
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

80% Strength

Chapter – 52 80% Strength

"Aggh" Max woke up and found himself in a different room, lying on the bed. The last thing that he remembered was a heavy punch from his opponent Carl. "Ohh, you are awake now, we thought it would take another hour for you to come to consciousness. For you to be this strong at a young age is quite abnormal here. Everyone was surprised after they saw that you were able to take Carl's direct hit and still survive." A young nurse started talking with Max and he was surprised to know that Carl is a famous fighter there. Unable to hold back his curiosity he asked, "Is the guy I fought earlier that strong." Max questioned; the nurse was checking Max's medicine when she heard him say that.

"Strong? No, strong is not a word that can define Carl's strength. He is the champion of the arena no one has ever defeated him, and every single of his opponent had given up against him. I guess you're new, that's why you had gone against him." the nurse said as she took out the medicine that she was looking for and gave it to him. Max didn't question what the medicine was for he silently took it and swallowed it. He knew he was injured not because he was in pain, cause his system was showing that he had received internal damage and his current strength was down to 80%. Max opened up the notifications from his system to see what they were as he was unconscious; he wasn't able to see them.

[-33 Hp]

[User had suffered another internal damage; The user won't be able to use his full strength]

[Current Power Status: 80%]

[To Congratulate the user for fighting someone stronger than himself. Here's a reward for that.]

[1x Healing Potion]

[1 point to every stat]

[User should work hard to get stronger and beat that person to gain other rewards.]

After reading the last message Max was getting a feeling that the system was taunting him for his failure. But seeing the rewards had made his mood better as the reward was equal to a level up, and another healing potion would be useful if he ever got seriously injured out of the city or any other dangerous place. The nurse was still near Max when she noticed that Max was just staring at the wall, she got worried that he might have some other injuries affecting his brain. She came closer to look at him. "Are there any more checkups or something else left?" Max's sudden response startled the nurse and she fell backward.

"No, I thought you had injured your head 'cause you were just staring at the wall." Max understands that the nurse was concerned about him that's why she gets close to his face. "It still hurts." Max thought while trying to endure his pain.

"Can I leave now? I think I'm better than before." Saying that Max left the bed, his clothes were torn and there were also some blood stains on them but he didn't mind that and left the room. "That kid didn't even take the medicine for his injuries." The nurse was still concerned about him.

On his way out, Max saw that Neil was waiting outside the Medical Room. Seeing Max come out was also surprising for Neil. "Dude, you recovered from your injuries quickly? Is there any secret behind your recovery or do you have a potion or something? Hahaha" Neil joked about the potion but Max had some healing potion that he hadn't used yet on himself. If Neil gets to know that Max has actually those potions he would go wild. "Yeah, my body heals fast. I recently found out about that too." Max said he also didn't know about this yet, but even the last time when his hand had gotten injured by the beast attack, his wound healed quickly.

"That's great dude if everyone would have this kind of trait in them then they would not have to spend money on their injuries and they can also continue their hunt the next day if they get any injuries," Neil said as he also wished that he had that trait in his body. "Anyways, it's a good thing that you're fine. Also, all the fights for today had been canceled, your and Carl's fight had destroyed the stage and it would take some time for the organizers to repair it back. The people were displeased about that but they were offered free entry to the next fights. So, they left without creating any trouble." Neil explained what happened after Max was taken to the medical room.

"Ahh, I forgot every participant was getting a Rare-tier crystal as a refund cause of today's inconvenience. You should also visit them to get the crystal." Neil was happy because he can get his registration fees back this way. "Okay, I'll get it. Thanks for coming here to tell me all these things. If there aren't going to be any more fights today, I'll be heading back to my place." Max said as he started walking towards the main gate, as he was also planning to get his crystal on his way.

"Hey, wait! I'm also coming with you." Neil said as he run towards Max. Both of them than get their crystal back and headed home. While Neil was happy about today because he had won his fight. Now his parents would also approve of him becoming an adventurer. But Max was not happy at all as his first opponent was too weak for him and the second one was too overpowered for him. Thus, his whole day ended up as a waste.

"Did they intentionally put me against Carl? But why would they do that? I'm not someone famous or powerful. Whatever I will find out the reason later." Max thought and tried not to suspect anything.

In the arena, inside the owner's room. Carl was standing on the other side of a desk and on the opposite side a fat round man was sitting on the chair, which obviously made him the owner. "Great work Son as always, you are the only person I can rely on in these situations. Here that's your reward." The owner said as he pulled out a small bag filled with gold coins and put it at Carl's side. He took the bag without saying anything.

"You do know the reason why I sent you to fight, right?" the owner asked to which Carl just nodded his head. "People were betting a lot of money on that kid, if he had won his fight then I would have lost a lot of money. If every time I just let this kind of newcomer win, I would have to close down this place Hahahah but thank God I have you. I wish we can continue our activities in the future too, so keep this a secret we both know each other." The owner kept talking while Carl just silently listen to his every single word.

Unaware of the little scheme that the owner had played against him, Max was lying on his bed inside the inn. Thinking about when he will be able to use his full strength? He was thinking about using one of the healing potions to heal himself, that potion was able to completely remove the poison from Ron last time, and he was sure that it can also heal his internal injuries. But he didn't want to waste something precious on just a little damage.

"Should I visit a healer, to get treated or wait and see how long would it take my body to heal myself?" Max thought wondering what should he do next? Maybe he can again visit the arena tomorrow but what if he has to again face Carl or someone like him there, and right now he can't even use his full strength. It would be dangerous for him to go there like this.

"I wonder where would Lucas be right now? He might be already in a different nation. I also need to find out what would happen when I absorb a soul? There are a lot of things to do but I don't where to start?" Max was getting stressed about all the stuff that he had to do. He couldn't even go hunting as the issue with the King-tier beast hasn't been resolved yet.

"F**k, that beast! I'm going to the forest if I encounter that beast I'll just run away." Max made up his escape plan to sound bold but he wanted the confidence to go there first. After resting for s while Max headed outside to leave the city. it was close to dusk but Max still decided to go to the forest.

While Max was still on his way to the exit of the city, he saw someone pass by and his entire body froze for a second, he was getting goosebumps just by seeing the person who walked past him. It was Marcus who was going in the other direction from Max. But after remembering that Marcus doesn't know his face, Max continued going outside the city.

"That kid felt familiar for some reason, have I met him somewhere?" Marcus thought as he continued going inside the city, to the place where he was temporarily living.

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