
I Am Invincible

Travel to the fairy tail world and get the sign-in system. Dragon Slayer Magic, Protoss Magic, Super Magic, and all other types of magic have all been learned. Since then, Dino has become the strongest in the Fairy Tail world. Makarov: “Ah! I’m really old, and it’s time to hand over the guild to Dino. He is much stronger than me.” Jeff: “It turns out that in addition to my brother Natsu, Dino is strong enough to kill me!” Akunorokia: “Too strong, how could Dino be countless times stronger than me!” Miraj: “Alara, Dino is indeed my man, and he is indeed the most powerful.” I only deal with translation, the book is not mine

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Chapter 83: Geer Darth.

Fairy Tail.

A week later, Wendy joined the guild and has been very harmonious with the members these days.


On one table Dino was snoring and falling asleep.

He hasn't had a good rest these days, and he slept quite comfortably this week.

"Dino brother didn't sleep at night, did you?"

Wendy sat beside him watching An An and Carla playing at the table.

Then he turned to look at Dino who was sleeping and was curious.

Cana on the opposite side also beckons with a drink and doesn't care.

"Don't worry about it, just get used to it. The previous Dino was either sleeping or on the way to sleep every day." Cana complained.

Lucy also nodded with a drink.

"Yes, Brother Dino is like this every day. When you get used to it, you will find that Brother Dino who is asleep is much easier to get along with than someone who likes to fight."


Juvia over there couldn't stop crying.

Dino "My lord hasn't spoken to me for a day, I'm so sad, this guild is so boring! Woohoo~"

The pouring water was flowing.

Fortunately, the president considered Juvia's special person.

When the new guild was established, the drainage device was also improved, otherwise the entire guild would have been submerged by sea water several times.


Gajeel glanced below.

Natsu is sitting at the front desk with "Happy" eating fish beside him.

Carla in front of Wendy is also very well-behaved and chatting.

Even Dino, who had been sleeping soundly, had a kitten in front of him, and he felt very uncomfortable!

"Wei~ it's all Dragon Slayer, why don't I have a cat!"

Gajeel is jealous of a bit of plasmolysis.

I also left the guild and planned to find a cat to follow me!


dong dong dong --

at this time.

Bells rang out throughout the city of Magnolia.

All are looking outside.

Even Dino, who was sleeping, opened his eyes and looked out at the city.

"The bell

"That's right, he's really back...

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he would actually come back. I really didn't expect it."

"Great, Geer is back!"

Everyone in the guild was surprised!

There were quite excited expressions on their faces, which showed that the people who were about to come out also made them very concerned.

Geer Das "? Who is he?"

Lucy, who is a new member of the guild, is unknown, so is Wendy next to him.

And Dino yawned.

Although he didn't see Geer Das when he joined the guild, he knew who he was.

The strength is superior, and it is rumored that he has the strength to surpass the Holy Ten Sorcerers.

Not sure about the specifics.

After all, Dino has been in this world for a long time, and some plots can't be imagined until they happen.

Mirajane responded immediately: "Geer Das is the strongest wizard of Fairy Tail"

"Ah? If you say that, isn't this person stronger than Lagosus before, and also stronger than Dino?"

Lucy said different.

This time Erza and Mirajane were confused.

"Definitely better than Lagosas, as for Dino, I don't know.

Geer Das is recognized as strong, but Dino's current strength is not to be underestimated.

The president said that Dino may be more powerful than Geer Das. said Mirajane.

Erza also smiled and nodded: "The two have never learned from each other, and it is not clear who is the most powerful."

And Dino over there looked over when he heard someone say his name.

After finding out that it was Erza and Mirajane, he scratched his head and didn't respond.

If he fights Geer Das, he must go to an uninhabited island.

The power of smashing magic is super powerful.

It sounds amazing!

"But although he is very powerful, everyone in the guild is too excited." Lucy complained.

"It's like a banquet," Wendy said.

Carla muttered: "This guild is really noisy."

Mirajane explains: "Because Geer Das hasn't come back for three years!"

"Huh? Three years? Then what did he do!"

Lucy was shocked, didn't he bring it back to the guild for three years?

Erza took over and explained: "Although there are tasks called SS-level tasks on the S-level tasks, there are tasks called ten-year tasks above."

"A ten-year mission?" Lucy wondered.

At this time, Dino yawned: "The mission that no one has completed in ten years is called the ten-year mission, and what Geer Das did is the most terrifying mission called the hundred-year mission.

Lucy was taken aback.

"The Hundred Years of Missions is a mission that no one can accomplish in a hundred years, right?"

Erza smiled: "Ah, yeah!"

Mirajane looked at Dino and said, "Dino has joined the guild for more than two years, and he has never seen Geer Das!

Dino yawned: "Yeah, but rather than seeing him personally, I would rather have a fight with him. I wonder if there will be a chance in the future."


Noisy voice.

Countless masses and citizens were terrified.

A loudspeaker in the sky shouted to the whole city.

"Magnolia is about to change to Geer Darth mode, please transfer all citizens to the designated location immediately."

The guild was still very noisy.

Hearing the shouting outside also felt a little exaggerated.


Dino walked out of the guild first and looked at the whole city.

Lucy and Wendy followed.

Cities are divided.

Dino also admired this scene, but to be honest he felt that Geer Das had something to eat.

Can't even control the smashing magic, it's not as good as him.

Of course, he is a plug-in and is not qualified to evaluate others.

A wide tunnel extends to the guild gate.

All the guild members looked outside with excitement and shock, waiting for the arrival of Geer Das.


A man with a big orange back, stubble, and a dark green trench coat appeared, walked into the guild and stopped.

He sighed, frowned, looked left and right for a moment.

Step forward.

Come to Mirajane and ask: "Little girl, I ask you, there should be a Fairy Tail guild nearby, where is it?"

"It's here," Mirajane replied, pointing to herself, "I'm Mirajane."


Geer Das stared wide-eyed.

Mira "? Cough~ You have changed so much, and why is the guild so new?" He exclaimed.

Lucy immediately complained: "," He just looked at the appearance and didn't notice it. "

"Geer Darth!


Natsu's figure appeared from behind.

Geer Das immediately called out his name: "It's Natsu, long time no see."

Let's "Let's duel!

Natsu said and rushed forward to fight.

And Geer Das didn't know whether to laugh or cry, raised his wrist and flew Natsu out like a circle.

Scan all the members in the guild.

"There are a lot of new faces in the guild!"

Finally, when he stopped on Dino's body, his eyes narrowed slightly: "It's really amazing."

Geer Das "!"

President Makarov shouted.

Geer Das also stepped forward: "President, long time no see!"

Makarov stared at him and asked, "How's the work going?

Everyone in the surrounding guild couldn't help but breathe, they all knew what kind of mission Geer Das was doing.

Also very curious to know if Geer Das has done his job.

Geer Darth pondered.

After waiting for a while, he scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

Hahaha "Sorry, I can't do this task!"


Everyone in the guild was amazed.

"No, he is Geer Das."

"A task that even he can't complete, this must be a fake."

"Even uncle can't complete this century (Wang Nuozhao) task, isn't this task too difficult?"

"Really? Didn't expect you to be able to finish it!" Makarov said.

"Sorry, I shamed the guild." Geer Das replied.

Makarov directly shook his head and denied: "Don't think too much, you are already very good. As far as I know, you are the first person who can return safely from this mission, which is enough to show your strength."

"Well, I want to take a break, I'll go back first!"

Geer Das laughed, and didn't say much here.

Before leaving, I took a look at Dino, and there was deep thought in his eyes, which seemed to be strange to Dino's strength.

And Dino yawned and fell asleep on the table.

no way!

If he doesn't sleep again, he will not be able to hold back the magic power that is stirring in his body.

Geer Darth is really super strong!

The most powerful sorcerer he has ever seen!

But don't worry.

If Dino remembers correctly, he is about to head to the world of Edolas.

The matter of Geer Das will be put later.

Let's deal with the other world first.