
The hand Inside Robin's Chest!

(Tn. Actual title below.)

"How did you ..."

Lin Qi was surprised looking at the eight-year-old girl in front of him, and looked down at the stray puppy at his feet, and said, "You followed it, then?"

Robin nodded her head slightly without speaking.

"Because I didn't tell that man about you, you think you can trust me?"

When the little girl started getting anxious, Lin Qi laughed and said, " In fact - you just don't really know what to do!"

Robin's thin frame trembled and she clenched her fingers.

"That man... from yesterday didn't die."

She spoke. It was the first time Lin Qi heard her voice, a child's clear voice but a bit raspy, probably because it has been a long time since she talked.

"Those mobsters... will probably be looking for you too..."

"Is it because you think that you have given me trouble, is it?" Lin Qi laughed, "Coming here to warn me?"

The little girl bit her lower lip and did not speak.

"Then you can relax, I'm not a nice person! The people who wants to kill me has a queue from here to Wano and up to Laugh Tale, what's a few mobsters?"

Lin Qi has said so, but being targeted by the local mob, it is still quite problematic.

Lin Qi felt that it was necessary to think of a way. The first thing he needs is to be a Train in peace, and only after getting a better understanding of his powers will he have the freedom to do anything he wants in the future...

At that moment, Lin Qi face "helmet" narrow eyes at the white light flashing, B.I.B issued an electronic voice: "extract ... release ... "

With a clear heart, Lynch looked at his hands. The "armor" on the left arm is blue with flame-like patterns, and the right arm is red. The shape of the flame pattern is faintly swirling, which seems to be very similar to the characteristics of something...

Devil Fruit?

Robin saw the boy in front of her, slightly older than she was by one or two years, who seems to be looking blankly at the air again, and could not help but remember what he had done to the mobster last night... Saul said that there were many people out at sea who ate all kinds of strange and bizarre devil fruits, with strange and bizarre abilities. This boy, should be like her who ate the Flower Flower fruit, and ate some kind of fruit ... is it the Ghost Ghost fruit?

As she thought of this, the boy in front of her suddenly extended his right hand towards her, just touching the lapels of Robin's tattered dress and poked it, frowned and withdrew.

"...?" Robin was a little bewildered, but saw that Lin Qi changed with his left hand, this time there was no hindrance and inserted straight into her chest.

"...!?" Robin stared dumbly at the boy's hand, which was actually submerged in her body like that.

But ... why doesn't it hurt ...

Or was it the pain too much that resulted in the numbness?

At this moment, a series of images flashed in Robin's mind.

As a child, her aunt was not good to her and she was always fed and clothed poorly, always being bossed around... Eventually, she got a Doctorate in History and thought she could finally study about history alongside Professor Clover, but then her Homeland was destroyed by the Marine's Buster Call... The first friend she had ever made, was a giant, who taught her how to laugh, but then he died trying to protect her... And then she finally met her mother for the first time, and thought that she could finally live with her this time, but in the end, she was pushed away...

I am already the last remaining Survivor of O'Hara, and in the end, the hopes that Professor Clover, Mom, and everyone else, have died to preserve, is going to be lost right here...

I'm sorry, Professor, Mom, a person like me, still let you all down after all...

Saul, You said that as long as you go to the sea you will certainly encounter friends, but I'm sorry, I am about to die by being stabbed in the chest and my bloody heart removed from my body...

Waiting for her body to be cold, will she be eaten by wild animals or picked up and sent to the Marine base in exchange for the bounty?

"Hey, are you in there?"

The boy's voice snapped Robin awake and brought her back to reality.

She realized that her chest was still intact and pain-free and even her gray dress was not damaged.

The boy's hand had been withdrawn. Robin looked stupidly at the boy's left hand, not a drop of blood. It was as if it had not just stabbed her in the chest.

"Little girl, are you having lots and lots of questions?" Lin Qi teased, mimicking Robin's dazed expression when he walked away just now. " I thought I was killed by him? What the devil is happening here -"

Robin gritted her teeth, a slight blush, and a very angry.

And unseen by her, Lin Qi's left hand is wrapped in a layer of blue flame pattern armor, is grasping a blue glowing inverted triangle "crystal piece".

The surface of the triangular crystal piece is engraved with a swirling pattern like a flower cluster.

"What did you do?" Robin asked in a small voice. She was observant and noticed that Lin Qi's eyes were fixed on his own left hand-what was he holding? His ghost powers?

"Try and see if you can still use the power of the Flower Flower Fruit?" Lin Qi suggested.

Robin was startled and immediately crossed her arms, in accordance with the instinctive method that the Fruit gave her, trying to use the Fruit powers to " bloom " arms in front of the boy's face and chest but there was no result.

Something is missing inside her body.

Did she lose her Devil Fruit ability ...

Lin Qi smiled slightly, and changed the one holding the inverted triangle-shaped Flower Devil Fruit "Chip" with his left hand to his right hand then the right hand glowed with red flame swirl patterns, and slammed the chip into his chest!

Robin saw him suddenly harming himself and could not help but gasp in shock.

But in the next few seconds she was shocked by a flash of light and her mouth opened wide, could it be-?

After the Flower Devil Fruit "Chip" was implanted in his body, Lin Qi took a deep breath, and felt a wonderful " instinct " throughout his body. He smiled slightly, his hands slightly raised, and Robin's neck on both sides grew two arms - Lin Qi's arms!

The two hands that grew on the neck pinched both cheeks of Robin, she slurred: "You ... you stole my... Devil Fruit... you thief..."

" It seems to be that way." Lin Qi laughed, " It' s an amusing ability, which is quite fun."

As he said, the two hands that were pinching Robin's cheeks silently turned into petals, spreading over the girl's shoulders.

"You-" Robin looked at the petals that fell into her palm, flustered and confused, "How can you do this..."

This is the power that she relies on for protection! Without the Flower Flower Fruit, an eight-year-old girl like herself can not survive in this merciless sea.

Robin's heart sank and didn't know what to do.

"Hey, you kids!" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the entrance of the alley.

<h1> Actual title: I don't want your Flower Flower Fruit. <h1>