
Lore Of The Beginning

In the distant past, a time when the world was yet to be created, and not even nothingness existed.

A single being came into existence. Where he came from, how he came to be, is a mystery that not even he can answer.

All he knew was that he just simply came into being.

This great being will be in the distant future hailed as the Origin of All, Lord of The Beginning, Primal God and Wizard God.

The great being looked at the Void before him. Untold amount of time passed, as he waited, for another great being to come into existence.

Yet, it was futile. No matter how much time passed, no life come into being.

The great being, unsettled at the futility of his being, personally tried to create life.

He tried to create another being, yet failed again and again endlessly.

After a long time, the great being noticed that certain something was lacking. Something without which he couldn't create life.

The great being tirelessly searched and finally found what was lacking.

Life cannot exist in the Void.

The great being was puzzled at his discovery.

If no life could exist in the void, then how was he alive.

Nonetheless to sustain the existence of life, he created laws.

Law of Fire, Law of Air, Law of Water, Law of Earth, Law of Space-Time, Law of Lightning, Law of Null, Law of Light and Law of Darkness.

He inscribed these laws into the very fabric of reality.

This erupted in a chain reaction.

Great beings came into existence, each to govern their laws. They each had their own peculiarities.

The God of Fire, Water, Air and Earth were born together as siblings. With the oldest being God of Fire and the youngest being God of Water.

The God Space-Time was a being with two heads and 4 arms. With, each head having their own minds seperate from one another. They were essentially two beings in one body.

God of Lightning was born alone, which created a sub-plane, that he called the Realm of Tribulations. The entire sub-plane was filled with clusters of lightning.

The birth of the God of Light and God of Darkness happened at the same time, which spontaneously caused the creation of two sub-planes, that they respectively called the Heavens and the Hell.

The God of Null had no physical body. He was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

At the same time, the Void was saturated. No more Laws could be engraved any more.

The birth of these Gods filled the Creator God with endless joy. He treated them the same as his children. He pampered them and taught them upto the best of his ability.

As the time passed, he taught these Gods everything they should know. Then, he was once again lost.

It was at this moment when he doubted the reason for his existence that from his shadow came another great being. One which was his equal.

This great being personified Destruction. It was the hint of thought of erasing everything, even himself, to get rid of the feeling of emptiness, which came into the Creator God's mind that prompted the birth of this God.

The God of Destruction gave it his all to destroy everything that Creator God created. For, that was his purpose and sole reason for existence.

The Creator God tried to stop him, already regretting the foolish thought that entered his mind.

They fought with each other which caused the fabric of reality to tear and the Void to shatter.

The Creator God was weaker than his counterpart. He symbolised Creation, while the other symbolised Destruction.

It was clear what the outcome of the battle would be.

It was then, that the Creator God's 'Children' came to his rescue.

Each of these other Gods were individually much weaker than the two Great Beings.

But, Combined together, they were enough to turn the tables on the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction fought fiercely, even sacrificing himself in the process, to inflict a fatal injury on the God of Creation before he was erased from existence.

Peace returned to the Void, but, the mood was heavy.

All the Gods surrounded the God of Creation, as he lay on his deathbed, with their heart filled with sadness.

The God of Creation spoke,

"Don't cry, my children. It is only now that I understand that this was all meant to be. If not now, then in the future. So, please don't be sad, my children. Your sorrow saddens me as well. Let me have a smile before I go.."

All the other Gods smiled with their faces in tears.

The God of Creation smiled in satisfaction at the sight of his children who have grown up.

"Now, let me do my final duty before I leave."

The God of Creation released all of his energy and created a plane in parallel with the plane of Void.

The Existential Plane.

The God of Creation looked at the plane barren of all life and spoke,


His body started to divide itself.

One of his eyes became the Sun.

His other eye became the Moon.

His head and brain, gave birth to the wise and long-lived race of High Elves.

His hands gave life to the dexterous and strong race of the Elder Dwarves.

His Legs gave birth to the Arch Demons. Unparalleled for their magical and physical capabilities.

His torso gave life to many Mythical Creatures.

His Heart gave birth to the race of High Humans, passing on his will for civilization to them.

God of Creation smiled in satisfaction at his creations before he dissipated.

This was the Noble God of Creation, the Father of all Life, the Exalted, 'Grug'.