

Dwayne Johnson was someone who had it all.

From being nothing but a homeless kid, who only had a few pennies to his name, he climbed up the ladder to stand at the peak of all.

Renowned all over the world as a business magnet, the one who built the Dusk Enterprises from scratch, he was a role model in the eyes of the masses.

But, time forgives none. 50 years after the foundation of Dusk Enterprises, 46 years since he became a Millionaire, 32 years since he became a Billionaire, 17 years since he had a heart attack, 8 years since he retired as the chairman of Dusk Enterprises, 4 years since his loving wife, Elise, died, 2 years since he had full body paralysis, 6 months since he was diagnosed with cancer, the 74 years old Dwayne heard his death sentence from Dr. Laine Williams, one of the most famous cardiologist in the world.

"Mister Dwayne, your heart can't hold on much longer. In your current condition you may die at any moment."

Dr. Laine commented softly while reading through a bunch of medical reports.

The weary old man lying on the bed turned his head, the only movable part of his body, and glanced at the bespectacled doctor standing beside the bed.

"Is that so?.. Thank you child, for being honest with me."

Dr. Laine raised an eyebrow at the nonchalant reply.

"Well, ordinarily I won't talk of such matter with a patient, but, from the years of knowing you, I deemed it safe to tell you. Though, you apparently don't seem so surprised."

"Haha.. *Cough* *Cough* it's my body, I know it better than anyone"

"Do you? Then the profession of doctors would seem rather redundant, wouldn't it?"

The old man gave something reminiscent of an eye-roll,

"Can't speak for others, but I can certainly feel death approaching me ever so clearly."

"If you really could that would be remarkable. Do you want me call your children? It might be the last time you can see them."

"Children? those pea-brained idiots that fight with each other while managing the same company? No thanks, I want some peace on my deathbed. Don't know where me and Elise went wrong with them."

"Really? they seem to be doing fairly well according to the news?"

"Going well? they're on a one way ticket to hell with what they're doing. Mark my words, 10 years, that's all it would take for them to destroy everything I spent my entire lifetime making."

Dr. Laine was silent as he listened to the old man grumbling furiously.

The old man looked at the white ceiling and tried to forget about those foolish children of his.

"Mr. Dwayne, although it has only been a few years, it has been a pleasure making your acquaintance."

Dr. Laine suddenly voiced out.

"Really? then can you do me one last favour?"

"Of Course, as long as it is within my means."

"Could you please take me to the rooftop?"

"Rooftop, is it? I don't mind but, could I ask for the reason?"

The old man looked outside the window as he murmured,

"It's nearly the time. I wish to feel the fresh air hitting on my face, one last time."

Dr. Laine looked intently at Dwayne and spoke,

"Of Course, it would be my pleasure."

Dr. Laine removed the medical equipment connected to Dwayne and helped Dwayne onto a wheel chair and personally wheeled him upstairs to the rooftop.


The cool evening breeze made it's round through the rooftop as the doctor-patient duo entered the rooftop.

Dwayne's turbid eyes regained it's clarity as he looked at the beautiful and magnificent reddish-yellow apple disappearing into the horizon.

"Thank you lad.. Thank you."

"Don't be, mister. It was my duty as a doctor to see to the patient's satisfaction."

Dwayne's head drooped as he murmured softly,

"Elise, I am coming for you."

As the day and night mixed, the beautiful dusk exists but for a moment. Yet, it is this very moment that is the most magnificent of them all.

A shooting star shot through the sky, seemingly bringing a close to the chapter of Dwayne's life forever.

...Or, is it?

Newbie author here. First time uploading a story in the net.

Appreciate pointing out any mistakes I've made.

If you are here, do leave a comment saying 'Hi I'm Here'

Jokes aside, I do appreciate any constructive criticism, though haters can go their own way.

Believe me, it encourages me more than you think.

Just trying out a new setting, I didn't decide on any kind of update frequency.

Am in an important phase of life, trying to find a good college.

Do bear with me,

See ya soon


Dhunancreators' thoughts