
I am an Uchiha

Taki Uchiha Everyone in the Uchiha clan has hatred towards this bastard as he claims to be the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, the sinner who tried to subvert the family and the village. Fortunately, this guy has now been exposed and turned into a rogue ninja. Everyone in Konoha Village also knew that Uchiha Taki was not only the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion, but also tried to blow up the hokage mountain, and used this to blackmail Hiruzen. Overall, this person only cares about his well being will do what it takes to do it, especially since Uchiha Taki recently joined a rogue organization and helping them to catch the Tailed Beast's (This is a based on a novel I have read and have been translating and I have been changing in towards my preference it might be similar but if the author wants delete contact me or message me.)

PredatorDA2001 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Sharingan eyes and Buyakgan Eyes

At the beginning of the battle, both sides used some low-level basic ninjutsu that consumed less chakra.

But soon, Taki found out that he had been fooled.

He was delayed by the opponent.

He just saw that the Hyuga ninja in front of him had used the signal spell to send out news,

Once dragged, until Konoha's other ninjas came here, Taki knew that he would be in danger.

"There is no time to test it slowly, we must defeat him as soon as possible."

After making up his mind, he began to summon his contracted animal.

The crows that were originally scattered around slowly narrowed their encirclement at this time.

Soon, Hyuga Ninja discovered that there were many crows hovering above his head, and these crows made very strange sounds.

"It's the Crow contract of the Uchiha clan!" Hyuga ninja quickly remembered the part of the information he knew.

According to intelligence, Uchiha Taki is a rare person who has the crows animal contract in the Uchiha clan. When fighting against Taki, you must not ignore those humble crows.

In an instant, his vigilance rose to a level.

Captured by the Buyakgan with almost no dead ends, Hyuga Ninja observed that the eyes of those ninja crows were full of sharingans.

"Three Tomoe sharingan"

The Hyuga Ninja quickly understood that the reason Uchiha Taki dared to stay here was probably because of the tremendous improvement in strength.

From the level of two tomoe to three tomoe, Uchiha Taki, sharingan is not weak, is now even more difficult to deal with.

"Uchiha Taki has awakened his three tomoe sharingan eyes. I am not his opponent alone now."

Hyuga Ninja frowned.

He gave up his original idea, and even used the soft fists in the middle of the fight, he began to lean towards defence.

Before discovering that Taki had awakened his new sharingan eyes he had the idea of ​​arresting Taki alone.

With his unique resistance to genjutsu, coupled with his mastering of the soft fist acupuncture points that can block the flow of the enemy Chakra, this is not impossible.

but now...

"We must delay time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements."

Just as Hyuga made up his mind to the ninja to continue to delay time, he found that the opposite Uchiha Taki was sending more chakra into his eyes.

In the Buyakgan field of vision, the Chakra on Taki's body suddenly moved quickly, converging to the eye.

Later, Hyuga Ninja discovered that Taki's sharingan eyes exploded.

In the air, the crowd of crows hovering over the head made a disturbing sound.

Hyuga Ninja could not help but jumped a few positions, and at the same time began to think: "What kind of ninjutsu Taki is using?"

He looked at Taki warily.

"Fire ninjutsu-Flamethrower!"

The pupil power accumulated for a long time, but what Taki uses is not the genjutsu technique he is better at.

Looking at the huge flamethrower coming towards his face, Hyuga Ninja put on a soft fist posture.

"Back to the days!"

The acupuncture points on his whole body stimulated chakras, and at the moment the body turned, these chakras also rotated rapidly, forming a chakra barrier that could isolate the fireball.

"Hyuga Clan Main family?!" Taki was a little surprised.

Only the clan of the Hyuga clan can use the ninjutsu of soft palm and the acupuncture skills.

However, the clan has a special status, and it is reasonable to say that he should not leave the village to hunt down his own traitor.

Hearing Taki mentioning the clan family, Hyuga Ninja paused and stopped Chakra who was back to heaven.

He took off the Konoha Ninja forehead he wore on his forehead, revealing the forehead with the mark of the bird in the cage, shook his head and said, "I am a member of the branch."

Taki suddenly stopped the offensive and said with a smile: "It turns out to be the dog of the Hyuga Clan!"

Hearing Taki's description, Hyuga Ninja also seemed to laugh, and touched his forehead, he said: "From the moment I was put on this mark, it seems that the destiny of the separation of families has been doomed."

"Why didn't you defect?" Taki seemed to be really interested in chatting with him to drag time.

Hyuga Ninja shook his head, "How to escape? As long as this mark is still..."

Thinking of his secret actions for a long time, he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something to Taki.

But Taki has no need to continue chatting with him, and if he drags on, Konoha will come.

"It's over." Taki smiled.

At this time, Hyuga Ninja realized that he had been nailed in place by four wedges.

Lowering his head, he looked inside his chakra, only to find that the flow trajectory of his chakra had changed.

It became chaotic and grumpy.

"I was in a genjutsu! When?" Hyuga Ninja looked at Taki, with a surprised expression.

Taki shook his head.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of his own information, he would not take the initiative to reveal his sharingans genjutsu secrets.

But the Hyuga ninja who can inspect Chakra has already discovered that the circling ninja crows in the sky, in addition to the two tomoe sharingan eyes in their eyes, have a strange chakra flow.

"Sharingan eyes? I saw it before, obviously it is three tomoe eyes!"

The Hyuga Ninja was in a trance and said in a sense of loss: "So I was already in the genjutsu."

"Those crows have been flying on top of my head behind me, but I didn't detect the chakras on them in time. This is the Buyakgan weakness. There are still blind corners of vision, unable to detect the more hidden position." He muttered.

Even if he was caught in an genjutsu, this person remained calm.

He was so calm, Taki suddenly felt something was wrong: "You don't seem to worry that I will kill you?"

"A clone, what's to worry about!"

Nearby, another Hyuga ninja walked out from behind the trunk.

At the same time, the Hyuga Ninja who was subdued by Taki using magic techniques became a piece of wood.

Substitute jutsu, when?

Taki instantly became alert.

In front of this ninja who is not weak in strength and has a high degree of vigilance, his shortcomings are exposed.

The Buyakgan eyes themselves can see the flow of Chakra, as long as the Chakra is slightly confused, you can detect the abnormality.

"Although I didn't discover the anomaly of Ninja Crow for the first time, your genjutsu has a weakness." While speaking, Hyuga Ninja was still guarding Taki.

He continued: "Like this kind of concealed and difficult-to-detect genjutsu, although it has enough unexpectedness. But your ninjutsu takes time to activate, which also gave me the opportunity to use the substitute jutsu."

Sure enough, the white eyes are relatively restrained to the illusion.

Taki sighed, somewhat helpless.

Unless the awakening of the Mangekyō sharingan eyes, ordinary genjutsu will be noticed by Buyakgan because they disturb the chakra flow trajectory during the use.

"Then the person in front of me now should always be the real body!" Taki's eyes showed in addition to putting more chakra towards his eyes.

He is accumulating pupil power.

Hyuga Ninja was on guard, and at the same time, he stretched out his palm, constantly inspiring Chakra from his palm, and shot down the Shinobi flying above his head.

Watching his summoned crows continue to be shot down, Taki found another shortcoming of his own.

Apart from fireball, flamethrower and throwing kunai, he seemed to have no other way.

In terms of offensive ninjutsu, I still lack.

After reviewing himself, Taki began to think about countermeasures.

As Hyuga Ninja continued to shoot down the crows, he found that the opponent's face began to deteriorate.

"Yes! He didn't have enough chakras." Taki suddenly remembered that when he came here, he happened to see the ninja of the Hyuga clan resting under the tree, as if he were replying to Chakra.

After a night of rest, Taki's state has almost recovered.

"It seems that everything is over."

Taki began to stop worrying about the consumption of Chakra, and specifically used fireball, a large-scale destructive ninjutsu, to force the Hyuga ninja to use more chakra.

Based on his own good condition, Taki won the final victory.

The Hyuga Ninja who pursued him collapsed to the ground.

"Is it over? My life as a caged bird..." With a wry smile, Hyuga Ninja closed his eyes and waited to die.

After working hard for so long, he still could not see the hope of getting rid of the bird in the cage.

This time he captured Uchiha Taki. The reason why he worked so hard was to complete the task, and then asked Konoha's senior management to allow him to learn some sealing techniques.

Perhaps the sealing technique can change fate, but he has no chance to try it.