
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs


"There is a race called the Terrakians that's morality is based on killing. To them, to kill equates to being kind. Would you kill to show your kindness to them?"

"I wouldn't!" Enoch shook his head, "I shall teach them true moral values, the values of honesty, kindness, and many more!"

"Then, you are evil." He said to him.

"What?" Enoch was baffled, "Why?"

"Because you deprived them of the freedom to express the moral goodness that they desire." He answered.

"But…" Enoch was indignant. Of course, he would feel that such a thing is simply illogical. To kill to be kind? What kind of morality is that? That's good for them? He asked himself.

"Goodness isn't subjective, My child." He said to him, "There are millions of races outside humanity, and each of them have their own moral laws, their own moral compasses."

"Humanity isn't the center of the universe, and therefore, other races do not need to act upon what humanity thinks is Good."

"Then what is true Good, My God?" Enoch questioned.

He looked at his eyes. While feeling the sheer mass of His divine might, he heard Him saying unto him, "In this universe, Goodness is done by simply existing, living."

"By living, you contribute to the development of the universe. Even a small action such as a sand falling down causes changes to the universe."

"If you do not Live, do not Exist, you are only but a bane in creation, a leech to Existence."

Enoch stayed silent to contemplate even more. He then asked, "What would happen to my family?"

"We will see." He replied before looking below.

On Earth, the chaos had already spread. Factions rose to go against the demons and their supporters. Families grew strong but some also broke. One of those families was the Lineage of Adam.

Enoch's direct family and descendants were one of the new believers of Enoch's God while the far relatives still worship the Great Demon Nibiru that gives them crops and food to eat.

Although they still see each other as family, it is only because the worshipers of Nibiru still sees Enoch's family as insignificant to the rebel's cause, when in reality, they were leading the biggest rebellion against the tyrants.

Conflicts rose all over the world. Even some demons, when alerted of His presence in this world, started to grow wary and began helping people to, at least, get into His good side. Demons against humans, humans against each other, and demons against each other were daily occurrences in this age.

Unfortunately, after three hundred years of resistance against the demons, consecutive events unfolded that eventually led to the resistance against demons failing.

The first event started more than one hundred years before the fall, when the demon supporters slowly infiltrated the ranks of the resistance, resulting in a great number of generals to either be kicked out or assassinated by their own faction.

The second event was several years after the infiltration, where even the lineage of Adam was targeted by the infiltrators, accused of cooperating with the demons, which was said to have resulted in the resistance's numerous defeats in the frontier.

Their lineage, after leading the resistance for almost two hundred years, was finally pushed out of the resistance itself.

After that, the entire Resistance started to fall like dominoes. One-by-one, the bases of the Resistance started to be found by the demonic followers. Millions of people were slaughtered without survivors. The main camp of the Resistance was also attacked personally by ten Great Demons and their minions.

All those who remained loyal to Him were killed. No one was spared.

Before the purge, The Lineage of Adam was also hunted by the demons. Majority of them died under the orders of the Demon that they once believed in; Nibiru.

Fortunately, there was one family that seemed to have predicted this long ago and had the chance to escape into the wilderness, one that would become the hope of humanity; Noah's.

Decades before all of the members of the Resistance were killed, Noah's family had already detached themselves from the matters of the world.

They knew that it was hopeless to resist, and they could only live by staying silent.

But, soon, their stand will change.

While Noah was chopping down wood for the fire, the clouds in the sky parted and, there, came a man dressed in white garments of silk and silver. The man spread his arms wide and proclaimed, "I am Enoch, son of Hared, father of Methuselah, titled Metatron. I hath cometh before thee to proclaim the word of my God."

When Noah saw him, he was shocked speechless as his knees plopped to the ground.

"My God is angered by the actions of humanity and the demons, conspiring against His people and slaughtering them."

"He hath proclaimed that the last of Adam's descendants hath been chosen for his might be shown and for humanity to be given a chance."

"Oh, Great Ancestor who faceth the Demons without fear of repercussions, what shalt be done to satisfy thy God's will?" Noah asked subserviently.

"After 444 years, He shalt cometh down with His angels and the reapers of the damned and bringeth upon judgment to the sinners of this world before showering this world with the Holiest's water from the Heavens. He shalt showeth no mercy to those who persecuted His people." (A/N: In this text, Heavens is capitalized because in the language that they are currently using, Heavens pertain to a location, which means "sky". This might have its purpose in later chapters.)

"For the descendant of the House of Adam, Go and maketh an ark of wood. The ark is to be 333 cubits long, 55 cubits wide, and 33 cubits high. My God grants thee His authority to gather the essences of every clean animal in the world and storeth them within this sacred chest that is given to you by Him."

From the skies, a golden chest the size of a casket descended and landed in front of Noah. It was shimmering with a crystalline glow and exuded a strong divine aura. Atop the lid were two angels facing each other, with their wings touching the tip of one another.

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