
as I said you are mine

Lena was looking him with her Golden eyes full of fear.zane stared at her golden eyes.whenever he look at those eyes he was mesmerized by them.

He stands up and pulled her.

"zane what are you doing,it hurts."Lena was telling to him with soft voice.

Zane look at her face.her cute face makes him go crazy.he pushed her into the bushes near the fountain.

"aaahhhhh"Lena shouted with pain.Before she thinks what going to happen zane pressed her in the ground and kissed her.She can't even breath,he is pushing very hard.his tongue swirls her tongue and his teeth butting her lips very hard.

she know she can't resist him so she give up her struggle and stay like a doll without any emotions.

tears were felling down from her eyes.she feels very bad about her decision.

Zane opened his zip.lena was afraid,"zane no don't do that.we are outside zane dont do that here I beg you."she murmured with her sore throat.

Zane smirked,"don't worry,no one can see us.we are hiding on bushes.let me do it."he said calmly and unbuttoned first two buttons of her dress and pulled it down.

He was going crazy and crazy on smelling her daisy smell and looking at her cute face make him completely lost his control.

He bite her breast very hard.she controlled herself from shouting.

he inserted his hand down her gown and ripped her panties.

"no plz no"she was murmuring with tears.seeing her like this making him wants her more.

He pulled her legs apart and was about to go inside her but she struggled.he was losing his temper.

suddenly booba called,"Zane Zane zane where are you....Lena Lena can you both hear me..."he was searching.

Zane look at Lena at smiled,"are you going to keep on struggling.no problem,lets give him a good show of what happened between us in the room."he said and bitted her breast very hard.

Lena was in pain but she didn't make any noise.zane slowly going into her."no plz no I beg you,he is here plz zane no"she is whispering.

but Zane didn't listen to her,"ofcourse baby he is here so be good girl.i will let you go once I am done."he whispered and goes hard and deep into her.

She can't hold her mound.she start to bite her hand to stop mouning.

"take your hands,I need to see your face."he murmured in her ears and start to go up and down.he was very hard and goes very deep into her.

she didn't take her hand from his mouth.zane got anger and goes very hard and grabbed her hand with his hand and pushed them against the mud.

Lena can't stop his mouning.the more hard zane the more she feels weird and pleasure.she wants to moun loudly but she can't .

she grabbed zanes neck and start to bite his shoulder to stop herself from mouning.Zane goes deep and deep hard and hard.They both loose their control.

Zane pushed her down and kissed her lips and bite it very hard.

finally zane was cumming

" I am going to cum baby"he said with his sexy voice and kissed her hardly.

Lena Murmured,"don't cum inside me"she said inside his mouth while kissing but Zane didn't listen to her and cummed inside her.

He finally feels relieved and stands up.he even helped Lena to stand.lena can't stand as her legs are very weak.he is very hard on her.

He carry her in his arm.He saw the time it was 4.56 am.he start to move towards the dorm.lena was looking at his perfectly sculptured face and she was thinking the smile he had when he saw her.

Suddenly Zane stared her.she closed her eyes.

"have you seen enough"he asked camly but lena pretend to sleep.

"ohh you are sleeping"he smirked and walked into his room.

Lena was thinking to herself,"why did he take me to his room.what he is going to do now."he was afraid .

Zane slowly puts her in bed and start to undress her.lena suddenly opened her eyes and sit

"it's ok thanks for carry me here."she said calmly and stand from bed but felled down the floor.

"ouch" Zane laughed,"haaaa ha you can't go anywhere unless I want you to leave." he said with sexy voice and start to walk towards her slowly.

Lena was sliding back when he comes close to her.she was stopped by the bed and can't move back further.she stared at him.

he look at her and then look at the window,the sun was about to rise but still the sky is dark.

he sit infront of Lena."I have no time,I have to finish it before they come so don't struggle orelse booba will see us doing something together.do you want it?"he asked very calm and look at her eyes.

Lena stared at him and then she runs her hand over him and start to unbutton him.he was surprised and looking at her.

she slowly and gently removed his shirt and touch him all over his body.she runs her hand gently which make Zane erect.she look at his pant and unzipped it.Zane was still looking at her.

She put her hand it his inner and take it out.it was big and hard.she bent and was about to suck it but Zane stopped her.lena look at him with confusion.

"can't you understand what I said,I said I need to finish it."he said camly.lena was staring at him with confusion.he slowly pulled her dress down from shoulder and start to suck and kiss her nipples.he was very gentle she can't resist him.

without any conciousness she pressed his head against her nipple and grabbed his one and start to move her hand up and down.finally zane cummed but he didn't want to stop sucking her nipples.her nipples are hard and swollen because of Zane sucking it for more than 20 minutes.

Lena losted her patient,"zane it's enough they will back any time hurry and carry me to my room."she is begging with her sweet voice.zane bites very hard and makes her bleed then he tasted the blood.he stopped sucking and feels relieved and she was about to pull up her dress but Zane can't stop eating her,he wants more

"I need you more,I want to eat you all the time.i am not satisfied,stay with me a little bit." he said calmly and staring at her breast.

Zane was looking like a hungry child begging for food in Lena's eye.she feels like he was cute,"zane plz understand we are running out of time take me to my room."she said softly.

"yeah I know but I don't have chance to eat you again.i don't know whether we will have alone time like last night."he said with his soft sexy voice.

Lena got very angry and tries to stand herself but she felled down.zane got anger,"well you don't want to be with me"he said with cold voice and carry her to her room and make her lie in the bed.

he look at her and saw her tired face."restwell to serve me well" he said and left the room.

Lena cried and thinks about her losing herself when he sucks her.she feels very shame on her.she scolded herself and cried hard and went into a deep sleep.

Zane was lying in bed and thinking about everything that happened,the daisy smell on her body is still filled in his dress.he smelled it and think about her body.

"hmmm when I am going to eat again"he talked to himself.

"I think its at 8 am,the breakfast will be served on time."booba came and went inside the room.

Zane smirked,"ohh I see"he said calmly and went into a deep thoughts.

booba feels zane was happy and he feels very fresh and charm.he thinks zane is completely a different person today who is smiling and blushing all the time when he saw him.

"hey did you do any perverted things to that cute girl"booba asked and stared at him.

Zane stands up and sit in the bed then he put his hand back and balanced himself to adjust his sitting position then he look at booba with tired blue eyes."cute girl hmmm its not pleasant to hear,what about calling as sister."he said camly and smiled at him.

booba raised his eyebrows,"it.seems like someone is jealous" said with funny smile and turned towards the rest room to get fresh up.

Zane smiled,"jealous,am I ?"he talked to himself and lied down in bed and start to think about her mouning sound, her cute face and her naked body.the more he think about her the more he want her.

."hmmm I think I am going to die by having her all the time."he thinked and stands up and walk in the room.

in Lena's room,Lena was lying in bed and sleeping.bubble came in and look at her then she wake her up

"Lena lena..."Lena opened her eyes slowly.her eyes were very tired."what happened bubble"

"it's time up,fresh up yourself let's go to have breakfast"she said calmly.

Lena noticed bubble was smiling and she looks very happy,"hmmm I don't want to eat breakfast,you go and eat with your wuchen."she said with sleepy voice and hugged her pillow and closed her eyes.

bubble blushed,"it's not like that,he is my good friend."she said and stared at Lena but she was sleeping already.

bubble eyes suddenly falls on a mark in her hand and her shoulder.she saw her lips was even wounded and swollen.

she goes near her and caressed the wound,"lena what happened,why do you have wounds and mark"she asked with care.

lena suddenly opened her eyes,"its nothing I bite my lip while thinking about something serious and these wounds are caused by a long time ago I scratched it so it appear as new wound."she is lying to bubble but her eyes feel a pain and tears start to dwell on her eyes.

bubble believed her,"ok take care of yourself,I will take your breakfast here.freshup yourself and rest well"she said and left the room.

Lena hugged her pillow and start to cry.she was thinking about everything that happened yesterday.

Booba came out from his shower and look at Zane walking here and there

"aren't you not going to shower orelse you need someone help to shower you."he asked politely.

Zane suddenly widen his eyes and stand on a position and thinks about something.

"come fast let's have breakfast I am hungry"he stared at zane.

Zane stared at him,"I am not feeling well,if you don't mind take my breakfast here"he said and sit in the sofa.

booba exhaled deeply and nodded his head and went to have breakfast.

Zane was thinking,"I was very hard on her last night.she don't have strength to stand up,then how can she shower on her own and how can she go to take her breakfast.go and check zane"he stand and look at the dorm.almost every students gone only two or three are staying in their room.Zane even saw bubble walking with booba.

He go to Lena room and open her room as a theif and went inside.lena was shocked to see him."zane what are you doing here"she asked with her sore throat.

Zane stared at her,her golden eyes were swollen and red.it was like wiped tears.her face was very tired and sad.Zane goes near her.she was looking at him without telling anything.

he caressed and kissed her head then he sit beside her."why did you cry"he asked calmly and pulled her hand and caressed her hand.

Lena didn't look at him.she look at his fingers playing with hers."I didn't"she said with sore throat.

Zane stoped playing with her finger and raised her head up,"didn't you"he asked calmly.lena was staring at him.she wants to talk by she can't.

Zane stands up and carry her in his arm."Zane put me down,where are you taking me"she said softly.

Zane stared at her tired face,then he look at her golden eyes which makes him wants to have her.

he slowly put her on floor and supported her to walk.she don't know where he wants to take her and why he is here.

"Where are we going"she asked with soft voice.zane look at her calmly,"to the restroom"said with his soft voice and supported her to bathroom.

When they reach the bathroom.zane closed the door.lena was shocked and look at him,"I can manage myself,you go out"she said with trembling voice.

Zane didn't listen to her and start to unbutton his dress and go close to her.she was moving back and back.she didn't look at him.she hit the wall and stopped.

Zane removed her shirt and look at her seeing the floor.he slowly raised her head up.she look at his killing and sparkling blue eyes.his face was handsome and calm.

"as I said you are mine,don't cry and lose your energy"he said softly and start to remove her dress.she can't resist his charm and was staring at him.he slowly undressed her,the way his finger sides while undressing gives her a different feel.

she touched his chest with her hand and staring at him.zane undressed her and look at her.

He swirl the shower and water falls on both of them.they are staring at each other.

zane look at her wounded at chapped lips,he caressed it with his finger then he saw her up and down.there are many bite marks made by him.he caressed every wound and kissed it gently.Lena was completely lost in his soft side and caring,she look at her body and saw the bite mark she made in his shoulder and the nail mark she made all over his body.she touched and sliced her finger over the marks and caressed them.

Zane stopped her hand.she look at him with surprise.

"do you want me to lose my control again"he murmured and rubbed his face gently with her face and hugged her.

Lena hugged him back and keeps on touching her bitemark on shoulder.

Lena was thinking,"he seems to be soft now.he came here to help me shower.he even try to control himself.show I need to resist him?"

Zane saw her staring at the bite mark and thinking something."Lena forgive me for being so hard on yesterday"he said very softly with sexy voice.Lena stopped her hand on his wound and raised her head slowly.she stared at his soft blue eyes and caressed her head.

she stand on her tip toe and kissed his head.

Zane was surprised,"I will be hard as before the next time and ask you sorry like this in shower"he said softly and smiled and kissed her lips gently.

Lena was confused and don't know whether he is kind or evil.

they both finished showering.zane dressed Lena himself and dries her hair then he make her lied down in the bed and kissed in her head."as I said you are mine"he murmured and weared his unwetted shirt and went to his room.