
I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence

Nothingness is the bane of Existence, and vice versa. Still, with enough amount of it, power reigns supreme over them all. Despite that, it seems that the governing force of Fate will always be the highest law among all laws. While that is the case, it also holds true that something unknown dictates it. Such is the universe, no one truly knows the truest peak. The Expanse; home of countless universes, realms, dimensions, and more. Such vast realm, governed by a God, once faced peril, rose again, and returned to its infancy. Will the God of Expanse be able to solve the problems that his dominion would face? Will the God be able to lead the entire dominion to the Fate that it is destined to walk on? Will He be able to learn the truth behind the fated Fate? (Due to it having little interactions and mentions to the characters of I.. Am God?, readers can start reading this despite not having read the first novel.)

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasy
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65 Chs


As He slowly sat on the Great Throne, the Crystal started to glow ever so brightly, refracting His Holiest Light on everyone within. All the angels shouted with a harmonious, beautiful, yet suppressing voice, "Glory to The Almighty, Oh, the Heavens are blessed! Blessed is he who comes with Him!"

"Glory, Glory, Glory! All of Creation are singing praises for our God! Anyone who dares not does not deserve to exist!"

With a raise of His hand, everyone became silent. He opened His mouth and spoke with His voice reaching outside the Crystal Gates, "I have created the new universe."

Outside, the Divinities screamed in joy as they thanked Him repeatedly. It was what they were waiting for, for their dominions to be restored and to rebuild their Holy Kingdom.

"But it is not time for the divinities to descend, for a great war must be prepared for." He said, dousing their enthusiasm with cold water.

"What do you mean, Lord Almighty?" Some of the divinities wondered and asked.

"The fallen divinities have infiltrated the Earth and had humanity in the neck as slaves."

"What?! How dare they?!" The divinities showed their anger as soon as they were informed. They have been waiting for quite some time for the universe to kick start again, to create once more their old dominions. To know that the fallen had come and started first infuriates them.

"They must be punished! Punished, I say!"

"Punish them! Please do humanity justice, Lord Almighty!"

"Please do humanity justice, Lord Almighty!"

"Please do humanity justice, Lord Almighty!"

All of them pleaded with him to do so. Even the Princes of Creation Mikael, Gabriel, and Raphiel did so.

"And punished they shall be. But it is not time." He said to them, "I shall grant them a chance to return all into harmony; For the demons to leave the world and for humanity to return their faith in Me. If they fail to do so, then I shall strike my hand with a mighty rage none of them had ever experienced before."

"All the defilers and sinners shall feel Our God's Mighty Rage!"

"All the defilers and sinners shall feel Our God's Mighty Rage!"

"All the defilers and sinners shall feel Our God's Mighty Rage!"

In response, the angels all harmonically proclaimed His decision.

"The Almighty is wise and benevolent!"

"The Almighty shows His mercy once more to the sinners of the Universe!"

"Glory to His Name! Glory, we proclaim!"

The divinities outside rejoiced.

He who was seated on the Crystal Throne then, once more, beckoned Enoch to come. "Do you have something to ask?"

"I dare not, My God." Enoch bowed and said to Him.

He then responded, "You stand before me, stand on equal platform with me, yet still, you say you are not worthy. What, then, makes you worthy to ask me?"

Enoch pondered. Before he even got to speak out, his body radiated with a great and holy light. Behind him, eight wings began unfolding as every single wing gradually grew to the span of a mountain. Faintly, there still seemed to be sixty-four other wings behind him that were strengthening and supporting his authority.

Above his head, a nine-meter crown of silver materialized and slowly descended upon him. On his forehead, three vertical eyes opened and shined upon all with a holy brilliance, almost reaching His Holiest Light.

His body was then covered in white and gold linen robe, empowering the brilliance and holiness of his stature. The language of the Ancient Divine creeped unto the robe and gave it the blessings of God himself.

"Holy is he who ascended the Temple of Heaven with God. Holy is he who wrote the scriptures. Holy is he who was exalted by the angels. Holy is he who has spoken with the prophets. Holy is he who shall descend as God's Representative on all worlds. Holy is he who is titled Metatron." He dictated.

"My God!" Enoch exclaimed before kneeling, "I am not worthy of such titles!" He added.

"You are not worthy, but you are." He said to him, "Fate dictated that you are worthy, and therefore, you are."

"What do you mean, My God?" Enoch asked with confusion. Still, he was cut off by the great applause from the angels.

"We greet the Metatron! Holy, holy, holy! Second to God Himself! Holy, holy, holy!"

Whilst the angels sing praises, He said unto Enoch, "Everyone is worthy to speak before Me, mortal or not, sinful or pure. It is only a matter of who knows Me. It takes one to know Me to speak to Me just as a man needs to be in another man's presence to speak to them."

Enoch then asked, "But, earlier, you said that no man shall see Your face and live. How would the people ask You?"

He replied, "It is a matter of belief."

"My true face, when seen, does guarantee the obliteration of the soul, hence the divine light to cover My countenance."

"If they believe in Me, my divine light shall let them feel a feeling that can be likened to a warm embrace of a father to his son."

"If they do not believe and not have faith in Me, my divine light shall blind them and let them feel the burning sensation of true holy light."

Enoch stayed silent for a while. After a while, he finally asked, "Please forgive me for my presumptuousness, My God. I have to ask, why must you let the sinners of the world live for another day? You are all-powerful and all-knowing, so you should have the power to just create a utopia of goodness."

In response, He replied to his question with another question, "My dear Enoch, what constitutes Good?"

"The acts of kindness, sharing, loyalty, bravery, and such constitute Good." Enoch replied.

He nodded in understanding. He then looked far beyond them and said to him, "There is a race called the Terrakians that's morality is based on killing. To them, to kill equates to being kind. Would you kill to show your kindness to them?"

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