
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 32: Back To New York

[June 4th, 2007]

[United States of America, New York City, John F. Kennedy International Airport]

(Victor: POV)

Finishing off the glass of whiskey in my left hand I looked out the window situated on my right.

Watching as the tarmac of the private airstrip got closer and closer, as the Gulfstream G150 I was in descended closer and closer to it.

Until finally we made touchdown.

Now officially on American soil.

Given my jet just landed at JFK in New York City.

A place I haven't been to in over a year, since Lucia and I returned to Latveria to see its revolution to finality. As well as put our homeland on the path to greatness.

'My how time flies.' I thought.

As the G150 came to a full stop my vision was filled several black SUV's sitting on the airstrip. All of them flying the Latverian flag. I also saw several people in suits, with earpieces standing around said vehicles. Along with several of my Doombots.

All of them being my personal security.

Given my status as not only royalty, but as the leader of a foreign nation.

It would be insane if I did not have my own security detail.

As to why there are actual living people included in it, and not just entirely Doombots, it's because I'm trying to placate any voices that would scream bloody murder if I only had robots that only followed my orders guarding me.

For now that is.

But this placating is only temporary.

Other than my security detail I also noted several reporters and new crews, who had formed a mob and were trying, and utterly failing, to get close to my G150.

The security detail doing their job.

"Quite the crowd you've attracted." The person sitting with across from me in the plane cabin spoke.

It being none other than Silver Sable herself.

Since I hired her, and by extension the Wild Pack, to augment my security detail while I am here in the US dealing with this whole UN annoyance.

I having requested Sable be my personal bodyguard during my time here in the states.

A request she agreed to.

She didn't even charge me any extra like I here she normally does for those that request her personal bodyguard services. So score one for me.

"Through no fault of my own. I can assure you. I guess I'm just that popular." I replied. "Well then, let's get this show on the road." I spoke.

I then unbuckled my seatbelt and stood to my feet, Sable doing the same.

As she did the cabin door was opened from the outside.

Once it fully was Sable moved to stand in front of me. "From now on you stay behind me." She instructed.

"Yes mam." I replied. "You're the security expert here. So whatever orders you give I'll follow." I replied.

For the most part was left unsaid.

Sable knew this, considering the flat look she gave me after I spoke.

"Right." She mused.

Sable then turned around. Giving me a ice view of her toned ass. A view I enjoyed as we made our ways to the cabin door.

But then once we reached it I moved my gaze upward and put my best fake smile on my face.

Since I knew if I didn't give the vultures something to feed on they would continue pestering me. Which I did not want, nor need.

So as Sable and I exited the plane I smiled and waved at them.

Tuning out the questions, profanities, and even a few sexual comments, they shouted at me as I walked to the SUV I would be taking directly to the New York Latverian Embassy.

Reaching it Sable opened the door and then stepped aside so I could get in.

Then once I did she climbed in after me and closed the door.

After we did the rest of my security detail quickly got themselves in order, and soon we were on the move. away from JFK and towards the embassy.

When I was sure we wore I dropped the smile from my face.

Wondering how politicians and actors pull off such shit all the time without their faces freezing.

As I contemplated this Sable suddenly decided to ask me a question.

"So, was my ass an enjoyable sight?"

When I heard her say this I turned my head in her direction, and saw a smirk on her face.

Seeing this I knew exactly how to respond.

"Why yes, it certainly was."

Upon hearing this Sable lightly chuckled.

Telling my answer was the correct one.

As well as how Sable didn't mind me getting an eyeful of her butt.

Good to know.


Coming to a stop, the SUV I was in pulled up to iron black gates.

Which then slowly began to open for it.

Since after an hour and a half driving on the streets of New York we had reached our destination. The New York Latverian Embassy.

When the gates were fully open the SUV I was in was driven through it.

The rest of our entourage driving in right behind us.

While the Doombots simply landed on the ground. Since they had been following along with us by flying using their jet thrusters.

As the SUV came to a stop in front of the embassies main doors I exited it.

Sable right behind me.

The two of us were then greeted by the embassy staff.

"Welcome King Victor." The man in charge spoke to me.

"Thank you." I replied.

I then dismissed the embassy staff and had them return to their regular duties.

Once they did I also sent Sable on her way.

Given that we were on Latverian soil, and that any attack against me here would mean war. Plus I had things to take care of.

Heading to the office I would use during my stay in New York I went to sit behind the desk. I then used my technopathy to activate all of the rooms installed counter surveillance measures before activating a secure video uplink ,to Latveria, using the monitor on the offices back wall

When it connected I was greeted to the face of Lucia.

"I'm glad you made it safely to New York king Victor." She spoke.

"Thank you Lucia." I replied. "So, how goes things in the homeland?" I asked.

Even though I spent every last moment I could making sure things were as secure as possible before I left it two days ago to begin my journey here to the Big Apple.

Still, anything can happen.

That's one of the reasons I decided to check-in on home as soon as I made it to the embassy.

Not to mention the fact our country basically tripled in size over night with the annexation of Sokovia.

"Everything is well." Lucia replied. "The re-building of Sokovia's former infrastructure is proceeding on schedule. The former members of their military who decided to join the LDF are integrating well. In no small part to the efforts of general Zemo." She explained.

Also yes, I promoted Zemo to the rank of general.

Since I know for certain he would never betray me.

"As for the general populace of the former nation, thanks to the efforts of general Denz, they are integrating smoothly with native Latverians, and they have no large qualms about now being citizens of our nation."

"Excellent." I replied.

Once I did Lucia and I then discussed a few more things.

Including Kristtoff and the Maximoff twins.

Who have struck up a friendship, just as I wanted.

Seems they're all doing well.

Hearing that made me smile.

Soon I ended my video conference with Lucia.

Then once I did I portaled to my personal lab in Castle Doom and got back to work on my main project at the moment.

Re-creating the Super Soilder Serum from the samples of Isiah Bradley's blood.

Which is going quite well.

Seeing as I've already isolated the unique components of the formula within the samples of the blood. Now all I have to do is break down each individual component, then I can alter the Serum as I please. Then all that's left is synthetization and viola.

I'll be able to create my own army of Super Soldiers at will.

Standing at one my labs many workstations I went over the data my lab equipment has been collecting during the entire process of me reverse-engineering the serum.

Well this version of the Serum at least.

Considering the others out there.

I continued working for several hours, at least until an alarm went off.

That in turn told me it was time to turn in for the night.

So with that I tided up a bit before portaling back to my office at the New York embassy.

Not worried at all about my personal lab, since no one is allowed inside of there without my express permission. The defenses I have in place on it making fucking sure of that.

Closing my portal behind me I disengaged all the counter surveillance measures. I then left the office and headed for my personal quarters.

After arriving I changed and went to the gym for a quick workout. I then had a quick meal, before turning in for the night.

Considering what lied in store for me tomorrow.


[June 5th, 2007]

As the SUV were in came to a stop Sable and I exited it.

Finding ourselves standing right outside the United Nations Headquarters.

For today is the day I make myself known as their general assembly.

Time to show them, and the rest of the world, exactly who Victor Werner Von Doom is.

Fixing my tie I then began heading inside, Sable flanking me.

Feeling ready to bitch slap all those present here today.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever