
I am perfectly imperfect for him

"Daisy" I whispered again. But She didn't respond. She was just looking down at the floor. Wait, Is she thinking that I kidnapped her? Fuck man. I took my phone out and called my personal assistant. "Hy Adam. I need you to call Dakota Connor and ask her to come and meet me. Give her my home address. It's urgent. She has to come within an hour and tell her that it's about her friend Daisy okay?" I said and disconnected the call. I was just looking at her for the entire time. "Are you planning to eat now or after your friend comes?" I asked her. But she didn't respond. She walked to one corner of the room and laid down. She curled up into a ball and hugged her knees tightly. "Daisy, you can lie on bed. The floor is cold. Get up." I told her as I walked towards her. "I will send you home when Dakota comes. Okay? I promise." I didn't want to see her like a helpless kitten got hurt. I sat down next to her on the floor. I didn't talk anything. She didn't react to that. We just stayed in silence for the entire time. It was so perfect this way. "Zayden, Dakota Connor is here." Gracie said through intercom. "Send her to my room Gracie." I said. Daisy looked up at me. I smiled back at her. But she didn't react and looked away.

Danny_Dan · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 (Zayden)

Dakota and Gracie entered in my room and Daisy sat up straight. Tears started flowing from her eyes. I felt like something is stabbing my heart and ripping it into million pieces. Dakota came running towards Daisy and hugged her tightly. "What happened Daisy? I called you so many times in the morning. Then I got a call from Mr. Hendrickson's Assistant telling you are here. What happened?" Dakota seemed genuinely worried. Daisy hugged her back and cried like a baby. I wanted to take her into my arms and console her.

"Your father Kidnapped her." I didn't think twice. She deserved to know what kind of a person her father is. "What?" both of them turned towards me and looked like they got hit by a car. "Your father sent someone to follow and took her to stripper club to have fun with his friends. I happened to be there yesterday with your dad. So I took her here. her phone was taken and I didn't want to disturb you in the middle of night." I said. "That asshole" Dakota was so angry after hearing what I said. "I am so sorry Daisy. I shouldn't have taken you there. I knew that that asshole would stir some trouble." She cried with Daisy.

"He thinks that no one would ask anything, if something happened to Daisy just because she is an orphan. Tell him that I would rip his throat, If something happens to her in the future." I was boiling in rage. I would smash his head on the walls and rip his throat and cut his dick out.

Daisy looked up at me. Her cheeks were smurged with tears and flowing down to my t-shirt. "Thank you Sir." Daisy whispered. I patted her head and smiled at her. "It's okay Daisy." I didn't know what to say. "Sir, The clothes you ordered for Daisy is delivered Sir." my driver came inside and gave the cloth bag to me. I handed that to Daisy. "Get dressed. Then you can go home. Okay?" I smiled at her.

"You do want anything else." I asked before getting up to leave them alone. She nodded her head. "What do you want?" I asked. "Food" she whispered softly. Dakota and me looked at her. I smiled and turned to Gracie. She took the tray from table. "It is cold Zayden. Let me heat it up." she answered.

"It's okay ma'am. I can eat." Daisy said softly. "I will heat it up dear. Get changed and come downstairs. Okay?" Gracie said. "Give her the juice and fruits Gracie. Let her eat that now and you prepare breakfast. For four, if you didn't eat anything yet." I said as she nodded and left. I gave the fruits and juice to Daisy and sat next to her. She didn't say anything. She silently ate.

I felt so bad for her. She was such a nice kid. She was so innocent and soft spoken. I waited for her to finish eating. I took the bowl and a glass from her and walked out of the room. My assistant was waiting for me in the living room.

They came down after 15 minutes and Daisy looked fresh like a Daisy flower. "Come dear. Eat something before you leave." Gracie said. "No ma'am. I am not hungry now. Thank you so much." she smiled lightly. Fuck. This was the first time I saw her smile. Her smile was so captivating. I could say I was mesmerized.

"Come and eat Daisy. That was not enough. You didn't anything from night." I said. Dakota and Daisy came and sat down on the table. She ate slowly. It took 30 minutes for her to finish her plate. But she tried to finish everything on her plate. I could say she was very discipline. That's how kids in orphanage grew up I guess.

We were Standing in my living room. Daisy walked towards Gracie. "Thank you ma'am." she said softly. "It's my pleasure dear. Call me Gracie. Visit us whenever you are free okay?" Gracie hugged her and kissed her forehead. She walked towards me. "Thank you sir" she whispered. I opened my arms wide hoping that she would hug me. She walked slowly and hugged my waist. I hugged her tightly.

It was a different kind of feeling. I was so content. I wanted to protect this woman and give her everything she deserved. I kissed her forehead. "Thank you so much Sir. You saved me from them. I don't know how to thank you sir." she whispered against my chest. "Call me Zayden." I whispered above her head. "Thank you Zayden." She mumbled.

I loosened up my grip on her and turned to Adam. He gave me the new phone, I ordered for Daisy. "This is for you" I handed the phone to Daisy. "No Zayden. I can't take this phone. It looks expensive and I can't afford to pay for it." she whispered. "You don't have to pay for this. Just take it. Your phone was taken. You need one." I insisted.

"I can be without phone. I brought that just a month back to take to mother Dale. I can call her from University phone booth." she was not ready to take it. "Yesterday you were kidnapped by assholes. Don't you think you need one, in case any emergencies." I didn't know how to convince. "Take it Daisy. You for sure need phone now. We can pay him pack in installment and ask for discount." Dakota joked. "Yeah, you will get 100% discount." I smiled at her as I said that.

She took the phone from my hand hesitantly. "I saved mine, my assistant, few bodyguards, one police personal number. You can call any of us, if there is an emergency. okay?" I hugged her again and kissed her forehead.

"Inform me, once you reach. And Dakota, I filed a complaint against your dad for Abduction and attempt to rape. Cops said they have to take to Daisy. They may call her for an investigation. You need to help her." I didn't know whether I was doing a right thing. Because He is her father after all. "Sure, Mr. Hendrickson." she said. "You can call me Zayden, Dakota." I didn't like to be very formal sometimes.

They walked out of my house and got inside Dakota's car. I wanted to take her to her dorm. But Dakota came in car and I didn't know how to ask her to get inside my car. I stood there and watched them leave out of my mansion.