by the transformation, but they quickly refocused on the task at hand. We had a lot to do in the aftermath of our failed mission against the Chaos Insurgency.

"Alright, let's get down to business," I said, trying to stifle another chuckle. "We need to finalize the report and figure out our next steps."

Dr. Bright nodded, his expression serious despite his new appearance. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially now."

As we got to work, compiling our report and analyzing the intel gathered from the mission, Dr. Bright's new form served as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of our work at the Foundation. It was a strange and sometimes surreal world we operated in, where anomalies and unexpected transformations were just part of the job.

Despite the levity of Dr. Bright's new appearance, the seriousness of our mission hung in the air. We had faced a setback, but we were determined to learn from it and come back stronger. The Chaos Insurgency had shown their hand, and now it was up to us to respond.

"We'll need to strategize carefully," I said, looking around at my team. "And be prepared for whatever comes next."

Dr. Bright nodded again, his red eyes serious. "Absolutely. This won't be the last time we encounter them."

With renewed focus and a bit of humor to lighten the mood, we continued our work at the Foundation. The challenges ahead were daunting, but we were committed to protecting humanity from the anomalies that threatened our world, regardless of how unpredictable or bizarre our tasks might become.

Still. Is said looking at him. Of all the body they can pick for you they picked that of an girl and a hot on in that fact

Dr. Bright chuckled, adjusting to his new appearance with a bemused expression. "Well, I did ask for something different, didn't I?"

I couldn't help but grin at his nonchalant response. "Different is an understatement. You're going to turn heads around here."

He shrugged, his demeanor light despite the seriousness of our recent mission. "Keeps things interesting, I suppose."

The rest of the team exchanged amused glances, clearly finding the situation as surreal as I did. We were used to dealing with anomalies of all sorts, but Dr. Bright's transformation added a unique twist to our daily routine.

"Just make sure you don't distract anyone too much," I teased, trying to lighten the mood further.

Dr. Bright winked playfully. "No promises."

As we continued our work, Dr. Bright's new appearance became a topic of light-hearted conversation among the team. Despite the challenges we faced, it was moments like these that reminded us to find humor in the midst of adversity.

"Alright, enough distractions," I said eventually, steering the conversation back to our mission objectives. "We need to focus on our next steps and how we're going to handle the fallout from yesterday's encounter."

Dr. Bright nodded, his expression more serious now. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down, especially with the Chaos Insurgency on the move."

With that, we returned to the task at hand, leaving behind the laughter and adjusting to the new dynamics Dr. Bright's transformation brought to our team. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with our determination and professionalism, we were ready to face whatever anomalies and adversaries the Foundation encountered next.

As I sat in the lunchroom, casually eating my meal, I couldn't help but notice SCP-999 nearby. The sight of the "tickling monster" brought a mix of curiosity and caution. SCP-999 was known not only for its playful nature but also for its pivotal role in containing SCP-682, one of the Foundation's most dangerous entities.

Despite its harmless appearance, I reminded myself that SCP-999 was far more than just a playful creature. It was the last child of the Scarlet King, a fact that was classified and highly sensitive within the Foundation. My knowledge of SCP-999's true nature came from my previous experiences in my previous life, but that information was strictly off-limits to others.

I kept my composure and continued eating, trying not to draw attention to myself or my awareness of SCP-999's background. The lunchroom buzzed with conversation among Foundation personnel, but I remained focused on keeping my thoughts to myself.

As SCP-999 moved closer, I subtly shifted my gaze, ensuring not to make direct eye contact. The last thing I needed was to inadvertently reveal my knowledge of its true nature. Being aware of SCP anomalies often came with the burden of secrecy and careful discretion.

After finishing my meal, I quietly excused myself from the lunchroom, making a mental note to stay vigilant around SCP-999 and any other anomalies that crossed my path. In the world of the SCP Foundation, even seemingly innocuous creatures held hidden depths and potential dangers that had to be respected and understood within the confines of strict protocol.

As I walked and observed Cain engaged in a chess match with a girl, a pang of sadness washed over me. It was a complicated feeling, knowing that Cain was responsible for Able previous demise yet seeing him now, seemingly at peace in this moment.

"Why are you looking at him?" Able's voice echoed in my mind, his tone tinged with a hint of bitterness. "He killed me."

"I know," I replied inwardly, my thoughts conflicted. "But he has suffered enough. Besides, if I want to talk to him, it doesn't matter what you think. This body may be ours, but I'm the one in the driver's seat."

Able remained silent, the weight of our shared experiences and the dynamics of our fused existence hanging between us. Despite our differences and the remnants of Able's consciousness within me, I couldn't deny the humanity within Cain, flawed and complex as it was.

I approached the table where Cain sat, deep in concentration over the chessboard. The girl he was playing against glanced up briefly, her expression neutral. Cain looked up next, his eyes meeting mine with a mix of surprise and caution.

"Mind if I join?" I asked, gesturing to an empty seat.

Cain hesitated for a moment, then nodded silently, pushing the spare chair out with his foot. I took the seat opposite him, the tension palpable yet unspoken between us.

"Good game," I remarked, indicating the chessboard. "You're quite skilled."

Cain shrugged slightly, his gaze thoughtful. "It's a game of strategy. Helps pass the time."

I nodded, considering his words. "I understand."

There was a pause as we both contemplated our next moves in the game and in our unspoken conversation. Despite the weight of our shared history and the secrets we both carried, here we were, connected by a game of chess and the unspoken understanding of our intertwined fates within the SCP Foundation.

As the game progressed, I found myself reflecting on the complexities of forgiveness and redemption, both for Cain and for myself. In this strange world of anomalies and secrets, perhaps there was room for understanding and reconciliation, even amidst the darkness that often defined our lives.

Um thanks. Cain said looking at me. Thanks for forgiving me.

Cain's words hung in the air, his gratitude and the weight of our shared history settling between us. I nodded quietly in response, acknowledging his gratitude even though I knew Able, my other half, hadn't forgiven him. Despite my own willingness to move past what had happened, seeing Cain still stirred a mix of emotions within me.

As I made my move on the chessboard, the game continued in silence for a while, the only sound the soft clink of pieces being moved. Cain studied the board intently, his brow furrowed in concentration. It struck me how different he seemed now compared to the stories and records I had read about him—stories of violence and chaos, contrasting sharply with the calm focus he displayed over the chessboard.

"You've improved," I commented quietly, breaking the silence.

Cain glanced up briefly, a hint of surprise flickering in his eyes before he returned his attention to the game. "Practice makes perfect, they say."

"I suppose so," I replied, contemplating my next move. Despite my initial hesitation and unease, I found myself gradually easing into the rhythm of the game, focusing on strategy and tactics rather than the weight of our past.

As the game progressed, a sense of understanding seemed to grow between us, unspoken but present in the air. Cain's willingness to engage in this simple act of competition and camaraderie spoke volumes about his desire for connection, for redemption perhaps, in a world where forgiveness was a rare commodity.

After several more moves, the game reached a critical juncture. Cain hesitated, studying the board with renewed intensity. Finally, he made his move, his expression thoughtful yet determined.

I considered my options carefully, calculating the potential outcomes. With a decisive move, I placed my piece on the board, setting the stage for the next phase of our match.

"Check," I said quietly, meeting Cain's gaze across the board.

He nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Well played."

The tension that had hung between us softened slightly, replaced by a shared moment of mutual respect and understanding. In that small victory on the chessboard, we found a temporary reprieve from the complexities of our intertwined pasts and the uncertainties of our futures within the SCP Foundation.

As we continued our game, the lunchroom buzzed with activity around us, oblivious to the quiet drama unfolding over the chessboard. For a brief moment, amidst the anomalies and the secrets, Cain and I found common ground—a fleeting but meaningful connection in a world where trust and forgiveness were as rare as they were precious.

To be continued

Anyway hope people like this ch and give me power stones for this story anyway bye