
Chapter 8 Hypocritical

Bruce POV

"But we do have that right". He said as he landed on his feet, his entrance as dramatic and imposing as he always subconsciously tried to make it. Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne raised his head high, his dark and broody aura circled him, though invisible, making him completely indistinguishable from his second self.

Batman and Bruce Wayne were two different personae. And right here, right now, he was Batman. Possibly, the Justice league's most intimidating member.

The Bat of Gotham, who was even capable of hard violence when it came to dealing with criminals. Broken bones, snapped fingers, bloody scars, e.t.c.

The first thing he did after he uttered those words was to properly assess the situation in front of him.

Superman, all ripped up with battered clothing but still, he had looked worse. So there was nothing to worry about concerning him.

Clark was fine.

His eyes did a quick scan of Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane, who seemed surprised at the abrupt arrival of the dark night before ultimately falling at the main center of attraction.

Fair features, Male, definitely six feet and above, looks indicate his age couldn't be more than his mid-twenties. At least that was if it were judged by human standards. But according to he himself, he was no human. He was like Clark, an alien from the vast universe, apparently here to settle a score. What

alien race could show such power apart from a kryptonian, he didn't know?

He would have to ask Hal and Stewart to see if his origins could be excavated whenever they returned.

His outstretched arm held what looked like a dead creature, male as well, hovering half a foot off the ground.

His condition was terrible, and there was almost nothing from the outward appearance that would indicate he wasn't dead.

He watched the whole scene from Lois Lane's Live footage in real time, so he knew this much. He had already been in the bat jet when he discovered Superman was landing in Metropolis.

How did he know? The bat cave was connected to the Watchtowers' surveillance system, which monitored the arrival of extraterrestrial objects from outer space. That and Superman had sent in an emergency beacon to all available Leaguers.

Unfortunately, not everyone was available.

The Lanterns were off world. Both of them, for that matter. Cyborg was at star labs.

Jonn's location was currently unknown as he took some time off to investigate personal matters. While wonder woman was in Themyscira. The only ones who could respond fast enough were Flash and Shazam.

However, Barry was dealing with an incident in central city, while Batman didn't even know if Shazam had noticed the alert. Technically, he should be in school at this time.

The rest of the league still didn't know that the champion of the Gods with powers rivaling Superman's was actually just a kid from a foster home. Currently, he planned to keep it that way.

In the period of a few minutes, in which the jet had flown on autopilot, he was watching the Live footage of the daily planet's Lois Lane concerning the new superpowered individuals who had decided to pay earth a little visit.

Now confirmed extraterrestrials, both with power capable of rivaling Superman. One having beaten Clark to a state of near death, while the other had proven himself an overachiever by beating his predecessor to a similar state.

Making this young man who looked awfully similar to a human particularly eye-catching. The arrival of two such individuals with powers on equal grounds with Superman, otherwise known as the league's heaviest hitter, on the same day sent a pit into his stomach.

The universe truly was terrifying.

Looking at both of them, although one was now currently out of commission, Batman had already labeled them as Alpha Class threat levels. Their priority, the same level as that demon that appeared years ago, which led to the Justice league's formation.



Even Stepphenwolf didn't have the power capable of fighting against Superman at such a level. Admittedly, he was capable of taking on the Justice league members, until Clark's arrival.

Subsequently, the battle rhythm had changed from a stalemate to Superman wiping the floor with him in a straightforward confrontation while Diana gave the finishing blow.

Of course, that wouldn't do full justice as Cyborg and both Lanterns were dealing with the Motherbox and Shazam still didn't have full control over his abilities.

Things were getting out of control, and Batman didn't like it. Especially the way this alien was particularly skilled with words, weaving his sentences in a way that left Superman unable to retort.

Clark's words and actions were being filmed on live television all over the globe. The chances of it being used against him by some dirty politicians, the US Congress, World council or even a certain scheming Luthor to tarnish his name and that of the League were 100% guaranteed.

He could see the doubt and hesitation on Clark's face, causing his features underneath his mask to form a scowl.

His gut told him that whoever this alien was, he didn't mean well. Call it what you will, but his instincts were seldomly wrong. The almost in that sentence for him was just being humble.

These aliens were a threat, and they needed to be contained and brought in for questioning. No matter how others would see his actions, he wasn't going to take any chances. After all, he was a paranoid rich man in a bat costume. How he would achieve that however, was currently beyond him.

"Oh! A man dressed up in what I believe to be a costume of an inferior species on this planet. Well, there's something you don't see every day. I thought your species would find it demeaning, but who am I to judge. So pray tell, what right could that be?" The one holding the alien male by the throat asked with a raised eyebrow.

Presently, he was really curious. What was Batman going to open up with. Was he going to state some kind of Intergalactic law written by the guardians of Oa or something?

He resisted the urge to peek into the future using energy at that moment.

Bruce looked at him, his expression hidden under his mask, and stated. He didn't seem to be offended by the earlier statement.

"While it is true that our Laws have no hold over you, it does over your actions on our planet. Both of you…." He pointed at him and Lobo. "Trespassed into our territory, caused massive property damage as well as the deaths of countless Innocents. That alone illiterates that you need to be held accountable for what you've done". He gave off a light glare as the features of his cowl squeezed.

"You don't just barge into a man's house, break his stuff and expect to walk out without no consequences. Earthlings are no pushovers".

"His crimes can and will be held accounted for by the league. You as well, offworlder will need to be brought in for questioning".

Bruce said his momentum. He was already standing a few feet away from the male as he stood his ground, showing his conviction.

"..... I need to be brought in for questioning?" He looked at Batman with am expression as if he were looking at an idiot. Which for some reason left Bruce unsettled.

"Under what charges?" He asked, making Batman's eyes narrow. He didn't know why, but he was getting a bit of a crack out of this. Furthermore, he wanted to see what he would say, how he would reply, where the final destination of this rabbit hole lied. The result wouldn't change either way.

"Do I still need to spell it out? Intrusion on planet earth without permission and destruction of valuable property. Whether you meant it or not, you need to take responsibility for the chaos brought about by your arrival and the harm that followed". Batman said calmly.


POV Change

Ok, that's it. He just about had enough. If he wasn't an energy being, he would probably be laughing his ass out right this second at the sheer ridiculousness it Batman's words.

Unfortunately, apart from the urge to chuckle lightly, he didn't feel a massive burst of emotion.

But still.

The caped crusader was truly too much of a crackpot.

The harm he caused? When exactly did he harm anyone?

"For intruding on Earth? Let me get this straight because I truly find this quite amusing". He said with a soft tone, causing Bruce to frown.

Yet before he could speak, the former continued.

"So does that mean that your species would arrest a man who came to retrieve an object simply because he was standing on your front lawn?" He asked.

"It's someone else's lawn to begin with. If the owner deems it fit, the latter needs to provide an explanation". Batman replied without hesitation.

"So does my explanation not mean anything to you or do you still attempt to detain after questions?"

Batman frowned harder. The alien was still speaking, things were not going in the direction he planned.

"That is not…."

"Or is there any specific law written on your planet that says all alien life forms must be brought in for questioning to determine their origins?"

"Because according to you, my actions in rescuing your red and blue friend over there…." He pointed at Superman. "From an intergalactic murderer who was literally about to have his head severed from his body and stopping him from wreaking more havoc on this.... I can only say primitive planet of yours, lacking a more polite term, is not only wrong but also requires me to be locked up for questioning just because of my presence. Please tell me, is everyone in your species this ungrateful?" His calm voice continued, giving at jabs at significant yet lethal points.

He truly was immersing himself in this alien role-play.

Superman's face changed.

Batman's face looked even uglier.

This Goddamn alien.

Lois and Jimmy frowned. Their thoughts less on the part about saving Superman and more about him describing earth with the word 'primitive'.

"So let's just assume there is such a law. Does that mean I shouldn't have saved him?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Clark was sure that he had never seen Batman this gloomy before.

"Do not twist my words against me. That was not what I meant".

"Then what do you mean? Because last time I checked, I wasn't even the one that brought Lobo to earth". He said looking at Superman.

"He did. A considerable amount of damage was the result of their brawl. Any addition I added was to take down Logo, which I did, and you're actually trying to pin me for property damage? Hehehe! Give me a break, what's valuable about it? I've seen civilizations with kitchen utensils worth more than everything in this city".

His lips revealed a faint sneer.

"Your words aren't just treating me as if I have no sense, they're arrogant as hell". His palm loosened its grip on Lobo's neck, causing the latter to fall to the floor with a thud.

This action alone made everyone take several steps back into a wary stance, but that didn't faze him. His words were basic truth.

The most he did was slam Lobo into a few buildings and some asphalt. What about Superman? Who pinned Superman for damages when his relative, Zod battled him on Earth, causing major damage to cities around the world?

Or when the Justice league fought Stepphenwolf? How much damage was accumulated?

How many lives were lost today just because a bounty Hunter wanted the kryptonians head for credits. Many suffered indirectly because of Superman.

Even if it wasn't his fault.

He wasn't angry about their deaths. He couldn't care less about them, but what made him surprised was that Batman actually dared to say such outrageous words as property damage.

Was he looking down on him?

A mere mortal in a bat suit actually dared to say he wanted to bring him in for questioning? Had his ego gone through the roof after dealing with a few clowns and fat penguins or was Superman his confidence.

Did he think he would keel over after he showed off some kryptonite?

"I find the confidence in your tone when you say I need to be brought in for questioning very intriguing. What makes you, a weirdo in a Halloween getup, think that you are even qualified to pass judgement on me? Minus the fact that I have done nothing wrong, since when does an elephant have to answer to ants?"

His gaze had turned cold, frighteningly cold as he gazed at Batman with a glare of rich intensity.

An overwhelming urge to obliterate the man right there and then was poking at the back of his mind.

Batman froze a bit as he instinctively got into a combat ready stance.


Superman flashed right in front of him with both arms, shielding Bruce from whatever possible attack might come his way.

Lois and Olsen had also retreated several meters.

Superman looked at the male opposite him solemnly. Batman gnashed his teeth. This hadn't played out how he had thought it would. He also realized how he had played the wrong cards and the possible repercussions that might follow due to his wrong choice of words.

"..... I should take responsibility for the chaos caused by my arrival, you say? I've caused massive property damage alongside loss of innocent lives, you say? Hehehe..... the offspring of a civilization that hasn't even achieved space travel is so arrogant. Well let me show you how much damage I can cause since you say so". His hands turned an ominous dark red as energy seeped from his very being.

Superman grimaced.

"Hey look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Batman just came off a bit wrong, there's no need to get into a massive fight. We just didn't want you to kill Lobo. Bats may have got a bit paranoid because of it". Clark said in attempt to ease the tension.

He hadn't seen the fight, but just the fact that he had managed to defeat Lobo in the short minute he was in space was more than enough to enlighten him on the fact that they were outclassed.

While he looked healed, he wasn't at full power. He had little confidence of defeating this guy on his own with his current condition unless they had the full help of the league.

Not to mention, that guy could go intangible, just like Martian Man hunter.

More fighting at this point was unnecessary and would lead to more lives getting lost. He didn't want that.

Batman was even more clear on this fact.

With the way this male spoke, Batman made a subconscious assumption that the alien was inclined to follow laws and would back down if he showed him who was in the wrong.

That way, he could get him to come in willingly, so they could get a better hold of his origins and intentions. Possibly, get a grasp on a possible weakness in case the latter was truly a threat.

Clearly, he realized now that he hadn't thought things through. This guy wasn't from earth and his mindset differed greatly from one. Not his fault though, as most extraterrestrial visitors usually came with bad intentions.

"Got off on the wrong foot? Is that all you make of this kryptonian? So do tell me in what way have I actually done wrong that your associate so plans to apprehend me?"

His face carried no emotion as his body slowly floated from the ground, his momentum becoming more imposing. Lobo had already been forgotten at this point.

Neither had any words to say and could only hold on to their right to remain silent.

Lois and Jimmy in the distance were also silent.

Yes, technically he hadn't done anything wrong. Yet, he was being told to surrender himself for questioning.

Even the meekest lamb would grow horns and stab in anger.

Clark had a bit of anger and wanted to curse Bruce in his heart right now.

T-ring, T-ring,

At that moment, a buzzing sound shattered the solemn atmosphere. The male furrowed his eyebrows and took out a phone from his pocket. Seeing the number on the screen, his expression didn't change as his body returned to earth through gravity.

He turned around without so much as another word and walked right past Lobo's still motionless body. The sudden change caught everyone else off guard, seeing him walking away.

"Where are you going?" Seeing him leaving, Clark couldn't help but ask.

"That is none of your concern kryptonian. My matters are my matters". His feet paused as he turned his head towards the news reporting duo that, even after all that had happened, were still doing their jobs recording the whole scene.

Their work ethic was almost admirable. From a normal human beings' viewpoint. For him, their actions were tantamount to seeking suicide.

How much faith do they have in Superman that they subconsciously believe they'll be fine as long as he is there?

Hehe! Then let's create a crack in that faith, shall we?

His lips upturned to create a small smile as he gazed at them, causing Lois, who was looking straight at him, to fall into a momentary daze.

That smile was just so..... So.....

"This is your planet's heroes, huh?" As he spoke, Lois snapped out of her daze as her thoughts flowed past her head. A little touch of pink was plastered on her cheeks.

"I find it amusing how the greatest protector of your planet isn't even a native of it". He looked at Superman and Batman, who were still looking at him.

"One day, it would be your planet's undoing".

"Hey! What are you talking about?" Superman's eyes changed as he narrowed them to form a light glare. Batman too wasn't behind him in any way. A glare of higher intensity which the man of steel would find hard to match in this lifetime came out so naturally from him.

Lois's ears perked up. You could feel it at that moment. What might come out next might be something that'll turn into a major headline besides this attack.

"Mr. Alien! Care to explain what you mean by those words?' he took a few steps forward as she pointed her microphone at him. She was still quite far away as her subconscious caution didn't permit her to advance any further, yet the fact that she dared to speak at this minute was enough to show her bravery and hunger for a scoop.

It reminded him of how many times Barry Allen and Clark Kent usually had to save their wives dozens of times simply because of their dangerous investigative work.

Why they decided to marry such people who would only bring them more trouble, the energy being would never know.

Or will he?

"Lois, you…." Superman was shocked, then quickly turned glum. Lois didn't change her stance. This was the first time she had spoken ever since she got down from the chopper. Jimmy Olsen had already zoomed in as much as he could to capture anything that might come out next.

"Well since you've set such a perfect stage, why should I ruin it?" He thought with a chuckle as the smile faded.

"Do I care to explain? Well, I don't think I have to. The fact that Superman fought an enemy in a battle that caused a large death toll yet, instead of aiding in search and rescue, is here fighting to make sure said enemy doesn't die at my hands says it all".

He said nonchalantly, yet the smile in his eyes was all but concealed. It seemed as if a hammer had driven in a nail.

Superman turned pale.

He..... He..... He forgot about this. Truth be told, less than a minute or two had passed since Batman's arrival, yet he was so focused on the possible enemy that he forgot about the innocent civilians.

And now it was all pouring onto him. The smell of blood, the siren's, the screams and cries for help. The wailing. Total Chaos.

But was the former-done speaking?

"Makes me wonder, Superman. Whose side are you truly on".

"You!…." Clark exclaimed with a gloomy face.

"Kal Go!" Batman said immediately. The safety of civilians was always their top priority.

Superman didn't stay a moment longer and flew off into the distance.

Looking at Batman letting Superman leave, he couldn't help but have a slight recognition for the former. If he wanted now, he could kill the latter without anyone interfering.

Then again, what was this guy's source of confidence? Or was he betting on the chance that he wouldn't kill him?

He didn't know if that was brave or foolish. Still, he needn't think too much. The slight recognition vanished as quickly as it appeared, his Mangekyo Sharingan spun.

His body disappeared on the spot in front of Batman and the camera. All that was left was a lonely bat with his cape billowing in a devastated city.

Bruce looked at the spot where the latter had disappeared with unprecedented solemnity.

His mind furiously spinning to create one contingency plan after another.

The mere thoughts gave him a headache as he put his hand on his earpiece.

"Batman to all Leaguers, emergency meeting. I repeat, emergency meeting. A new possible threat has arisen". He took out his grappling gun and aimed for the roof of a building before firing.

His body was lifted upwards, leaving nothing but his ascending silhouette and the two recording reporters.

Bruce's day was about to get really busy.

Thanks for the Powerstones. Extra chapter. Hope you enjoy.

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