
I Am In Marvel'

This novel is not my original work, and another translator only translated and edited it from Chapter 1 to 57. I will continue to translate and edit from Chapter 58 and beyond. Please note that I am not attempting to claim this novel as my own. I understand that this fanfic is well-known and some readers may accuse me of plagiarism, but I want to make it clear that I am only responsible for the translation and editing. I do not claim ownership of the original novel. ------------------------------------------------------ During the Second World War, Kyle looked at Captain America standing straight and proud before him. Suddenly, a series of skill cards appeared. 「Pistol Master」 「Martial Arts Master」 「Shield Defense Master」 「Super Soldier Serum」 Which skill card do you wish to extract? “Wait… what? This golden finger… you must be pulling my leg! Not only skill cards but I can also extract super-powered skills like the Super Soldier Serum? Mother of God… what is this?!”

DaoistMarcTempest · Movies
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94 Chs

Chapter 72: The Final Showdown: Kyle and the Elite Team Take on Red Skull

In the narrow underground tunnel, the flamethrower was clearly more deadly than energy weapons. Its continuous eruptions of flame made the air unbearably hot. Kyle retreated to a safe distance, using the concave wall of the tunnel as a shield to block the flames.

If it had been an energy weapon, he could have used his vibranium arm guard to deflect the laser directly. However, the large area of fire produced by the flamethrower limited the defensive capabilities of the arm guard.

What was even more deadly was the Venom that had turned Kyle's body into a battle suit. Venom, who was not afraid of bullets or lasers (bullets were enough for defense, and lasers could heal in liquid form), instilled an instinctive fear in Kyle in the face of the high-temperature flames.

"Okay, hold on a little longer," Kyle comforted Venom, trying to throw the sword in his hand to take out the guard. As he raised his hand, a disc-shaped object whizzed past him from behind.

The disc-shaped shield hit the head of the guard holding the flamethrower, knocking him out, and then quickly flew back in an arc.

"Captain America's Shield?" Kyle looked back and saw a tall young man rushing forward to catch the disc-shaped shield. It was none other than Steve himself, who had hurriedly chased after them.

"Steve, aren't you going to block and take out the guards?" Kyle asked in surprise.

"There are soldiers to take care of the guards. How can you only deal with Schmidt alone?" Steve replied firmly.

"Up to you, then. This time, let's compete to see who can take down Hydra's leader first ..." Before Kyle could finish his words, he had already dashed towards the end of the tunnel.

"No problem ... Wow, you can't go back on your word!" Steve shouted and kept pace with Kyle without slowing down. The two quickly passed through the last section of the underground tunnel, one in front and one behind. When they emerged from the tunnel, they were confronted with a spacious underground base square filled with hundreds of armed guards holding energy weapons.

"How troublesome," Kyle said coldly, raising his sword. Steve also raised his shield resolutely. The two of them were not afraid of the hundred guards, but if they were delayed for too long, the Hydra leader, Red Skull, would escape.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At that moment, a large number of US soldiers with rifles poured in from the underground tunnels in different directions of the underground square. They quickly fired at the armed guards as soon as they saw them.

One of the troops was led by Fury, who wore a patch over his left eye. He rushed to the front of the troops and waved at Kyle with a smile. "Kyle, do you need reinforcements?"

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. "You came at the right time. You're really reliable!"

As if hearing his words, the woman who had just come out of the tunnel with her army snorted coldly. "Who isn't?" Steve looked at the cold woman and said jokingly, "Carter, you were almost late."

"I am already late," Kyle corrected him, causing Carter's beautiful eyes to glare again.

"Hahaha, I'm the only one left, right?" Only half a beat slower than the others, a playful and familiar voice sounded from behind. As the car lights continued to shine, a crafty car drove over and stopped in front of Kyle and the others. Howard, who was in the driver's seat, waved at them in his usual gentlemanly manner.

"Why are you, the logistics department of the Science and Strategy Department, here? You even drove Schmidt's car into the base," Kyle said in surprise.

Howard smiled and said, "This is the final battle of the European war. Of course, I have to come. After all, we are a team!"

Us? A team ... Kylewas suddenly stunned. He looked around at Fury, Carter, and Steve and finally couldn't help but curl the corner of his mouth into a subtle smile. That's right. Without realizing it, they had already become a team, an invincible elite team.

"Now is not the time to chat. Schmidt is going to escape on the plane!" Steve suddenly reminded Kyle, pointing to the end of the underground square. There, a large transport aircraft was slowly starting up, speeding towards the exit outside the base. It was clear that Red Skull was on board.

"Get in, I'll take you two there!" Howard quickly said. Kyle and Steve didn't hesitate, jumping into the car, one on the left and one on the right. Howard stepped on the accelerator and the engine roared as the car sped up to chase after the large aircraft.

"You must win!" Carter clenched her fists with some worry and watched the back of the two until the car disappeared at the end of the underground square.

On the plane passage in the underground square of the base, the gliders on both sides were 30 meters long, and the wide and long transport aircraft was gliding faster and faster. Not far behind it, a car with three people in it was chasing at full speed.

"The plane is about to take off. We can't catch up with it at this speed!" Steve frowned as he looked at the aircraft in front, his face anxious.

Kyle, however, was not worried at all. He glanced at Howard, who was still very calm in the driver's seat, and urged, "Don't hide it. If you have any secret black technology device, hurry up and use it!"

"You've seen through it again. Unfortunately, I've already refurbished this car once," Howard smiled and pressed a button under the steering wheel. The exhaust pipe at the back of the car immediately erupted with blue flames and powerful jets.

The car, which was already going over 100 kilometers per hour, suddenly increased its speed by more than three times. The strong wind pressure made Kyle and Steve hold on tightly to the car seats.

The car and the transport aircraft were getting closer and closer. When they were about 10 meters away, the area in front of them suddenly lit up, and the wheels of the transport aircraft began to lift off the ground.

"The plane is about to take off! Steve, send me up first!" Kyle said and stood up from the speeding car. Steve seemed to know what he was thinking.

He squatted down slightly in the car seat and raised his shield at an angle. "Let's go!" Kyle took a deep breath, stepped on the round shield, and jumped forward with all his strength. Steve also pushed the shield forward to increase the speed of his jump.

'Whoosh!' Kyle jumped high and quickly covered the distance of 10 meters in the air. When he was still a little distance away from the fuselage of the transport aircraft, the long sword in his left hand suddenly stabbed into the wheel frame of the transport aircraft to stabilize himself.

"Kyle!" Steve shouted and then jumped over. Kyle reached out his right hand and grabbed his arm in time, pulling him up as the transport aircraft took off.

On the airstrip of the base, Howard braked the speeding car in front of the cliff. He looked at the transport aircraft flying into the sky and the two people standing under the wheels and said softly, "I hope you'll succeed in this battle. When you come back, we'll drink to our hearts' content again!"