
I am an Uchiha

Taki Uchiha Everyone in the Uchiha clan has hatred towards this bastard as he claims to be the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, the sinner who tried to subvert the family and the village. Fortunately, this guy has now been exposed and turned into a rogue ninja. Everyone in Konoha Village also knew that Uchiha Taki was not only the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, but also tried to blow up the hokage mountain, and used this to blackmail Hiruzen. Overall, this person only cares about his well being will do what it takes to do it, especially since Uchiha Taki recently joined a rogue organization and helping them to catch the Tailed Beast's (This is a based on a novel I have read and have been translating and I have been changing in towards my preference it might be similar but if the author wants delete contact me or message me.)

PredatorDA2001 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Talk with Itachi

At the end of the battle, the sunset just completely fell.

Night fell.

At this time, Taki, who had defeated his opponent, began to release his chakra to disperse the crows he had summoned.


He made a few hand signs, and the Ninja crow in the air gradually dispersed.

However, some Ninja crows who did not obey the order still hovered in the air.

"How is this going?"

After a brief period of incomprehension, Taki took the question mark in his head, and closed the seal again.

"Release! Release! Release! Disappear for me!"

But the remaining Ninja did not move, completely ignoring his existence.

Suddenly, Uchiha Taki understood that someone must have moved in his ninja group.

The original Ninja Crow was summoned from the Land of Crow.

Like signing a contract with the toad Mountain, it takes a certain amount of fate and luck to enter the village and get a contract with the Crows.

In the Uchiha clan, not many people have this luck.

Most of the Uchiha people sign contracts with ninjas in the land of cats.

After thinking about it carefully, Taki reacted quickly.

It should be Konoha's other chasers who also rushed to the scene.

The Uchiha tribe who can control crows and will be sent out by Konoha high-level officials to arrest the rebellious Uchiha tribe, apart from the dead Shisui, only Uchiha Itachi is still alive.

"It seems that your destiny as a bird in a cage is still not over yet."

Lowering his head, Taki and Hyuga Ninja who had lost their fighting spirit said something.

However, the latter had fallen into a coma because of exhaustion, and did not show a joyful expression because of seeing the vitality.

Shaking his head, Taki turned his attention to the group of ninja crows in the air.

"Itachi Uchiha should be nearby, why didn't he show up?"

Looking up at the crows in the air, Taki became curious.

At this time, the ninja crow group put up an arrow sign in the air, and then flew in a certain direction collectively.

"Is Itachi calling me over?"

Glancing at the Hyuga Ninja on the ground, Taki carried his materials bought from the city on his back and began to follow Shinobi.

Itachi is from Konoha. In addition to the Mangekyō sharingan eyes, he also has the left eye from Uchiha Shisui.

Other gods who claim to be able to change the will of others.

However, the other gods are not without weaknesses. Taki is sure that Uchiha Itachi will never waste such a big move on himself.

Followed Ninja for a while, and finally, he came to a forest.

In the dim woods, an indifferent figure is standing under the tree.

He seemed to be waiting for something, when he saw Taki coming with crows, he had some reaction.


When he saw the figure, Taki did not react too drastically.

In fact, in front of Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, it is useless for him to be vigilant.

In the original world, people's evaluations of Uchiha Itachi were mixed.

But one thing is that Itachi's combat effectiveness and combat IQ have never been questioned.

Taki smiled and said, "Have you waited a long time?"

Itachi is still observing, seemingly puzzled by Taki's composure.

"Third Hokage ordered me to catch you back to Konoha." Itachi's voice seemed particularly indifferent.

While saying this, he continued to observe the reaction on Taki's limbs.

What disappointed him and puzzled him was that Taki did not seem to be afraid, but still showed a casual smile: "What are you going to do? Do you follow their orders?"

"High-level elders, will Uchiha really be spared?"

As Taki spoke, he began to show playfulness: "Itachi, even if you have the eyes left by Shisui, you can't do anything."

"If not before, I moved my hands and feet in the process of transporting the ninja. At this moment, the people are ready, have they launched a rebellion? What will the village do then?"

That was when Taki had just crossed over, and the people began to transport the last few batches of ninja and detonating amulet.

It was he who secretly destroyed that batch of supplies, and Uchiha's plan had to be temporarily postponed.

Because of this, the village temporarily lost its excuse to do something with the Uchiha clan.

Itachi was silent, and only spoke a moment later: "You blew up Hokage Rock. In any case, you must have an explanation to the village."

"This is for peace. What's the point of Hokage Rock?" Taki said, shaking his head.

Itachi remained silent, but Taki understood that the other party must agree with what he said.

If even Itachi, who did evil deeds for peace in the original time and space, did not understand, then no one else could understand his intentions.

Taking a look at Uchiha Itachi who was still thinking, Taki said again: "You can choose to take me back to Konoha. After all, in addition to your own Mangekyō sharingan eyes, you also have Shisui eyes, and I cannot resist. ."

"However, at that time, the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha will no longer be able to delay."

Hearing this, Itachi's always indifferent expression loosened, "You became a traitor for peace?"

"of course!"

Taki held his arms and said dissatisfied: "I made such a big sacrifice for Konoha and Uchiha."

"Not only has he become Roguenin, but he is also wanted by the village..."

Taki talked a lot of complaints, in order to make Itachi give up the idea of ​​catching himself back to Konoha.

At this moment, Itachi suddenly said: "There is no time, the ninja at the root is about to chase him."

He put aside his prejudices, took off the mask of indifference, and said sincerely: "Taki, thank you for your sacrifice."

"After that, please continue to live on as Konoha and Uchiha's enemies."

Itachi looked at the Taki in front of him, and slowly opened the Mangekyō sharingan.

After that, Shisui's eyes, which were sealed in the eyes of Ninja, also began to show.

Itachi's expression was a little guilty, "Taki, I understand the choice you made and agree with your ideas. But for the safety of the village, I must use the power of this eye so that you can never hurt Konoha."

Isn't it?

Don't God!

Taki panicked, "Hey, these are the eyes that Shisui left you to save Uchiha. If you use them now, then in the future, you will not be able to deal with the other enemy of the Uchiha which is Danzo."

Indeed, Taki makes sense.

Itachi has been entangled. If Taki is allowed to wander outside, he is worried that the other party will harm Konoha.

And for the next questions, he also needs to get accurate answers.

But what Taki said about the eye in Danzo's hand, Itachi did not have a good way to deal with it.

Therefore, his eyes are a very important guarantee.

Use the pupil technique of Shisui on Taki and will fall into a long cooling down period.

During this cool-down period, once Danzo has evil thoughts on Uchiha's clan, he will lose the ability to check and balance, and even himself may become Danzo's puppet.

Seeing Itachi had dispelled the idea of ​​using other gods, Taki heaved a sigh of relief.