
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Max Defeat!

Chapter – 51 Max Defeat!

Every single beast in the forest was trying to avoid going anywhere near the female king-tier beast, it had gone crazy in rage. It was killing any beast that was in her view, there were smashed trees and huge rocks thrown on the grounds, and dead bodies of the beast lying on the ground. Normally these bodies would have been eaten by the other beasts but this time no beast wanted to go even near those bodies because of the King-tier beast. The beast's anger was only increasing over time and it had no idea who was responsible for the other beast's death.

Not able to find any other small beasts or humans the king-tier beast decided to head outside the forest to attack the city. While for some time the beasts inside the forest would be able to enjoy this peaceful moment but it wasn't going to be the same for the people living inside the city. Rather than rushing for the city the beast was walking slowly, maybe to conserve his energy but it was definite that even with less energy the beast is going to create a massacre inside the city when it will reach there.

While everything was happening, Marcus was resting inside a rented inn in the city, he was already pissed about losing the king-tier crystal to Max. He was not afraid of the king-tier beast inside the forest he just didn't want to fight the beast when it was in a crazy state. He was confident in his capabilities that even if the beast attacked the city, he would be able to escape from the beast easily. "I shouldn't waste my time resting here, damn but I don't feel like going out. Only if I had gotten that crystal, I would have been able to get a lot of money. And I would be drinking with girls then." Marcus could only regret now, for what had happened. Thinking about something Marcus gets up from his bed and left the room, headlining outside to freshen up his mind or to find someone whom he could beat up.

Back in the arena, the last fight had ended and now it was again Max's turn to fight. This time his opponent was a man in his early thirties, he was carrying a metal club on his shoulder. He was taller than Max and had double his weight compared to him. He had a small beard and his black hair was tied backward with a thread. While he walked to the stage, he was being unworried about his fight, to him, Max was not a strong opponent even after his display of power in his last fight.

"Hey, you better hold against me for a long time." The man said and while standing opposite to Max. "For sure," Max responded with a smile. He didn't care about this man's behavior at all, Max knows he will be meeting a lot of people like him in the future, so rather than getting annoyed by his behavior Max thought to ignore it and focused on his fight.

"Begin" the Announcer stepped aside after starting the fight.

Max had moved first from his spot; he was already holding his sword. Unlike last time Max didn't wanted to just dodge and counterattack, he also wanted to hone his attacking skills. Max was not using his Maximum, he first wanted to see how fast his opponent was before he used his Maximum speed. The person stood still without moving at all even after seeing that Max was coming to attack him, he was not worried even a bit about that. Max was confused by this guy's behavior; it made Max to decrease his speed a little. If the guy attacks him, he could avoid that usually, Max would have used Dimensional Travel to avoid these kinds of attacks but he couldn't use it in front of everyone here.

When Max was just three meters away, the guy dashed from his spot leaving small cracks on the ground where he was standing before, his sudden movement was very fast leaving Max in a daze. The guy swung his club and hit directly on Max's chest as he was not able to react quickly to defend it. Max was thrown backward by that hit, he rolled to the edge of the stage but stopped there.

[-13 Hp]

[The user has received internal damage. The user won't be able to use his full strength.]

"Damn, it's hurting and what's this absurd thing. Nothing like that had ever happened in the past then why is now my strength going to be reduced just by one hit." Max was confused as he looked at the man who was standing some distance away from him. He coughed out some blood from his mouth while standing up, the audience was already cheering for the other guy. "I need to be cautious of his attacks, I can't let him hit me again. If that happened I won't even be able to fight properly with him. and without my skills, this fight is also going to be tough." Max wiped off the blood and smiled a little in excitement.

"You can take my attacks, that's surprising. Now, the question is how many can you take it?" the guy said with a straight face. From start this guy was treating Max as an inferior being every time he looked at Max, there was a feeling of disgust in his eyes for Max. It was not just Max, every fighter he had fought before had felt the same thing from him. "Now, it's my turn to attack." Saying that the guy rushed toward Max's position.

Max saw him coming after him, and this time Max used his full speed to dodge the attack last time Max was a bit careless thinking that his opponent might be weak but it turns out to be the opposite of it, this time Max was facing someone was far stronger than him. Even after using his full Speed Max was barely dodging the attacks from this guy, as he was also fast but Max was faster only by a second or two. And that much time was enough for Max to avoid the attacks.

"This kid is good, It was his bad luck that he got matched against him."

"Yeah, if he would be someone else he might have already finished his fight now."

"Shut up, you guys stop worrying about that kid enjoy the fight. hahahahha"

"We are not worried we are just letting our thoughts out and who said we care about this guy. It's his life whether he lives or dies it doesn't matter to us."

"Right. Carl is going to win the fight like always" A lot of people were discussing the fight and everyone knows that Max won't be able to win this fight. At this time his opponent was someone everyone was well aware of 'Carl'.

"If this continues, I'll run out of stamina before I could even attack him. I need to figure out something before that happens." Max thought as Carl was chasing behind him with his club. They both were running around in circles for quite some time and no one was showing any sign of exhaustion. Suddenly Carl stopped following behind and stood at the center of the stage. While Max started to worry, that Carl might use some kind of special attack on him.

"I need to interrupt him, whatever he is planning to do." Max thought as started thinking about a possible way for him to approach Carl without getting hit by him. But no matter what he thought none of those would work against Carl. "Should I give up on this fight? But I'll lose the crystal that I paid for registration. Whatever my life is more important, I'll try for one last attack and then I'll give up." Max decided.

Carl stood still at the center while his eyes were always focused on Max. Max rushed towards carl at full speed and it didn't even take him two seconds to reach where Carl was but before Max could attack, Carl was already aiming to slam his Club on the ground, and before Max's sword could touch Carl's body, the whole stage shook because of Carl attack on the ground, that attack made the whole stage destroy and because of it Max's feet slipped and he lost balance. But Max didn't fall to the ground because of the sudden destruction of the stage, he was met by Carl's punch in the stomach and was sent flying in the air by some meters, the moment Max got hit by Carl he lost his Conscience and fall on the ground.

Seeing that Max was not able to fight Carl left him Untouched there on the ground which was now covered with the rubble of the destroyed stage. The crowd went into an uproar as Carl defeated Max, the medical team took Max for treatment and the announcer ended the match. "I want to apologize to everyone present here but as you can see the stage had been destroyed and it is going to take some time for us to repair it back. I'm sorry but we won't be holding any fights today anymore, I ask all of you return back to your homes and you will be given free entry in next-day fights." The announcer sent everyone back as without a stage it was not possible for the fighters to fight, they could have fought in the rubble but they decided not to do so.

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