
I Am Not A Hero

Max was a normal seventeen years old kid until he was summoned in another world to save them from the Beasts. When he got summoned in their world, he found out that he has the ability of one of three legendary heroes from the past. And the ability he got was not a normal one but a special system ability. Let's join Max on his adventure and find out how he turned from a scared boy to the guy who will kill ruthlessly. Also please give me review about my story. Gonna continue this story new chapter's from Monday.

FrostMist · Fantasy
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52 Chs

End of a Legend

Chapter- 9 End of a Legend

In the library, Max had finally found a book related to the past heroes but before he can start reading the book, he heard a roar from the forest that had shaken him.


Everyone in the castle heard that terrifying roar and was shaken by it. The guards immediately started to run towards the source of the roar to protect the castle and its people. Every guard was clad in heavy armor and have basic tier beast weapons with them.

After the guards come to the area, the beast still hadn't shown himself yet. It was still hiding in the forest but not too far away from the castle. It was just looking at its prey before starting the carnage.

Max's mind was going through a lot of thoughts, he was not sure what he can do in this type of situation. He still doesn't know a lot about fighting and facing a beast will be much harder than facing a human. Just before Max could think anything more a screen showed up in front of him, showing something that Max hadn't anticipated cause of the panic.

[Emergency Quest: Survive the attack of Legendary Beast or Run away]

[Quest Reward: Two Healing Potions, One New Skill]

[Additional rewards can be acquired by doing something else]

The system has issued a quest in this situation and after reading that the beast that's attacking the castle is a legendary tier beast, Max's legs were getting wobbly after knowing this. He can only focus on one thing for now and that was to just run away but the question was where can he even run away and even if he successfully escapes from here, there's no guarantee that he will be able to survive the beasts that live in the forest or sea.

Max was getting scared with every passing second and the beast from the forest was now slowly walking out of the forest revealing himself to the guards that had arrived there to fight the beast. When the beast come out of the forest everyone was terrified to see its appearance of the beast.

It was like a lion but much bigger and his skin was of snow-white color like it was sculptured from the ice. On its shoulder, there was ice coming out in an icicle shape and its mane was made of ice stings, its green eyes were giving a chill to everyone. Wherever it was stepping it was leaving an imprint of his icy paw but when some guards try to see behind the beast to see more of its imprint there was none. They were there only when the beast was there.

King Albert was looking at the beast from a little far away, he looked at the beast and was also terrified to see a high-level beast here. He knew they wouldn't be able to survive so he ordered the guard nearest to him "Send some guards to the villages and make them leave the area through the sea. We will try to hold for as long as we can to give you as much time possible to escort the people" Albert said this and started to head to where the beast was.

Lucas and the other two guys were heading towards the castle as fast as possible, after hearing that terrifying roar Lucas realized that what he was thinking had become reality. The beast had gone towards the castle and he know that he had to hurry to support the others in fighting the beast. He had to hurry to the castle to save as many people as he can save.

After coming out of the forest the beast hadn't attacked anyone, he was just looking at them like they are ants to him. Then suddenly it started attacking everyone with its paw and whenever it was making a slash a trail of ice was also carrying with it even if the guards dodged the attack the icy trail get them, instantly freezing them on the spot.

The beast was attacking without any care about getting hurt he was letting the attacks from guards hit them but not a single one was making a scratch on his thick icy skin. Swords, Arrows, Spear, and magical attacks guards were trying every type of attack on the beast but nothing was working in their favor, the beast was getting bombarded by the attacks but for him it was nothing.


Suddenly a huge Impact sound was heard where the beast was standing and for a second every guard turned around to look in the other direction where the attack had come from and they saw the king running towards the beast while wielding his sword and on the other side there was an old guy who was chanting a magic spell to cast another spell that had hit the beast. Everyone's morale increased after seeing their king take part in the fight.

Until now the beast had killed nearly a hundred guards and the field was covered with the blood of humans and dead bodies were lying on the floor like dirt. More and more guards were coming to fight the beast and the beast still hadn't shown any exhaustion, then suddenly he felt heat on his face. He was being careless thinking the humans couldn't harm him and he had let down his guard. But even that attack didn't do any visible damage other than making the beast angry.

Now King Albert was in front of the beast while holding his sword in his hand before getting too close to the beast he jumped while running towards the beast, in midair he grabbed his sword with both hands and swung it with his full strength but that was a mistake made by him that he can't undo now.

King Albert was considered the strongest in their kingdom. He was always a good fighter from a young age, he had defeated people older than him, whoever he had faced in his life he had defeated them without too much effort. And now the legend of that guy had come to end, people will remember him for his good deeds if this beast will let anyone live here.

When the beast saw a human running towards him and jumping in the air to attack him on his head. Seeing this scene made the beast smile a little and that smile didn't get unnoticed by anyone. All of the guards saw that clearly and king Albert also saw that. Before the sword even hit the beast.

The beast opened its mouth and let out a white beam towards the King the moment that beam come out of the beast's mouth the surrounding temperature started to get low. The beam hit the king and continued towards the castle, killing the king instantly and freezing half the castle. Everywhere was silent not a single guard was moving after seeing this.

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