
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Looming Threat

Chapter- 8 Looming Threat

[System is ready to use now] these words were floating in front of Max and he was going through a mix of emotions, shocked, excited, and happy. Now Max was finally seeing hope in surviving this world.

[System is done rebooting and had analyzed the user]

[Welcome Max Morningstar]

[Level: 01 (0/50 EXP)]

[HP: 50/50]

[Strength: 4]

[Agility: 5]

[Endurance: 3]


[All Knowing (Maximum Level): The system had been in use for thousands of years by many different users, who had later passed down the system to others. And with time and encountering all types of things, the system had developed this skill that knows all the items that exist in this world, there might be some exceptions to this though. The user had to hold the item to know the full detail of the item. In the future this skill might develop more.]

[Skill blocked]

[Skill blocked]

[ User can unlock more skills by leveling up or by other means.]

[After analyzing the user system had found out the user is weak, so the system will help the user for some time to get stronger. You will have to complete daily tasks to earn Exp. and if you failed to complete the task some penalty will be given to the user]

Max was carefully reading about the details that the screen of the system was showing to him and considering how weak Max was the system had decided to help him by giving him the task to earn Exp. for now. He had also discovered one more thing, that there was more than one user in the past who had the system and later passed it down to others. Max was somewhat happy knowing that his system was similar to one he had read about in novels.

"Now I just have to farm Exp. as fast I can to level up faster but right now, I'm quite weak according to the stats that the system showed me. Only my agility is higher than the other stats. For now, I can only complete the tasks given by the system to get Exp." Max thought while thinking of other possible ways to get Exp. to level up.

"But what other things will give me Exp. to level up" Max just had this thought and the system screen showed up again in front of him.

[User can get Exp. from completing quests and Killing beasts and monsters.]

System notified Max about the ways he can earn Exp, Max had thought that killing beasts will give him Exp. but killing humans was also an option that surprised Max.

Max was happy to find out he can get stronger now, and continued to look for books that can tell him more about the past.

Elsewhere Lucas was heading into the forest with two other knights with him. Fear was clearly shown on the face of all three of them while they were heading deeper inside the forest carefully. Lucas was wearing a strange armor that have a different shine on it, while he had one extra sword with him this time on his back. The other two knights were also wearing similar armor to Lucas while carrying their weapons made of a beast with them.

After walking for some hours, they stopped in front of a cave and took out their weapons getting ready to engage in a fight. "Let's get inside, once we locate the beast attack with everything you have got, otherwise we all might die here. It's a high-level beast." Lucas warned the other two while he took the lead to walk ahead and those two followed behind him.

Lucas and those guys were walking carefully while trying not to make any sound that will alert the beast about them. The cave was not that big it was roughly 12ft or 13ft in length and had a width of 10ft. The crystal that Lucas and others were carrying was enough to light up the cave.

After walking for 10 minutes Lucas and the others come to stop, the thing that they were seeing in front of them were only skeletons of humans there was a small pile of skeletons there in the corner. Lucas and others were a little stunned to see that there were no beasts and only skeletons were left there. They started looking around the end of the cave to see any traces of the beast that it might have left there.

After looking at every corner of the cave they still didn't get anything useful to even identify the beast. "Maybe it has left the forest but what was a high-level beast doing here, in all those years there had never been a beast of this level that had come into this forest," Lucas said to others while he had a concerned look on his face while saying this.

"Let's check the surroundings of the cave to find anything then we will head back to the castle to report this" Lucas said while his mind was still thinking about something else, He headed outside of the cave with others to look for traces of the beast.

While Lucas was still looking for traces, Henry had packed his stuff and was standing in front of the entrance of the forest. He was looking at the road that everyone uses to go to another kingdom. Henry looked back at the castle for the last time and murmur something before heading toward the other kingdom.

Henry had taken a horse from the castle to travel faster, when Henry had gone to take a horse, he saw there were a lot of horses there but he had rarely seen anyone ride a horse there. Henry had asked the guy in charge of horses about this and that guy had told him that these horses are only used to travel to other kingdoms, no one uses the horses for traveling inside the forest cause these horses are scared to go inside the forest.

"It's inconvenient for those guys who go inside the forest to hunt beasts, they have to travel on feet and this will take some of their stamina, while also if they get ambushed by the beast, they wouldn't be able to run away from them," Henry thought while thinking of possible ways that he will use in future to reserve his stamina or to find something that can make his travel easier in the future.

Henry was heading to another kingdom while something in the forest was heading toward the castle which Henry had departed some minutes ago.

In the library, Max had finally found a book related to the past heroes but before he can start reading the book, he heard a roar from the forest that had shaken him.

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