
I Am Energy In Dc

You have read Fanfics on how one lucky or unlucky guy would get picked by some random omnipotent being to relive his life in another world. Well what if you were that R.O.B only less omnipotent [For now] and more immortal. What happens when a man is reborn as Energy in the world of DC Capable of using said energy to do anything imaginable.

PcaNovels · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 3 Superman Is here

The next day after crossing over.

He stood at the window's edge, overlooking the city in all of its Glory with bright eyes.

The bright lights, billboard signs, the fancy cars.

The regular people moving from place to place, some driving comfortably within their cars, while others furiously waved for taxi's to stop and let them board.

Others ran on both legs, looking hastily dressed while carrying loads of baggage in their arms. He was sure that they either didn't have money for a cab or believed waiting for one would slow them down.

Looking at it all, it was disoriented, chaotic even,with loud shouts and numerous distractions everywhere.

Yet, it had some kind of strange attraction to it, making all these things seem to be just right.

Not far away, you could see one of the most illustrious landmarks in the city, just about towering over every other building which held the responsibility of passing information to its citizens.

He should know, he literally stood at the very top of it last night.

The daily planet. With the planet globe at the top of it. Human architecture is outstanding, to say the least.

The sun hung in the sky shining brightly on the bustling city that was Metropolis, home of the red and blue sporting Man of tomorrow.

What's that? It's a bird. No, It's a plane. No, it's Superman.

Hehehe. Quite amusing.

He wasn't here, though. If he were, he would have been the first one to greet him when he made his entrance miles outside the city.

So Nah, he definitely wasn't. According to the public siting, Superman was last seen stopping a bank robbery several days ago before disappearing.

Where he was now was currently unknown, to the regular folk at least. But he knew.

Well, let's rephrase that. He didn't know where Superman was right now and quite frankly, he didn't want to. But that didn't matter one bit.

He wasn't here, but he will be. Soon in fact.

Shouldn't take more than an hour at most. And when he appears, the camera will be set on stage.

When he arrived last night, he had taken the opportunity to try to discern what universe he was currently in.

Turns out, he was in Earth 16.

Apparently, the Justice league was formed years ago when the earth suffered an Appelaxian invasion.

Does it matter much? Nope.

Not in the slightest. Apart from satisfying his curiosity, he never truly cared what universe he was in. If there was a definite storyline, then perhaps he would try to see if there was anything he could use to his advantage.

Never mind.

There was a possibility that the big event today would happen in DC instead of metropolis today, but the possibility was rather slim.

"So I'll stay in metropolis for now". He thought to himself as he turned away from the window.

While the sunrise was quite a sight, and the bustling city was... enlightening, his interest had faded.

He passed by the bedside and walked towards the mirror at the side.

Streamlined muscles with a muscular physique leaning more towards the leaner side.

Bright purple eyes, chiseled jawline, and rather delicate smooth skin, his features were nothing short of handsome and arousingly attractive.

At least that's what he thought as he placed his right hand on his chin while tilting his neck lightly.

There was slight admiration in his eyes as he looked at his form.

"Perfect for today's act". He thought to himself as he dressed himself in the same clothes he wore the day before.

Why not just conjure up new clothes, you ask? It costs energy.

Plus, if you're wondering why ordinary clothes cost 5 Apex energy units, they are bulletproof, temperature resistant and quite comfortable as well.

Putting on his clothes, he looked at the rather pleasing tattoos on his arm.

[Remaining Energy Units: 53013 Units]

Well over one thousand, five hundred energy units had been deducted from the original number.

He had used one hundred plus to look into the future, which provided an event helping him to begin working on his goals.

As for the remaining one thousand, five hundred. How do you think he disappeared from the crash site to Metropolis in the blink of an eye?

"Speaking of the crash site, the government is probably analyzing the hole right now". He said to himself with a raised eyebrow before chuckling slightly.

His eyes glowed a purple light before strange patterns appeared on them. His body quickly turned illusory before completely disappearing from the hotel room. Little depicting he was actually there in the first place.


***** Crash site, Outside Metropolis *****

The road had already been sealed off by about a mile in all directions. Government personnel walked to and fro around the area where the six-foot deep hole laid.

Men in army green uniforms stood around the perimeter, while people in white protection suits stood either around the hole or in it with devices in their hands scanning for possible energy signatures or hazardous substances.

"Inform the sergeant, there's something she'll want to see". A male dressed from head to toe in white suits with only a glass visor left to show his face said in a loud voice towards the guarding personnel.

One of them nodded solemnly, not a change of expression on his face, before turning around towards a large tent.

Minutes later, he walked out again and stood aside the tent, making way for another figure.

A tall female sergeant dressed in army uniform stepped out of the tent with a calm face and an air of indifference around her.

She walked closer towards the hole where the scientists investigating the situation of the hole were.

"Did you find anything". She said, stopping a few feet away.

"Nothing we seem to understand, mam". He said in reply.


"The energy signature given off in this hole is unlike anything I've ever seen". He said, causing her eyebrows to crease.

He continued. "So far it hasn't shown any obvious effects, but there's nothing else we can discover about it. Our scanners can barely get a reading before it either fries or stops working".

"It's not radiation? Dark matter?"

"No mam. None we've ever seen before. But it's fading fast. The energy was way more concentrated last night than it is now. My estimation, it'll be completely gone in an hour".

His words gave her a headache as she took off her dark glasses and rubbed her head.

She just contacted Cadmus and apparently, this wasn't one of their own either. The energy used here wasn't something they had previously come into contact with. If it's not radiation, then it wasn't a known weapon. Not dark matter, then it definitely wasn't a metahuman.

For all they knew, this might be from another one of those weapons smuggled by Intergang or maybe some kind of alien energy signature.

And they had zero leads on what it was. Any side effects it might cause, they had no idea, leaving her somewhat mentally tired.

With many thoughts going through her mind, she shook her head and put on her glasses.

"Since we can't get anything here, then wrap it up. Call to have the road fixed up and let's get out of here". She said as she turned around, walking back towards her tent.

The only thing left was to inform her superior on their findings, which was apparently nothing.


At that moment, however, a loud screech tore through the air, causing everyone to look up abruptly.

The female sergeant hastily turned her head and looked up. Human vision was greatly limited compared to other species. That didn't stop them, however, from noticing what looked like two little black dots in the sky screeching through the air like a comet.

Their entry left a Sonic boom in their wake, which caused a strong gale to breeze past them unintentionally.

"Hahahahaha!" The sound of maniac laughter filled their ears.

The sergeants eyes widened as she saw the dots move rapidly towards the direction of....

"Metropolis!" She couldn't help but gasp.

"It's headed to Metropolis. Someone send a message to General Sam Lane immediately, call headquarters, tell them we have a situation going down in Metropolis right now. Clear up people, move, move, move, Immediately".

Her shouted with clear urgency in her voice as she rushed towards the tent. The temporary camp quickly fell into immediate evacuation as personnel rushed in different directions.

Meanwhile, the two dotted figures continued to move towards the bustling city with no intention of paying attention that they were noticed by people below.

Meanwhile, within the city.

"Thank you for the help. I appreciate it". He said as he stepped towards the door of the shop. Behind him was a female cashier who looked towards the leaving figure, her face shyly dropped and flushed red as if it were about to drip blood.

She had Auburn hair and looked to be in her late twenties.

Numerous thoughts passed through her mind within a split second.

Seeing his figure leaving, her eyes snapped into clarity as momentary panic appeared on her face.

She stepped forward in a hurried manner and slid a hand into her pocket.

"Hey! Um, you didn't... didn't tell me your name".

"Huh?" He stopped in his tracks after a moment of confusion. Not at all wondering why she asked for his name, but for the fact that that thought hadn't come to him.

He fell into silence as his thoughts lingered. He never thought of a name for himself, as it wasn't deemed important. So technically, he didn't have a name.

The female cashier looked at his paused silhouette, not responding to her question. The hand that was about to give him a piece of paper with her phone number written on it stilled slightly.

"... A name..... didn't really think about....." His murmurings ceased as a sound caught his attention. He wasn't the only one, as the female heard it too. In fact, every citizen of Metropolis heard it as well.

A smile subconsciously appeared on his face as he raised his head to look outside.

"Oh! Looks like they are here". The female heard him say those words, but before she could say anything, his body turned illusory before disappearing in place.

All that was left was a momentarily stunned and latter freaked out cashier, who would also file a disappearing person police report later in the day.

And the person the report was filed for appeared again as if stepping out from a hole in the void. His new location upon another building which wasn't the daily planet.

"Looks like good old Clark Kent is finally here. Time to set things in motion". He said as he watched two black dots rapidly fall from the sky before smashing into a building.


Time seemed to slow down as his vision zoomed in to get a glimpse of what was happening.


1500 Energy Units to gain a particular ability. Guess what it is. Also, I still can't decide on a name here.

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