
Vern's Sacrifice


Jack held his breath, he stopped shaking the ice in the glass. Jack really hoped that the talk about Pharos had not been heard by Vern, so he waited for Vern's reaction without taking the wrong action.


"No, I just want to talk to Uncle Jack," Vern replied without turning to Ron, his eyes straight at Jack who looked back at him without blinking.


"Haha, how is it, huh? What happened this afternoon was too extreme, I don't think we can grant your wish. Isn't that right, brother?" prevented Ron while keeping his distance, his eyes alert to Vern's movements and if Vern had a knife he could quickly dodge.


Jack raised his left hand signaling Ron to let Vern be. He took a relaxing sip of his whiskey, then concluded that Vern hadn't heard anything. Jack asked back, "What problem?"


Vern didn't answer, he just glanced at Ron which was enough for Jack to know his intentions. Jack opened his voice while pouring his liquor into the glass, "Ron, go back to your room!"


Ron frowned and wanted to raise his objection, but didn't. He chose not to bother, shrugging his shoulders as he said, "Very well. I suggest you be careful with him, I'll order 10 bodyguards to guard your room."


Jack nodded in agreement, the thing that made him like working with Ron because of his sensitivity and again his brother was very easy to control with power it made Jack's business easier.


"Vern, behave yourself!" warned Ron before walking past Vern and out the door to the sound of the door closing.


"You only have five minutes, tell me!" ordered Jack as he placed both hands on the desk, he watched Vern with all his senses.


"Roderick catch Zay, release the former bodyguard and I promise I will leave this family," Vern said confidently, he clenched his fist, staring at Jack intently without moving from his position.


"Ohh, that brash bodyguard who dared to slap Roderick. I quite like him, but he deserves a punishment that makes him realize where he stands," said Jack with a sigh, he recalled Zay's good work was quite sorry to lose one of his confidants, on the other hand he also felt disappointed.


"It doesn't matter if uncle doesn't accept, I'll leave now and come back with an even bigger mess," Vern snapped, he turned around and wanted to take a step towards the door.


"Stay where you are!" interrupted Jack, he weighed the matter carefully and thought he didn't want to waste Vern's very favorable offer, without wasting effort, time and money to get what he wanted.


"What made you come this far? I'm sure you were like a madman who wanted nothing more than to kill me, but why are you negotiating with me now?" Jack asked curiously. He leaned in, straining his ears to hear Vern's answer.


"I've gone crazy, Uncle. Almost 7 years of accounts were spent defending Glory Group's glory, but this is what I got in the end. Being dragged out of my own chair like a sewer rat, I hurt to you, Uncle."


"Just so you know, I have no interest in Glory Group now. I leave everything to you, with conditions," Vern could see that Jack was interested in this conversation, so he thought quickly to protect his precious person. Vern renewed the negotiations with Jack.


"First, don't disturb my mama's inheritance and second, don't try to touch Zay!" Vern explained seriously, he was determined to free Zay at any cost. Even though Vern had to sacrifice something, he felt that being friends with Zay was more valuable than anything.


Jack frowned, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He folded his hands, then took a deep breath while looking at Vern, "That's quite a lot of requests."


"Whatever, what uncle chooses. I don't have time to wait long, if there's no answer within the fifth count I'll assume uncle doesn't approve," Vern urged. He clenched his hands tightly, hoping to be quick and save Zay in time.


"Alright, I agree. Leave everything, the apartment, the property and all the facilities you received from the Vlodostok family. After that, you don't dare set foot in this house or show your face in front of me," Jack challenged not to be outdone.


"I agree. Hurry up and call Roderick!" replied Vern as he ran over to Jack, he couldn't wait to hear where Mazaya was. He urged Jack again, "Also ask for the location of the confinement, immediately!"


"Yes, wait where is my cell phone?" Jack was suddenly confused about what to do with all of Vern's urgent requests. He busily searched for the cell phone in his pants pocket, suit jacket and finally found it on the table not far from his liquor bottle.


The cell phone's loud ringtone filled the confusion in the abandoned room. The owner of the cell phone was Roderick, whose common sense had been taken over by memories of 10 years ago.


"I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry," said Roderick who was kneeling before Zay, he looked down in untreatable guilt. So the ringing of the cell phone was unable to attract his attention.


"Mr. Roderick, are you alright?" asked one of the bodyguards running up to Roderick with concern.


"Stop! Don't anyone dare disturb me, get the hell out of here, you bastards!" shouted Roderick with all the veins on his face showing. Roderick didn't want everyone interfering in his personal matters, so he shooed them away.


"What kind of situation is this?" whispered the bodyguard to the driver beside him. All the bodyguards gathered not far from him were also surprised and did not dare to approach Roderick.


Their confusion was expressed by several movements such as shaking their heads, scratching their heads, lifting their heads and many others.


The scarred bodyguard's facial expression turned tense as he reached into his coat pocket for his cell phone. After he looked at the phone screen and knew who was calling, he immediately answered the call, "Hello, Mr. Jack."


All the bodyguards there exchanged glances, more curious about what Jack's orders were than digesting Roderick's absurd situation.


"We're in the horse feed store, sir," the scarred bodyguard replied. He half bowed, as if he was face-to-face with Jack. He paused for a moment at Jack's reply.


"Excuse me, sir. Did I hear you wrong?" asked the bodyguard as he linked his eyebrows, looking at all of his companions while raising his left hand in an expression of confusion.


"Yes, sir. Sorry, I dare not contradict you again," replied the bodyguard with a bow, he nodded and after the phone call was over returned it to his suit pocket.


"What are Mr. Jack's orders? Tell us?" asked the short bodyguard who represented the curiosity of all the bodyguards in the room.


"Mr. Jack gave the order to release the former bodyguard leader," replied the Chubby Bodyguard turning to look at Zay followed by all his colleagues.


Zay herself looked down silently with her hands still bound in iron chains. The creepy aura suddenly scared the bodyguard.


"Hiih, isn't it dangerous to let him go? What if he goes berserk? Why did Mr. Jack give such an order?" The bodyguard, who had recovered from Zay's punch, was suddenly sore again. He took a step back slowly afraid of the thought of being attacked by Zay again.


"Already, you don't ask too many questions. Better save your fear, we have a lot of people here if he messes up let's just kill him," said the bodyguard trying to calm his friend's anxiety.


"What he said is true. Let's free the bodyguard's former boss!" said the driver. He had been afraid when he saw Zay's dexterity in attacking with kicks, but not anymore and his courage had started to rise.


"Wait, don't we have to hear Mr. Roderick's opinion too? How do we explain it later?" asked the bodyguard who was still hesitant to carry out Jack's orders.






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