
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 71

After hearing Kaze's words, Naruto immediately became obedient.

He refrained from trying to take control of the body again, for fear of causing the real death of the person before his eyes, Jiraiya.

However, he quickly understood the meaning behind Kaze's words.

Incredulously, he shouted in his consciousness, "Kaze, are you, are you planning to help someone?!"

"My goodness! This is the first time you've come out not to kill but to actively save someone!"

Before Kaze could respond, Naruto's face showed a relieved and moved expression.

"Sob, sob, sob, I knew I could definitely guide you to the path of righteousness and kindness!"

"That's great! Kaze, it's amazing that you could change for the better!"

"From now on, we'll share the body equally, and I won't restrict you anymore, sob, sob, sob."

Kaze: "???"

Kaze's forehead veins throbbed as he suppressed the rising anger within him.

In his consciousness, Kushina's lips twitched and she couldn't help but grab onto Minato's robe, asking, "Is this our son?"

"Why does he look so silly and cute, so different from his brother?"

Before Minato could answer, Kurama interjected.

"Hmph, where's the cuteness in this brat? Clearly, he's just dumb and foolish!"

"He sympathizes with enemies on the battlefield, then blames his teammates for being too harsh, and he's easily deceived without even realizing it!"

"If my child were like this, I'd be the first to strangle him!"

Although Kurama slept most of the time, he paid special attention whenever Kaze fought, so he knew Naruto's infuriating personality very well.

He suspected that sooner or later, Kaze would get rid of this aspect of Naruto's personality!

"You're the one who's going to be strangled!"

"I'll immediately use my Adamantine Sealing Chains to strangle you!"

Hearing her child being spoken ill of by Kurama, Kushina immediately became angry, and her red hair stood on end as sharp chains emerged from her body.

Minato quickly stepped forward to intervene, afraid that a fight would break out between mother and Kurama.

"Kushina, calm down. Naruto represents the most gentle and innocent side of him."

"That kind of human beauty is not something this hateful and vengeful entity like Kurama can understand."

"I can't understand?!" Kurama sneered.

"So, are you saying that Kaze also can't understand that kind of human beauty and is just a monstrous creature?"

"I didn't mean that!" Minato frowned, realizing for the first time how venomous the fox's mouth could be.

"Then what do you mean?" This time, it was not Kurama asking but Kushina angrily questioning.

After asking, she reached out and grabbed Minato's hair, holding onto his ear!

No one could speak ill of her children, not Kurama, and not Minato either!

While the scene of a "strict wife" played out in the sealing space, Kaze outside also took action.

He didn't pay attention to Jiraiya, who was bleeding on the ground, but quickly formed hand seals with both hands.

With a loud "bang," a clone with the appearance of Madara, having the same vertical slit pupils as Kurama, appeared in front of them.

As soon as it appeared, the clone ( took a deep breath of air.


"Ah~~~ the sweet scent of reality!"

After inhaling the air tainted with the smell of blood, the clone felt nostalgic and immediately rushed towards the grass and riverbank, running like a gorilla.

"This sky, this water, this soft grass, and this mountain with a big hole in it..."

"Finally, I've regained this feeling of freedom again!"


Minato and Kushina in the sealing space fell silent.

Especially Kushina, who instantly lost her anger.

With a pitiful expression, she shook her head and patted the back of Minato

Even Naruto was stunned, feeling like his CPU was short-circuiting.

Suddenly, a person who seemed impressive and powerful appeared, but he acted like a humanoid monkey?

And those inexplicable words, could it be that he was crazy?

Thinking this, Naruto shivered and urged in his consciousness, "Kaze, let's quickly take the perverted sage for treatment and avoid this lunatic!"

"I heard that lunatics can kill without violating the village rules!"

The original Kurama also noticed that something was amiss from Kushina's eyes and the comical actions of the clone. It immediately controlled the clone to stand up nonchalantly.

Imitating Madara's expressions and movements from its memories, the clone crossed its arms in front of its chest, giving off an air of disdain.

"Hmph, what are you looking at? Do you want to dance too?"


"Wow! He's so cool!" Naruto exclaimed with envy in his consciousness.

Kaze's forehead twitched, but he ignored the clone.

Instead, he extended his right hand, filled with chakra, and pressed it against the seal on his abdomen, twisting it.

In an instant, a dark black liquid, like ink, poured out, and the octagon seal on his abdomen was unlocked.

A massive amount of blood-red Nine-Tails' chakra gushed out, covering Kaze's entire body, and several blood-red tails rapidly grew out.

However, the blood-red chakra lasted for only a second before changing back to its golden-red cloak.

Seeing this scene, Kurama's controlled clone burst into approving laughter.

"Hahaha, as expected of the person I chose!"

"To swallow up all that hatred without me having to separate it actively."

"These emotions are just like candy beans; this hatred is far from enough." Kaze lightly sneered.

However, the vertical pupils in his eyes were dark red as if stained with blood, indicating that it wasn't as easy as he said.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

While they were talking, Minato and Kushina were already dragged out by the giant golden-red chakra hands.

Next, a shadow clone of Kaze appeared right beside the couple.

Before the two of them could say anything, the shadow clone directly made them disappear from their original location.

"Forget it, you go with them too."

Looking at the still posturing Kurama's controlled clone, Kaze created another shadow clone and took it away.

He took them to where the Flying Thunder God marks were located.

Once everyone was gone, Naruto finally realized what had happened.

"Wait, who are they? Where did you take them?"

"And those two who appeared last, why do I feel like my heart won't stop pounding?"

"Kaze, don't ignore me, or I'll get angry!!!"

To Naruto's outcry, Kaze was already accustomed and paid no attention.

He glanced at the shattered mountain in the distance, then looked down at Jiraiya, who was bleeding heavily and had a pale face, muttering to himself.

"The mountain has collapsed, haven't the people from Konoha arrived yet?"

"Forget it, if you die, it can be considered your bad luck."

After shaking his head, Kaze returned control of the body.

Naruto emerged once again, now completely exploding with frustration and agitation!

"Kaze, you lied to me again! Weren't you supposed to come out to heal the Pervy Sage?"

"And who were those three people who left just now?"

"Speak up! Don't play dead again!"


Your so skibidi, ur so fanum tax~

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