
Do you think you can escape

Zane goes over him.he seems to be very happy.

"Zane can I ask you something"he asked politely.

"well I know what you are going to ask"he stared at him with his blue eyes.

"then tell me"he asked with intrest.

"actually today at night we are together for more than 7 hours."he said calmly with blushing face.

"then what happened between you,why she goes in with swollen eyes and red face."

Zane stared at him,"she is mad at me without any reason."said politely and look at the fountain.

"then go and apologize her"he said with wide eyes.

Zane Exhaled slowly and put his hand in the back of bench and stared at booba camly,"why should I need to do that.she can't resist me anymore.she is mine even if she didn't love me I will kill her or make her my slave rather let another man have her."

Booba was shocked and stared at him without telling anything.

"Zane seems to be changed after what happened today but I don't know why he seems to be completely different person now.i hope he won't hurt Lena."he was thinking to himself and sit silently.

Ronald heared their conversation accidentally.he rushed towards George who is looking at Lena's sad face.

"professor George something is bad."he said with feared voice.

George was shocked,"what happened."

"it seems like zanes evil spirits start to develop after what happened today."he said and told everything he heared.

"I think its the play of God we can't do anything only she can do that."he said and look at Lena's sad face.

Ronald with sad voice,"I think she is going to suffer more because of Zane."George look at him with sad eyes,"her suffering will melt his heart oneday." he said

both of them looking at Lena sadly sitting in the dinning table alone.all the students around them are enjoying even bubble is enjoying with someone but lena sit quietly and thinks about what happened and Zanes words.

the more she thinks the more she wants to cry.

Zane and Booba gets inside the golden pavilion and they sit in the dinning opposite to Lena.Booba was seeing all the girls in the pavilion and made fun of their dancing

"look at her she is dancing like a frog"hahahaha "look at her she dressed like crow." he was making fun of everyone.

Zane laughed and booba think he is laughing for his joke but actually zane was laughing by thinking about their first time.

George and Ronald even look at Zane and Booba sitting and laughing.then he look at Lena's sad face.

Zane eyes start to rotate the whole room and stared at lena.he saw Lena sitting alone with sad face.he was staring at her and admiring her beautiful face.he was mesmerized by her.

The cool breeze that comes from the window makes her hair float in air,she was brushing her hair cutely everytime it floats.zane was looking at her without looking at surrounding.

suddenly someone touched Lena's shoulder and she was afraid it was Zane so she slowly turned around.it was rookie.he smiled at her

"Lena why are sitting alone,why don't you enjoy the party.come on lets dance."

he was touching Lena's hand and pulling her.

Zane seeing him touching her makes him more anger.he hitted his table hard.booba was scared

"you moron what happened,did you hurt yourself."he take his hand but he seems to be doesn't care about it instead looking at them angerily.

booba was afraid of Zane beating him

"Zane don't beat him then she will hate you forever."he said.

"Lena,she even didn't tell her name to me.even I don't call her by her name how dare that bitch call her by her name.how dare he touch her.i am going snatch his hand away."zane said with cold voice.he was clenching his hand hard.

Booba tried to calm him but he can't.zane was staring at rookie pulling Lena's hand.

George and Ronald are shocked to see zanes anger.

"professor George do something before something bad happens here."

George immediately spelled,"its sweet as ice, calm his eyes"after he spelled zane seems to be relaxed a bit but was still angry.

"professor George he doesn't seems to be completely alright"Ronald said with fear voice.

"yes but he won't hurt that boy instead he would hurt Lena."he said with eyes full of tears.

Lena was very tired on refusing him so she nodded her head as yes to dance with him.Zane immediately stands up and start to walk towards them.

Lena was tired.she feels exhausted after what happened between them.when she stand she slipped but Zane caught her on time.lena was scared to look at Zane.

"come on baby,after what happened between us,you should be very careful. don't dance with someone,hurry up I want to dance with you"he said calmly and stared at her with cold blue eyes.

Lena was trembling on seeing his killing eyes.the eyes which gives her a butterfly now seems to give her fear.

"I-i am not..."before she complete zane pulled her hand and start to dance with her.

Lena seems to be very tired.she can't move her legs.

"grab my shoulder"he said calmly and touched Lenas hip.but Lena seems to be distracted and didn't do what he said.

"I said grab my shoulder"he said coldly and pressed Lena's hip very hard.she felt the pain "ouch aaahh"then she grabbed him.

"look at my eyes."he said coldly.lena slowly raised her head but she was not dare to look at his eyes.she was really afraid of him.

He clenched her hips hard,she look at his eyes with swollen golden eyes full of tears and blot clots.his killing blue eyes makes her think about what he said.she was looking at him with tears.

"Are you crying because you gave me your first time"he said at smirked.

"no don't say that again.i don't want to remember it.plz stop everything"she begged him.

"lenaaa that's your name right.lena don't beg me.i already told you don't regret later but you dont ignore me at that time,it was your mistake.so you can't ignore me forever."he said and licked her tears and danced.

Rookie comes near them.

"Zane she don't like to dance with you,don't force her to dance with you."he said coldly.

"Baby see someone is telling,you don't like to dance with me.tell him you like to."he said calmly and stared at her.

Lena was looking at their foots and didn't say anything.

"look mr.rookie after what happ..."before he finish lena interrupted,"no it's not like that I like too dance with him zane.

rookie nodded his head as yes and left them.zane was looking at Lena with surprise,"Zane that's my name finally you called me by my name.call me once more I want to hear it."he said calmly.

"I-i-i..Lena was hesitating.zane clenched her hip,"I said call me."he said coldly.Lenas whole body was shacked and she called him ,"za -zanee"

Zane smiled and pulled her outside the room.

George and Ronald look at all of these.they don't know how to help lena.all they can is to watch them.

"his evil side got stronger"George murmured.ronald was about to follow them but George stopped him

"No we can't see her suffering in his hand.dont go"he said with tears in one eyes.ronald nodded his head as yes and stand silently.

Zane take Lena near the fountain and make her sit in the bench.lena was scared and her body is trembling.

"am I looking scary"he asked calmly.lena look at him with teared eyes.he stared at her golden eyes with his cold killing blue eyes.

he was mesmerized by her golden eyes.all his angry gone at this moment.Suddenly Lena turned which make him get all his anger again.

"you can't look at me.am I scary ofcourse I am.it was you who make me like this.you can't escape from me anymore"he shouted at her.